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5 years ago Apr 23,2020, 13:59:40 PM

Humankind Feature Focus 05: Composing the Music

2 856 Views

Hello everybody,

In our previous Feature Focus videos we talked about our vision for Humankind and some of the game’s core systems. This week we will turn our attention to another aspect that will help players immerse themselves in the game: The Soundtrack.

Check out the videos below, or read the summary in the blog.

We think many of our long-time fans will be happy to hear that the soundtrack for Humankind has been arranged by Arnaud Roy, who previously created the Endless soundtracks under the name of FlyByNo.

Arnaud is quite excited to work on Humankind, because it truly constitutes an epic challenge to create music for 60 different cultures from different historical eras. To cover the breadth of cultures and to tackle this daunting project, he worked with ten different solo musicians, each one being an expert in different styles of traditional music as well as instruments.

The cultures represented in the game were divided into several cultural groups, and roughly 8 hours of music pieces were recorded for these groups in total, all based on either traditional compositions, or improvisations by the musicians themselves. To give a few examples, you will hear Mesoamerican flutes, the guzheng (also known as the Chinese zither), the oud, a baroque string trio, and a replica of an ancient Greek cithara (played by Arnaud himself) when listening to the music of Humankind.

In addition to the traditional pieces, Arnaud arranged about 90 minutes of orchestral music. This music attempts to evoke nature and a sense of exploration through its musical direction, for example the prominent use of wind instruments. These orchestral pieces also feature performances by the traditional instruments used for the different culture groups, as well as choirs, which have almost become a signature of Arnaud’s work for Amplitude. The lyrics for these choirs are drawn from classical literature in Latin and Greek this time, for example Ovid and Sophocles.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about the soundtrack for Humankind, and invite you to check out the main theme:

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5 years ago
Apr 24, 2020, 12:32:24 AM

This is extremely impressive Amplitude.
You have a cult of beauty.
Incredible work.

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 11:11:02 PM

Though I still have a lot of questions about voices of leaders, I do love this choir! I'm in general prefer music with vocal, but this piece of art is just so gorgeous!

And also I like the face of Arnaud when he is talking about his own music. Like, he is so proud of leaving his mark on Humankind(all puns intended).

So, we'd have some cultural groups with unique set of musical instruments on each. It's not like in-game playstyle groups when merchants have their instruments and warmongers have their's, is it? It's more like nations of Europe have thier traditional music and so on? And is this music really different from nation to nation? Won't China and Japan sound same if they are on same Asian-theme cultural group?

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 4:33:45 PM

Eight hours of cultural music + 90 minutes of additional orchestral music? I think that will definetely compromise the game's theme of a "journey through human history"! And assuming that, in history, there will not only be calm time periods, I also think that we will hear music of different cultures AND emotions. I'm really looking forward to it! ^^

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 4:19:36 PM

Very excited! Also hope to hear more of Arnaud's harp.

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 3:43:58 PM

Music has always been one of the many strong points of Amplitude games. I’m happy to see this continued! Looking forward to the vast amount of traditional music …

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 3:35:44 PM

I like the idea of musical themes that are kinda timeless and will occasionally appear throughout the game. And man... 8+ hours! This is huuuge! I am very excited!

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