Many of you seemed quite happy about the changes we previewed in the recent posts about Quality of Life and War Support and Surrender. We’re not done with our sneak peeks yet, though, as today we want to tell you about a few more quality of life and other improvements coming in the Bolivar Update.
Laws of the Land
HUMANKIND™ is all about shaping your civilization and its history, and Civics are one of the tools you have to guide your society. We wanted these Civics to unlock naturally as your empire developed, rather than being specific goals you would aim for. However, many players were frustrated by the lack of information, and for good reason, as some Civics became incredibly rare and hard to get. To help with this, the tooltip of locked Civics will show their unlock conditions, making it easier to work towards them.
It’s a Wonderful World
Most players agree that the natural wonders in Humankind look stunning, but many are disappointed that they all provide the same bonus. Finding a natural wonder became a simple “Oh, another one” for many players... But exploring the world and discovering its wonders should be exciting! To make each wonder feel special, the Bolivar update introduces unique bonuses for each Natural Wonder. We hope this will encourage you to go out into the world to explore and vie for the best spots!
In the Lap of Luxury
Strategic and luxury resources are a powerful boon to your economy in HUMANKIND™, and these resources were often clustered regionally to encourage trade or conflict. While some players enjoyed this, many players did not like the monopolies this could create, or the imbalances between the starting positions of different players. In the Bolivar Update, we are adding a Luxury Resource Distribution setting allowing you to choose either spread, natural, or clustered placement.
AI Through the Ages
Getting the AI of a strategy game just right can be quite tricky, and naturally we saw a lot of feedback about the AI in Humankind. While some opinions differed based on player preference, some topics came up repeatedly: The AI would fall behind the player in the later stages of the game but do well in the early game (sometimes perhaps too well.) To address this, we are changing the bonuses the AI get on higher difficulties to grow as the game progresses. This should help them keep up with the player in later eras, while also making them a bit less likely to overpower you in the early game.
Arriving at New Shores
Last, but by no means least, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be adding support for two more languages to the game: Italian and Turkish. We’ve seen these two languages requested quite often, and there have even been fan projects to localize the game, so we are happy to provide official support now.
The Bolivar Update will release around mid June, and this was the last of our previews for it. You might still want to keep an eye on our news, though, as there might be a chance to try this update before its official release!