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2 years ago Apr 12,2023, 15:05:21 PM

Next Update Preview - Vauban Beta

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We know many of you have been eagerly waiting for more news about Humankind, and today it's finally time to tell you about what's coming next.


The next update, named the Vauban update, will be released on April 26th and will include several quality-of-life improvements based on ideas suggested by our players, alongside further bugfixes and performance optimization. Let’s take a look at some of the key elements: 


  • Demand/Renounce All Buttons: For your convenience we have added new “Renounce All” and “Demand All” buttons on the Crisis tab of the Diplomacy screen to deal with all grievances at once. It’s never been so easy to forgive and forget... or worse. 
  • Auto-resolve Improvements: We’ve added a preview of the damage your units will take when you hover your cursor over the auto-resolve button. Additionally, we’ve made some small changes to the auto-resolve formula to better reflect army compositions and terrain.

  • Steam Workshop: While we originally opted for mod.io as a solution that works across multiple storefronts, we have seen many requests from Steam users to implement Steam Workshop support. With the Vauban update, you can get your mods from either Mod.io or the Steam Workshop as you prefer, and the modding tools will be updated to allow you to upload mods directly to either. However, please keep in mind that this will not be available during the beta. 
  • AI Improvements: We’ve worked on how the AI manages Faith, Influence, and early expansion. They should compete better with you now.

(Click for larger image)

  • Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles: The new Cultural Wonder unlocked in the Amplified 2023 Community Challenge is available now. 
  • Cultural Wonder Improvements: We know players would often place Cultural Wonders far outside their cities to take advantage of their exploitations. With the Vauban update, we’re adding adjacency bonuses to many wonders to encourage you to incorporate them into your city planning. Additionally, wonders are now cheaper to claim, and you can even renounce your claim if you change your mind about a wonder. 


Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles - Early Modern Era
  • +4 Money on Maker's Quarters in this city
  • +4 Industry on Market Quarters in this city
  • Bonus Fame (+50) when completing a Wonder
  • Upon construction of the wonder, earn 50 Fame per Cultural Wonders you've claimed so far

Cultural Wonder Changes (Click to Expand)

New effects highlighted in purple; balancing still subject to change:

Temple of Artemis
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+10 Health regeneration on Units
Exotic:  Your Units ignore movement penalties from Forests.

+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+10 Health regen on Units
Exotic : Your Units ignore movement penalties from Forests
Synergy: +4 Faith per adjacent Quarter"
+2CS on Ranged Units
+10 Food per Coreligionist State
+5 Stability per Coreligionist State
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Stability on Coreligionist State Capital
+5% Food on Coreligionist State Capital

+20 Food per Coreligionist State
+10 Stability per Coreligionist State
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Stability on Coreligionist State Capital
+5% Food on Coreligionist State Capital
Statue of Zeus
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5% Money per Alliance on Empire
+10 Stability on City or Outpost

+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5% Money per Alliance on Empire
+15 Stability on City or Outpost
Synergy: +5 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
Colossus of Rhodes
Exotic: Militia are not lost over time during Sieges
+20 Stability

Exotic: Militia are not lost over time during Sieges
+20 Stability
+50% Militia Units spawned when City is under Siege
+2CS on Militia
Synergy: +15 Industry per adjacent Harbour
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
+20 Stability
+2 Science per District on City or Outpost

+20 Stability
+2 Science per District on City or Outpost
Synergy: +2 Influence per adjacent District
Lady Mary of Zion
+5 Faith per Number of enacted Civics
+40 Stability
+20 Faith

+5 Faith per enacted Civic
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5 Influence on Religious District on all cities
Synergy: +5 Faith per adjacent District
Pyramid of the Sun 
(Cultures of Latin America) 
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+2 Food on each Territory of the City

+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+2 Food on this Territory's Districts and exploitations
Synergy: +4 food per adjacent Farmer Quarter
Forbidden City
+25 War Support increased when going to war
+20 Stability

+25 War Support increased when going to war
+20 Stability
-10 War support threshold on surprise war
-20 War support threshold on formal war
Synergy: +5 stability per adjacent District
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+20% turns before being converted by other's Religion on City or Outpost

+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+20% turns before being converted by other's Religion on City or Outpost
+1 Industry per State Religion Follower in the City is built
Synergy: +5 Faith per adjacent Forest or Rocky Forest
Notre Dame de Paris
+1 Faith per technology researched
+40 Stability
+20 Faith

+1 Faith per technology researched
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+8 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
Great Mosque of Djenne 
(Cultures of Africa) 
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5% Additional Fame gain bonus multiplier on Empire
Exotic: Unlocks repeatable ""Crépissage"" on City with the Wonder

+40 Stability
+20 Faith
+5% Additional Fame gain bonus multiplier on Empire
Exotic: Unlocks repeatable ""Crépissage"" on City with the Wonder
Synergy: +4 Industry per adjacent Quarter
Topkapi Palace

+20 Stability
+5% Industry on City or Outpost
+100% Production (on City or Outpost) toward any Shared Project (National Project, Holy Site or Artificial Wonder)

+20 Stability
+5% Industry on City or Outpost
+100% Production (on City or Outpost) toward any Shared Project (National Project, Holy Site or Artificial Wonder)
Synergy: +5 Influence per adjacent Maker Quarter
St. Basilic Cathedral
+1 Faith per District
+40 Stability
+20 Faith

+1 Faith per District
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
Synergy: +5 Influence per adjacent District
Saint Mary of Flower
+10 Influence per Territory under State Religion
+40 Stability
+20 Faith

+10 Influence per Territory under State Religion
+40 Stability
+20 Faith
Synergy: +5 science per adjacent Common Quarter
Versailles Palace 
(Together We Rule) 
+20 Stability
-20% Leverage Action Cost
+20% Leverage Action Cost for  Diplomatic Relations

+20 Stability
-20% Leverage Action Cost
+20% Leverage Action Cost for Diplomatic Relations
Synergy: +5 stability and +2 Influence per adjacent Common Quarter
Eiffel Tower
+20 Stability
+1 Industry per Population on all Cities

+20 Stability
+1 Industry per Population on all Cities
Synergy: +10 Industry per adjacent Research Quarter
+20 Stability
+5% Science per alliance on Empire
+10% Science on Capital

+20 Stability
+5% Science per alliance on Empire
+10% Science on Capital
Synergy: +3 Science per adjacent Market Quarter
Synergy: +8 Science per adjacent City Center
Synergy: +8 Science per adjacent Administrative Center
Empire State building
+20 Stability
+20% Money generated from on-going Trade on all Cities

+20 Stability
+20% Money generated from on-going Trade on all Cities
Synergy: +15 Money per adjacent Market Quarter

Maracana Stadium 
(Cultures of Latin America)  
+20 Stability
Exotic: Stadium dedication event (choice of extra money, influence or stability)

+20 Stability
Exotic: Stadium dedication event (choice of extra money, influence or stability)
Synergy: +8 Influence per adjacent Common Quarter
Congress of Humankind 
(Together We Rule) 
+20 Stability
+50%International Sway on Empire

+20 Stability
+50%International Sway on Empire
Synergy: +5% International Sway if built next to an Embassy

In addition to these major improvements, the Vauban update includes many other Quality of Life additions (some inspired by ideas and feedback from the community) and bugfixes. For example, we’ve added pre-game settings for territory size and how much information the Fame leaderboard shows, added a kill count on units, and placing Cultural Wonders now shows you a preview of the yields. We’ve also adjusted the trigger conditions of many rare events to make it more likely for you to see events you have not seen before. Finally, we’ve also worked on optimization, so the game should run better on lower spec hardware now. 


And the best news: You can already try this update right now on Steam! Just right-click the game in your library to access the properties, go to the betas tab, and select the update_preview branch. However, you may encounter some bugs; please check the Known Issues before reporting them.


We look forward to hearing from you what you think about these changes and improvements! 

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2 years ago
Apr 12, 2023, 5:32:56 PM

In downloading the beta as of now. Thank you for all the hard work implementing new features and making the game better. 

Updated 2 years ago.
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