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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 2:07:12 PM

are the votes still in process of being transfered ?

i still dont have any even though i have voted multiple times.

i even voted on the last quest creation contest but didn't get the vote reward.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 2:28:26 PM

We will not re-introduce the old votes in the current badges system, only the future votes will now count for the "Producer" badges.

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 3:43:29 PM
DarkHerumor wrote:

We will not re-introduce the old votes in the current badges system, only the future votes will now count for the "Producer" badges.

ok i get that but i did vote for the quest creation contest and now for a major faction race contest.

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 7:57:03 PM
lolplayer101 wrote:
DarkHerumor wrote:

We will not re-introduce the old votes in the current badges system, only the future votes will now count for the "Producer" badges.

ok i get that but i did vote for the quest creation contest and now for a major faction race contest.

This is not a "Vote", as you do in the dedicated Vote section, when you updvote a Thread (for the forums) or a proposition (for the contests).

This is just a pre-selection step, where you can upvote as many Proposition as you want.

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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 8:38:04 PM

That explains a bunch. Its a participation vote for the real voting.

Got it now :)

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 8:45:28 AM
etwthr wrote:

I can link my account, but I can't unlink it. Guys, anyone can to help me?

Why would you want that?

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 8:48:05 AM
Lexxx20 wrote:
etwthr wrote:

I can link my account, but I can't unlink it. Guys, anyone can to help me?

Why would you want that?

We can understand that sometimes you want some kind of privacy, or at least control over your accounts. We'll add this feature in a near future. :)

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8 years ago
Nov 5, 2016, 9:38:55 AM

The status of the Steam Connect again shows as "Not connected" ... (at https://www.games2gether.com/profile/me).

I tried re-connecting, everything went well, but the text still says "Link your Steam account" ...

My badges seem to be all in place, but just wanted to let your know.

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8 years ago
Nov 8, 2016, 4:25:02 PM
icarus86 wrote:

The status of the Steam Connect again shows as "Not connected" ... (at https://www.games2gether.com/profile/me).

I tried re-connecting, everything went well, but the text still says "Link your Steam account" ...

My badges seem to be all in place, but just wanted to let your know.

Same problem for me.

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 4:27:34 PM
DarkHerumor wrote:

It should be fixed for everyone, and for any further badges, let me know if everything is alright (or not).

Working just great! Thanks a lot!

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 11:15:45 AM

Yup. Thanks for the help!

P.S. How do I unlock an Avatar? :D

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 11:49:08 AM

I would like to know about avatars (and titles!) as well, please! How do we unlock them? Steam account is already linked. I thouight linking it would unlock all assocoated avatars but it doesn't look to work that way.

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 11:56:31 AM
Lexxx20 wrote:

I would like to know about avatars (and titles!) as well, please! How do we unlock them? Steam account is already linked. I thouight linking it would unlock all assocoated avatars but it doesn't look to work that way.

It should have, Can you give me an example of avatars that you should have unlocked through badges ?

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:09:12 PM
DarkHerumor wrote:
Lexxx20 wrote:

I would like to know about avatars (and titles!) as well, please! How do we unlock them? Steam account is already linked. I thouight linking it would unlock all assocoated avatars but it doesn't look to work that way.

It should have, Can you give me an example of avatars that you should have unlocked through badges ?

Hello! Well, I don't know what avatars I should have unlocked because I don't know how this sytem works :) Here's my badges. And I have absolutely no avatars available to choose from. Should I have any based on my badges?.. All of them are currently locked.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:13:12 PM

You can click on a Badge, and then see a detailed panel, describing each step, with each avatars / titles associated.

Here are my Endless Space badges from the achievements "To Boldy Go" :)

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:15:29 PM
DarkHerumor wrote:

You can click on a Badge, and then see a detailed panel, describing each step, with each avatars / titles associated.

Here are my Endless Space badges from the achievements "To Boldy Go" :)

Oh, I see! Thanks! Looks like none of my badges give me any avatars... That's strange. You should totaly include the Endless Day achievememnt as a reward for EL though, I got this one :)

Wait though. Here's my EL Rewards:

It does say locked whereas all rewards should be unlocked already.

Updated 9 years ago.
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