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9 years ago
Jul 29, 2016, 6:47:10 AM

9 days passed, still no Deep Freeze Addon registered on the badge. 500 G2G points more should be registered to my vote

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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 9:07:23 AM

I've just lost all the founder badges, and with them - a bunch of G2G points. Uhm... why?

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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 9:11:10 AM

There was an issue with the Steam Web API, showing all games as owned for all members, even if you didn't own the games.

We've reset all game-related badges, and are currently updating all users who had linked their steam account, but it takes a lot of time as the Steam Api takes almost 15 mins for each 10 users...

About Founders badges, you'll only unlock them when you've indeed supported the game developpement :)

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 12:27:46 PM

There was an issue with the Steam Web API, showing all games as owned for all members, even if you didn't own the games.

We've reset all game-related badges, and are currently updating all users who had linked their steam account, but it takes a lot of time as the Steam Api takes almost 15 mins for each 10 users...

About Founders badges, you'll only unlock them when you've indeed supported the game developpement :)

Hey DarkHerumor / Devs -- you might want to sticky a post about this -- I logged on with almost not G2G points and had to look around the forums as to why.

A thread called "STEAM CONNECT" probably isn't the first place people are going to look until you've fixed everyone. Perhaps make a sticky along the lines of, "Temporary G2G point issue - in process of fixing".

I had a moment of WTF when I logged on this morning and was down 15000 G2G points haha

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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 12:41:26 PM
electronben wrote:

There was an issue with the Steam Web API, showing all games as owned for all members, even if you didn't own the games.

We've reset all game-related badges, and are currently updating all users who had linked their steam account, but it takes a lot of time as the Steam Api takes almost 15 mins for each 10 users...

About Founders badges, you'll only unlock them when you've indeed supported the game developpement :)

Hey DarkHerumor / Devs -- you might want to sticky a post about this -- I logged on with almost not G2G points and had to look around the forums as to why.

A thread called "STEAM CONNECT" probably isn't the first place people are going to look until you've fixed everyone. Perhaps make a sticky along the lines of, "Temporary G2G point issue - in process of fixing".

I had a moment of WTF when I logged on this morning and was down 15000 G2G points haha

We're on it :)

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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 5:10:05 PM
DarkHerumor wrote:

There was an issue with the Steam Web API, showing all games as owned for all members, even if you didn't own the games.

We've reset all game-related badges, and are currently updating all users who had linked their steam account, but it takes a lot of time as the Steam Api takes almost 15 mins for each 10 users...

About Founders badges, you'll only unlock them when you've indeed supported the game developpement :)

I've noticed that you removed CD-keys from Steam platform for Amplitude games, and I'm sure that mine contained Founder badges keys... and with keys gone I'm stripped off the badges and now my votes weight 60% less.

If I was never meant to be a founder, why was I given those CD-keys anyways? (and those badges at old G2G and forums for the matter).

Or is it, because this profile update skipped the fact, that I DO OWN ES1 Disharmony as part of my Endless Space® Gold (G2G profile says that i Don't), that I DO OWN Deep Freeze addon (I've got it from Endless Legend - Classic Edition to Emperor Edition Upgrade, I didn't purchase Deep Freeze addon separately, but it's not reflected in Web API?). Something's fishy here 

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 5:31:07 PM
Sublustris wrote:
DarkHerumor wrote:

There was an issue with the Steam Web API, showing all games as owned for all members, even if you didn't own the games.

We've reset all game-related badges, and are currently updating all users who had linked their steam account, but it takes a lot of time as the Steam Api takes almost 15 mins for each 10 users...

About Founders badges, you'll only unlock them when you've indeed supported the game developpement :)

I've noticed that you removed CD-keys from Steam platform for Amplitude games, and I'm sure that mine contained Founder badges keys... and with keys gone I'm stripped off the badges and now my votes weight 60% less.

If I was never meant to be a founder, why was I given those CD-keys anyways? (and those badges at old G2G and forums for the matter).

The founders steam keys are the following:

  • Endless Space - Early Access Dev Team Amplitude Badge
  • Dungeon of the Endless - Founder Amplitude Badge
  • Endless Legend - Founder Amplitude Badge

You can check them from the DLC section on steam, or with a right click -> Properties -> DLC

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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 5:40:40 PM

Oh joy, so I was given those by mistake at the old forums then. I just hope that everyone got such a fair treatment.

Fine, next question.

My profile doesn't reflect the fact that i own Disharmony as a part of Endless Space® Gold, and Deep Freeze addon that I got from Endless Legend - Classic Edition to Emperor Edition Upgrade

P.S. ANd I've noticed that according to badges I should have 10 500 points, while my profile shows 12 800. And all this confusion just at the day of first G2G vote :S

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 20, 2016, 5:43:07 PM

Looking at the "re-sync" of my Amplitude content from Steam, I have the slight impression that Titles and Avatars may be unlocking for the 2nd time.

I remember having close to 150 of them, now the counter sits around 230. It still says "14 days ago" (I presume that's when the last update occurred) ...

Could you perhaps double-check ?

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9 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 10:39:36 AM
Sublustris wrote:

Oh joy, so I was given those by mistake at the old forums then. I just hope that everyone got such a fair treatment.

It will be the same for everyone, the old system had many issues that should be fixed now.

Sublustris wrote:

My profile doesn't reflect the fact that i own Disharmony as a part of Endless Space® Gold, and Deep Freeze addon that I got from Endless Legend - Classic Edition to Emperor Edition Upgrade

We're checking this and we'll keep you in touch when we've resolved the issue.

Sublustris wrote:

P.S. ANd I've noticed that according to badges I should have 10 500 points, while my profile shows 12 800. And all this confusion just at the day of first G2G vote :S

The re-sync should be done now, and it will update your votes without any action needed from you.

icarus86 wrote:

Looking at the "re-sync" of my Amplitude content from Steam, I have the slight impression that Titles and Avatars may be unlocking for the 2nd time.

I remember having close to 150 of them, now the counter sits around 230. It still says "14 days ago" (I presume that's when the last update occurred) ...

Could you perhaps double-check ?

That's also fixed now that the re-sync is complete.

Thanks for your help guys !

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9 years ago
Jul 28, 2016, 9:36:18 AM

Hey ppl

I have the same (badge) problem : i own Endless Legend (all DLC included) so I shuld basically have all the badges/titles associated, though I have none. I linked my Steam profile.

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9 years ago
Jul 28, 2016, 10:41:57 AM
MrChumush wrote:

Hey ppl

I have the same (badge) problem : i own Endless Legend (all DLC included) so I shuld basically have all the badges/titles associated, though I have none. I linked my Steam profile.

Hello MrChumush,

I can take up to 24hours before all badges are unlocked. We are working to reduce this time. It should all be unlocked for you very soon :)

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9 years ago
Jul 8, 2016, 7:48:34 AM

The Steam link issue seems to be resolved, the icon is now green and the text reads "Steam account linked".

GG guys, many thanks for fixing it ^^

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9 years ago
Jul 29, 2016, 7:56:03 AM
Sublustris wrote:

9 days passed, still no Deep Freeze Addon registered on the badge. 500 G2G points more should be registered to my vote

This is not the same issue, the Deep Freeze addons can be unlocked by multiple way, and we have to dig a little more to fix this issue, sorry.

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9 years ago
Jul 31, 2016, 5:27:57 AM

I just connected my steam account and it didn't unlock the badge for Endless Legend.  I have it with all the DLC.   Thanks for the help on this.

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9 years ago
Jul 31, 2016, 3:11:18 PM
queenkimba wrote:

I just connected my steam account...

DarkHerumor wrote:

I can take up to 24hours before all badges are unlocked

There you go

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