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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:45:43 PM
Lexxx20 wrote:
DarkHerumor wrote:

You can click on a Badge, and then see a detailed panel, describing each step, with each avatars / titles associated.

Here are my Endless Space badges from the achievements "To Boldy Go" :)

Oh, I see! Thanks! Looks like none of my badges give me any avatars... That's strange. You should totaly include the Endless Day achievememnt as a reward for EL though, I got this one :)

Wait though. Here's my EL Rewards:

It does say locked whereas all rewards should be unlocked already.

Just for the record, this is also happening for me.

Some badges are unlocked correctly, but the corresponding avatars and titles are not.

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 12:57:36 PM

same here, missing a lot of avatars.

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 2:38:31 PM

It should be fixed for everyone, and for any further badges, let me know if everything is alright (or not).

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 2:40:41 PM

Happy to see I'm not the only one with this issue, it was driving me crazy thinking I was just missing something obvious.

From the looks of it though the badges for unlocking titles and avatars, along with G2G votes aren't currently functioning.

The new site looks pretty good though and I think it'll be great after the bugs are ironed out. It is still in alpha after all, and patience is a virtue.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 10:32:09 AM

I can't link my Steam account to Games2Gather account. When I try to sign into account.games2gether.com using my Steam account, Steam community leaves no response. 

Is this feature works?

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 5:58:45 AM

Yes, because of the previous issue, the Shapeshifter & Collector badges didn't trigger as they should.

We're working on a fix for today.

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 7:02:19 AM
DarkHerumor wrote:

Yes, because of the previous issue, the Shapeshifter & Collector badges didn't trigger as they should.

We're working on a fix for today.

Okay, thanks!

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 9:19:36 AM

im still missing the PLAY2GETHER badge for participating in the shiffters closed beta. or are the extensions not included for this badge and only the actual game release ?

and i see you're working on the collectors one so i wont bother with that.

little question, are the votes also reset? cause i have done at least 5+ in the past but have no award for that eiter.

and a little input. i cant click on any posted images to zoom/fullscreen. i dunno if that is an error or a functionality that simply hasn't been introduced yet. just wanted to let you know.

i will try to be as active as possible on the site to report any more erors/possible contributions.

love the site so far!

ps: can i ask what the framework is that you use for the site?

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 9:30:49 AM

First, thanks to all of you for your help!  

I'll soon post a devblog about the features, and what happened during the migration: what have we kept, what have we drop, etc...

lolplayer101 wrote:

im still missing the PLAY2GETHER badge for participating in the shiffters closed beta. or are the extensions not included for this badge and only the actual game release ?

and i see you're working on the collectors one so i wont bother with that.

This kind of badges (Play2gether, Beer2gether, ...) have been reset to match the new platform. We're still working on migrating all the Votes right now, it should be done very soon (today I hope).

lolplayer101 wrote:

ps: can i ask what the framework is that you use for the site?

The framework is mainly homemade, based on an AngularJS app retreiving data from a REST api.
It's always a pleasure to talk about tech stuff for me :p

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 9:42:37 AM

Titles and Avatars badges are working fine! Really hope you guys will transfer votes as well!

BUT! I have found an error in over all points calculations. Look:

By adding all points from all earned badges I should have 22 600 points and I currently have only 16 600. Any idea what's wrong?

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 9:56:02 AM
DarkHerumor wrote:

First, thanks to all of you for your help!  

I'll soon post a devblog about the features, and what happened during the migration: what have we kept, what have we drop, etc...

Great, cant wait for the update, and don't hesitate to get alittle technical, i love that stuff.

This kind of badges (Play2gether, Beer2gether, ...) have been reset to match the new platform. We're still working on migrating all the Votes right now, it should be done very soon (today I hope).

i see. as i thought, just takes time.

The framework is mainly homemade, based on an AngularJS app retreiving data from a REST api.
It's always a pleasure to talk about tech stuff for me :p

must have taken you guys forever! learning another framework is already time consuming but assembling one from scratch and other third partie ones takes a huge amount of time and dedication.

i have so far only used simple php based frameworks but when i see this site it takes the cake.

on to another issue, i have tried to 'Follow' a game using the star icon in the left menu. it works, and puts the game in a separate tab but i can't see any options to unfollow it. plus there is not really a definition of what that functionallity does so far. im curious is what i am saying ;)

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 10:51:20 AM
Lexxx20 wrote:

BUT! I have found an error in over all points calculations. Look:

By adding all points from all earned badges I should have 22 600 points and I currently have only 16 600. Any idea what's wrong?

Wooops, it was an UI error, according you too many points by badges, it should be good now.

lolplayer101 wrote:

must have taken you guys forever! learning another framework is already time consuming but assembling one from scratch and other third partie ones takes a huge amount of time and dedication.

It's a one year project, and there is still a lot to do ! :)

lolplayer101 wrote:
on to another issue, i have tried to 'Follow' a game using the star icon in the left menu. it works, and puts the game in a separate tab but i can't see any options to unfollow it. plus there is not really a definition of what that functionallity does so far. im curious is what i am saying ;)

You can unfollow a game the same way you follow it. Following a game give you notifications on new votes/devblogs. You can also Follow Forums & Threads ;)

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 11:43:59 AM

Still not able to connect. 

Tried a few times already. 

The 'Steam Connect' page on Valve's side either timeouts, or returns to games2gether website without doing anything. 

The 'Link to steam account' button remains present in the interface. 

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 12:06:23 PM
DarkHerumor wrote:

lolplayer101 wrote:

ps: can i ask what the framework is that you use for the site?

The framework is mainly homemade, based on an AngularJS app retreiving data from a REST api.
It's always a pleasure to talk about tech stuff for me :p

Absolutely stunning work, especially if it's built up from scratch. Again, GG !

I'd gladly dive into something like this, but for now, I'll keep to my SharePoint boxes ^^

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 12:06:26 PM
Brazilian_Joe wrote:

Still not able to connect. 

Tried a few times already. 

The 'Steam Connect' page on Valve's side either timeouts, or returns to games2gether website without doing anything. 

The 'Link to steam account' button remains present in the interface. 

I can see that you've already all badges relative to games, this badges are unlocked via Steam, so from my point everything looks good.

Can you give me a screenshot of your profile's 'Link to steam account' button ?

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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2016, 12:09:41 PM

I think the link to my Steam account is gone.

The icon still says "Link you Steam account" (icon with "+" sign), but if I click on it, I'm again asked for my Steam credentials.

As a side note : yesterday, after I linked my account and got the corresponding badges, the "Link you Steam account" (icon with "+" sign) didn't change either, but if I clicked on it again, it "remembered" that I'd already linked it.

Edit : I re-connected my Steam account, but the "Link you Steam account" (icon with "+" sign) didn't change.

I clicked on it again and it still "remembered" that I'd already linked it. Will see tomorrow if it "forgets" it again.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 7, 2016, 11:56:17 AM

The UI gives no indication that the Steam account link worked. 

If I click to the ' link your Steam account'  button, it redirects me to a steam page where I can confirm the link, and then it redirects me back to the profile page with no indication that anything changed at all. 

(No positive feedback)

The button is still there offering me to link my account, the logical conclusion is that the link operation failed after all. 

If I click again, the same thing happens over and over again.

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