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Umbral Kal’Tik’Mas

21 800 G2G pts

21 800 G2G pts

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How do Elemental Power and Critical Chance work?

I am really confused by some aspects of these stats.

From the in-game descriptions, it seems like these stats only apply to elemental weapons. So far so good.

Critical chance is the likelihood of triggering an elemental explosion. Elemental power determines how strong the effect of that explosion is (and I think also the radius?).

But some parts of the game make it seem like it also increases any elemental damage, so maybe also that?

But how does that interact with other things? If you get an upgrade that increases your critical chance, I assume neutral weapons still are still unable to crit?

How much do hero stats even affect weapons? Because the +30% critical chance upgrades sure don't make my attacks crit 30% of the time. So I assume it increases the weapons inherent crit rate by 30%?

Then again, it also at least feels like you land more critical hits on enemies that are weak to the weapon type you are using, and they create bigger explosions.

But then how does this work for a weapon like Torchlight (I think that's the name), the cone Light Weapon that does continuous damage? It doesn't appear to ever critically strike. However, one of the weapon perks even increases it's critical chance, so I think it still can? But in all my runs where I used it, I don't think it ever applies "debuffed" to any enemies. Or maybe the effect lasts for such a low duration, that you simply can't tell it triggers at all?

And do overall damage increases (like a +10% damage level up) also increase the damage of elemental afflictions like "Burning" or "Poisoned"?

Also, is it even possible to crit bosses? It seems like you can't, but many visual things in this game are a bit unclear so who knows for sure.

For a game that gives you tons of option to get various stats, it would be nice to actually understand what they do.

Blaze unlocked Skin


Hi I have followed all the steps for acquiring Blaze Skin' Craver Prime and it is still locked in game. Please help and thank you.