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Horatio Supporter

51 800 G2G pts

51 800 G2G pts

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unable create fleet (the bastion ship)

By some reason when you disband the the bastion academy ship you cannot do with it anything. It stays in hangar. Screen here: problems screen.jpg

Another problem (maybe intended) it is unable to colonize revealed nearby systems: same picture: problems screen.jpg

My save game for analyze: Error 1.sav

I have all available on Steam add-ons / DLC.

Endleus lo vult achievment do not fire

I am not sur of what is going on, but the Endleus lo vult achievment do not fire. I got an achievment earlier today with the same rule setting, so I suppose it's a problem with the achievment itself. Here are the save files.

AutoSave 308.savAutoSave 309.savAutoSave 310.savAutoSave 311.savAutoSave 312.sav

I invaded the other Vodyani system of Pisces (right hand side of my starting position), I recovered the Ark... and nothing.

I am having a lot of fun with all amplitude games lately, but it's always hampered by... well, bugs. :(

Is it realy a bug or I am doing something wrong ?