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What's Your Favorite PC Game to Play When You're Bored?

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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:23:45 PM
Favorite game when bored would have to be: Altitude by Nimbly Games... I have logged over 450 hours on that little gem... For those interested in checking it out, it is on Steam, has an unlimited demo, & happens to be on sale for $2.49... Check it out! (Good for Anger Management too!)
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:26:22 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
What was wrong with Empires? I played the hell out of that game, too, and I never noticed any issues.

Well, I don't remember exactly since I haven't touched that game for months (if not 2 years).

I do remember several issues with forts though. The biggest issue was forts never being repaired, their walls always destroyed. Unless that was in Napoleon?

Anyways, Empire was loads of fun (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have spent so many hours on it), but it was more of a love/hate relationship than anything else! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:28:49 PM
Armid wrote:
Well, I don't remember exactly since I haven't touched that game for months (if not 2 years).

I do remember several issues with forts though. The biggest issue was forts never being repaired, their walls always destroyed. Unless that was in Napoleon?

Anyways, Empire was loads of fun (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have spent so many hours on it), but it was more of a love/hate relationship than anything else! smiley: smile

Ah. I never used forts, so I wouldn't be able to comment either way. And I never played Napoleon, simply because Empires spoiled me with being able to recruits US Marines. Never went back to another country after I found that out. ^^;;
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 2:45:04 PM
Armid wrote:
For the love of all that's holy, how many hours have you logged into it? oO

yeah alot of hours went into that game, the actual number doesn't really matter.

As long as I have a good time. ^^
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