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[poll] What is your favorite board game of all time?

Candy Land
Chutes & Ladders/Snakes & Ladders
Other, Please Explain in Thread
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 9:46:01 PM
Had to say "Other" - About 25 years ago I designed and made a chess based game called Dragonpit. Over the years about 100 people have played it and all have enjoyed the experience. For the last 5 or so years I've been learning to use visual studio (and lately Daz 3D) to turn it into a computer game.

Thats the board layout, if anyone would like to have a play you need MS.Net 4.0 and the latest version of the game: http://www.mediafire.com/?6qu1qonw140oifr

Theres still various bugs - Fly and Gaseous form spells come to mind along with a few problems with the training screen for characters, and the game is currently only playable as human vs human hotseat mode - lan, internet and vs computer will all arrive once I've worked out how to do them.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 2:15:28 AM
Poll is invalid. Does not contain:

Twilight Struggle

Puerto Rico

Power Grid



7 Wonders

Race for the Galaxy

Tigris & Euphrates

Twilight Imperium


And that's only the top 50. I've played all of the ones I listed and loved every last one (ok, maybe not Go, but at least people have heard of that one; it's the only "classic" board game in the top 100; #43. Bridge is #176. Chess is #256, and all of the games in this poll fall below 1000).
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 11:04:06 PM
Warhammer: Chaos in the Old World and Eclipse this is why I want to buy this game
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 5:22:29 AM
It's so hard to choose just one, but I really like Agricola, Puerto Rico, Power Grid, and Twilight Struggle.
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12 years ago
Aug 4, 2012, 4:24:10 PM
Draco18s wrote:
Poll is invalid. Does not contain:

Twilight Struggle



And that's only the top 50. I've played all of the ones I listed and loved every last one (ok, maybe not Go, but at least people have heard of that one; it's the only "classic" board game in the top 100; #43. Bridge is #176. Chess is #256, and all of the games in this poll fall below 1000).

Yeah but on the TV programme about the world's greatest games of all time Monopoly came first didnt it? So it just goes to show what pretentious rubbish boardgamegeek is. A lot of people on that site just choose the new boardgame of the month because they play boardgames every day. Monopoly is a great game and the fact basic Monopoly is 8111 in rank on that site and Gay Monopoly is 7773 is very telling isn't it?

Not saying that you are completely wrong - a good few of the top 50 games on that site are very good but it is a very pretentious place and very biased towards new niche games.

Even Risk is only 6427 in rank on that site - WTF!
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12 years ago
Aug 5, 2012, 1:46:19 AM
nats wrote:

Monopoly is not a good game, by any rights. There's no strategy. It's all luck based, either you rolled the 9 you needed, or you didn't. If you take a standarized set of rules (play strategy), and have all four players follow those rules, and then have them play an arbitrarily large number of games, each one will win just as often as the other. It doesn't matter what rules they use to determine their actions each turn. In fact, even if you gave each person a different set of strategies, you'd come to only a scant few conclusions:

1) Orange is the best property to own

2) Never build more than 3 houses

3) Never buy the utilities

4) Railroads are worthless (unless you own all four)

And these are facts. They aren't varying strategy. They're simply the hard, fast, rules of how the game mechanics work. If you work towards these points, you'll win if your opponents are also not working towards them.

If they are, well, then it comes down to luck.


Compare to Dungeon Lords. Almost nothing happens at random* so it's all strategy, critical thinking, and puzzle solving.**

*The only thing that's random is which heroes are on the chopping block, or which minions are hire-able in a given turn, but more often than not this doesn't make or break someone's ability to win. Sure, maybe a vampire would have been better, but that ghost? Oh so useful.

**No really, honest to god puzzle solving in a table top board game. See, you're building a dungeon and the goal is to keep the heros out. So you need to kill them with traps and monsters. The goal is to kill them as fast as possible and lose the least number of rooms. In the demonstration setups, each one is beatable by only losing a single room (some of the setups are more challenging than others). The one game I played? I lost zero rooms over the whole game. Same couldn't be said of the other players. It's all about which trap and monster to use, and which heroes you can hit for damage with each, how you want to assign the damage, and the rules the heroes follow and exploiting that to your favor.
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 12:07:16 PM
First place: Agricola

Runner up: Settlers of Catan

Rising star: Eclipse

Honorable mentions: Puerto Rico, Amun-Re, 7 Wonders
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 8:10:11 AM
I ll go with Twilight Imperium (would love to see a mod with those races :coolsmiley: smile. Also worths mentioning Shogun, Android and Bang!, Cosmic Encounter for the lols specially in big company of friends.

P.S. Anyone knows a good horror, mystery board game? Something that at least can give a good atmosphere.
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 10:55:23 AM
Arkham Horror is a good horror/mystery game. But you need some time to read carefully the rules. But if you like TI3, you won't be afraid by 5 hours of play.
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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 9:29:49 AM

I would have to put:

Settlers Of Catan: Cities and Knights at number one

Ticket To Ride Europe number two

Mainly because people will play them, unlike Axis And Allies, Risk and Chess.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 1:19:31 PM
Axis And Allies, Risk, thise two must be the ones i played the most when i was younger.

Soo many memories they bring back smiley: smile

Always loved strategi games.
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12 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 1:13:33 AM
VieuxChat wrote:
Arkham Horror is a good horror/mystery game. But you need some time to read carefully the rules.

Heck, even doing that you're bound to mess something up! It's pretty much required to have an experienced player at the table to guide the game.

Now, you want horror/mystery? Betrayal at the House on the Hill.
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