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Endless Space Forum RP [Recruitment]

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7 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 6:23:39 PM

I've been doing final exams for almost 2 weeks. My last one is this coming Wednesday.

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7 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 6:50:34 PM

Go hard against it, champ! Best of luck to you. :D

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 7:11:01 AM

While I probably sound like a broken record now, please, if you know you'll be too busy for writing and your character is currently in a scene with other people, please take the two minutes to drop a message here in Recruitment so that the rest of us knows you're still with us. Yes, I know, during exam time, even two minutes of internet can be a severe distraction, and I wish you the best of luck, but those two minutes of your time can mean peace of mind to the rest of us.

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 7:12:19 AM

I sent a message to some of the roleplayers via steam private messaging a week ago. Don't think most of them got through. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 7:17:15 AM

I got the messages, I just didn't answer. Bit of a bad habit of mine, sorry. Which means that your admirable behaviour unfortunatly went undocumented until now. Feel praised for it.

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 7:19:27 AM
Alien@System wrote:

I got the messages, I just didn't answer. Bit of a bad habit of mine, sorry. Which means that your admirable behavior unfortunately went undocumented until now. Feel praised for it.

I am praised. \[T]/

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 8:02:19 PM

Alright so, a buddy of mine wants to join the roleplay. I think he’ll be choosing the race: humans , if that’s okay with all of you. He doesn’t have that much  knowledge of the endless universe so his character is properly gonna be a naive human that has never met another alien species in his or her life. His name is Bagel if you’re curious.

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7 years ago
Apr 23, 2017, 4:02:39 PM

Name: Liam Kantari

Race: Human Pirate 

Rank: Assistant Doctor

Area of Expertise: Medical aid, shooting, salvaging

Personality: A  calm appearance, unable handle pressure well, doesn't like talking, tries to be friendly. He cannot work well alone, so he mainly sticks with someone (Mostly if not always Laudmas). Though he can't work alone, he has a problem of not wanting to meet new people, and mainly secludes himself somewhere if he's not with someone he knows.

Lore: Born on a colony on a moon, did research and training on medical things, never really wanted to go to outer space but didn't want to have the same bland moon everywhere even more and was curious what what he could accomplish.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 23, 2017, 4:35:06 PM

All right, you're in.

Edit: For those thinking this is nepotism, I've had preceding conversations on steam with MBagel, during which we discussed the character and how to work him into RP.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 25, 2017, 8:08:28 PM

Sounds good , here is my entry :

Name : 7-4-1-N-7-3-D or Tainted 

Race : Sower

Rank : Scout

Areas of Expertise : Environmentalproof-Engineering ,Scouting .

Personality : Distrusting against new people , very focused on mission 

Bio : Its first Order after construction was to prepare a tundra planet with a bunch of other scouting and military units . While starting to establish a foothold 7-4-1-N-7-3-D choose an endless Ruin to build on as starting point . In the process it came in contact with large amounts of dust , not much more is known about this event , only that 7-4-1-N-7-3-D refers to it as a "Failure" and it is the only Unit which survived the expedition . As it then was an individual , far away from its own empires borders , as a failed Unit but with control of a ship , 7-4-1-N-7-3-D decided to explore space in the hope of finding something great enough to be seen as a functional Unit of its empire.

Officially it is registered as a drone on the Saviour  ,with the help of a lumeris trader ,who was payed by 7-4-1-N-7-3-D by giving its old ship to him,it was able to get its place in the drone bay.

It is usualy hiding the fact that it is came in contact with dust and has a personality from strangers.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 7:10:17 AM

I take it would be your intention to have 741N73D to turn up with his ship in the path of the Saviour and then somehow join up with them. I'll have to say No to that, for several reasons: A) A ship is a very big possession for a character to start out with, to the point that it focuses the plot around them, B) While it hasn't been outright stated before, I'm going by ES1 rules of the wormholes being discovered before free movement, so a non-pilgrim ship that is capable of free movement is even more plot-relevant and C) a character meant to join up that way shouldn't have a distrustful and focused personality.

If I am wrong in my assumption, then correct me and clarify how you mean that 741N73D owns a ship.

On another topic, @ Angelic and Mokinokaro: Ylona would at this point wait for Alice to talk first, as she's the one on duty. So I'll be waiting for a few days, but after that, I'll just post to keep the story going forward.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 8:16:57 PM

Well that´s basicly its origin not necassesary its current state, should have pointed that out . I was against adding to much Bio which would be directly before it joins as the things how and in what situation should be flexible . So we exactly can avoid unfitting meeting.The ship only was mentioned in the backstory so it isn´t stuck on that planet. There are many possibilities to lose a ship basicly as 741N73D is a sower and for that an robot , it could even be found in the wreckage of its ship , being reactivated by the crew or something like that would properly make it less warry , hm yes the free movement would be a problem , i personaly wondered how most characters would join if they are already on the mission , my best(and only good) idea would be that it passed through an anomaly , which it wanted to study ,  which at the same time destroyed the ship and repositioned it with the debris  . 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 10:04:46 AM

Well, at the moment there's two ways for a new character to join:

A) Retcon them as being on board since the beginning, just not having been mentioned until now.


B) Have them be introduced through some kind of storyline and then join the crew.

The second option has a couple of drawbacks, starting with a storyline dominated by a single character, and the long wait time it can incur. It might be months until we are at a point where that story can begin, and even longer until the character is really integrated into the roleplay. It also required a character somewhat compatible for it, as a distrusting recluse might not engender the trust needed to become really a part of the crew.

Other than that, it looks like a good enough character, so once we figure out how to put it in, you're welcome aboard.

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 10:32:01 AM
Alien@System wrote:

Well, at the moment there's two ways for a new character to join:

A) Retcon them as being on board since the beginning, just not having been mentioned until now.


B) Have them be introduced through some kind of storyline and then join the crew.

The second option has a couple of drawbacks, starting with a storyline dominated by a single character, and the long wait time it can incur. It might be months until we are at a point where that story can begin, and even longer until the character is really integrated into the roleplay. It also required a character somewhat compatible for it, as a distrusting recluse might not engender the trust needed to become really a part of the crew.

Other than that, it looks like a good enough character, so once we figure out how to put it in, you're welcome aboard.

Sounds good , also there could be a possibility that 741N73D i already on the ship and even was unnoticed but active ... The problem there is that my character always tries to hide the fact it came in contact with dust , for personal reasons which also make it distrusting, so it would appear to  just a normal sower without personality , making the first conversations uninteresting ... I think i have an idea what it would do if its already part of the crew . 

If it is an option that they got an apparently normal Sower for hull repair and scouting in the crew , it then already could be there .

I will wait until you made your decision/found a way to intodruce 741N73D

Thanks for the opportunity to explain myself and maybe even join at this advanced point of roleplay .

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 1, 2017, 6:43:57 AM
pixelfreak wrote:

Sounds good , also there could be a possibility that 741N73D i already on the ship and even was unnoticed but active ... The problem there is that my character always tries to hide the fact it came in contact with dust , for personal reasons which also make it distrusting, so it would appear to  just a normal sower without personality , making the first conversations uninteresting ... I think i have an idea what it would do if its already part of the crew . 

If it is an option that they got an apparently normal Sower for hull repair and scouting in the crew , it then already could be there .

The problem is that a Sower not infected by Dust is most likely not an individual in the normal sense, as their drones have a shared consciousness in WiFi range. That makes it a bit unlikely that it could be hired for this mission, and also unlikely that the Pilgrims would attempt to hire one. However, the wiki does say that Sowers might develop a sense of individuality, although since it doesn't provide a source, it's unknown if that's just because of Dust.

Nonetheless, even if 741N73D were to hide that it's Dust-touched, it would still have to reveal that it is an individual capable of working with other factions, because usually the Sowers ignore other people unless they're in the way of the Calling. It should also be noted that if 741N73D got on board the ship as a mobile toolbox, the characters will probably treat it like that as well, meaning that you won't get much chance to roleplay interactions.

That being said, I'll put you in the roster as scout under Security, but think about changing your bio slightly to indicate whether or not it is hiding its status as sentient being.

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7 years ago
May 10, 2017, 10:46:58 PM

A time-skip to Tanye sounds good, but there's still that little thing Zennock and Bagel look like they're trying to do...

On a side note, who's hyped for the Unfallen?

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7 years ago
May 11, 2017, 2:15:04 AM

Can we all just wait one more day? Need to finish things with Bagel. 

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