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Endless Space Forum RP [Recruitment]

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7 years ago
Jul 22, 2017, 7:00:39 PM

I will be unable to post this coming week. My character will most likely not be necessary.

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7 years ago
Jul 23, 2017, 2:15:15 AM

Howdy! You don't know who I am, but that's 'cause I just got here. Angelicstorm recommended this roleplay to me, and I thought I'd swoop in and see what's what. That and ES2 looks dope as hell, so I kinda want to get into that if I can.

Now, looking at the roster, it seems you have a lot of bases already covered. And from what I've been told, you've got some NPC characters that already take up certain roles as well, but the specifics escape me. If there's room for one more, may I be so bold as to ask what potential positions are available aboard the Savior, and what sort of character (race/species-wise) it would be alright to introduce as a result?

Hopefully I can bring something new and interesting to the table!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 23, 2017, 9:51:58 AM

Nice seeing more people being interested. I think Alien@System can help you most, but as they will come back from vacation in about a week, I should give some ideas.

Your character probably will be part of the crew which just not appeared in the posts of role play but was there all the time, so depending on what your character is also your "start" will be different , an isolating engineer which is always busy with his job won't know much people outside of his work group that well, a mechanic who also has to take care of the ships drones will probably already have spoken with the robotic part of the crew once etc.

For What race you could or couldn't be, better orientate yourself on the Race list, use the Endless Space 2 Wiki if you want base information to the different Races.

For Roles: In Theory every job needed to be occupied is done either by our players or NPC's, although only some are directly mentioned, the ship has, of course, a bunch of NPC´s, so you can decide which role on the ship should be occupied , and the character which would do this would be yours , you basically take over an NPC which was not defined till yet , so you define the race, personality and the occupation by yourself.

If you want to be Engineer, for example, it would be best to specify a bit, for example: The Saviour would not have 10 standard skilled engineers, but a comms specialist, an engine specialist and so on, whatever seems fit, same for other areas of work. You have to keep in mind that your rank will also influence your possibilities on which missions you probably will go.

If you already have a char idea feel free to post it here, same for questions.

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7 years ago
Jul 23, 2017, 11:25:28 PM

Haha! Well, good to see some enthusiastic responses! Hey, I just took a look at your current situation, and I've got an idea. I'll draft it up, see how it looks on paper before I send it in.

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 3:21:40 PM

Name: Aïnt Lesh-Nïsm

Race: Remnant

Rank: Assassin

Areas of Expertise: Black Ops and pre-schism Endless Xenology

Personality: Aïnt does not sugarcoat things. He sees things in what one might call a pessimistic light, but he’s just trying to be as realistic as possible about his situation. He has very strict protocols that he has to follow, but future exposure to more free-acting individuals will change his rigidness, and may inspire some philosophical thought. In general, he will be oddly simplistic -almost casual- compared to the other, more formal and eloquent members of the crew. He has no interest in establishing any sort of deeper relationship with others, friendship would be a stretch, but he is willing to explore new potential loyalties.

Bio: Aïnt Lesh-Nïsm was your typical, cookie-cutter Remnant. He did his job, and served as he was told. Prior to the schism, he was assigned to guard an Endless [REDACTED]. He relocated as he was told, but as the galaxy spun on, without so much as a check-in from his masters, he entered a sort of ‘sleep mode’ to conserve energy. Sadly, the schism and the subsequent disappearance of his masters meant that Lesh-Nïsm would not be getting any sort of orders any time soon.

Rather, he slowly burned through his battery and eventually had to shut down entirely, but his exposure to the Dust within the temple had enhanced his mechanical body. He had gained new abilities, ones he might not even question, including the advanced intellect of a truly sentient being, the ability to interact with Endless technology on a level only those like him could, and the power to interact “telepathically” with most unencrypted and sufficiently but not exceptionally advanced computers and technology.As an assassin, his assigned multi-purpose weapon’s forms of fire include: Assault rifle, sniper rifle, and shotgun, but he is also equipped with a whip, presumably constructed of some form of hard-light.

Should he be reactivated, he would likely assume any non-Endless entity to be an intruder, and engage in combat with them, but just as others of his kind have begun searching for new beings to serve, Aïnt would very likely come to the logical conclusion that if the Endless were dead and he was not, he had surpassed them, and any who surpassed him, for instance in combat, would be deemed his new master.

Notes: This character could be introduced as the guardian of the location you’re currently exploring, as a way of getting access to whatever lay inside. My personal suggestion is an arsenal of sorts, although it could reasonably be anything else, should the rest of you so desire.


Alright, go ahead and tell me: How bad is it?

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 3:53:15 PM

I like the idea that you try to bring this unique character in the crew by that way , but I don't know what Alien would say to that idea and the wide skillset of the char, also one thing would be sure : The memories of its time among the endless should not give away too much for the main mission . There should be enough time for Alien to decide over this approach before our exploration team got through the ruin.

Darkon,Angelic, Zennock and I already thought about the purpose which would not be directly militaristic but nothing of that is set in stone yet ...

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 7:37:56 PM

Sorry for sparse posting on my part. Exams are coming up and I've got an essay to do as well.

Aint doesn't sound too overpowered to me. His skill set is limited enough to him being a fast, quiet, flank-focused soldier with some esoteric knowledge in a specific field. His weaponry makes him flexible in combat, but otherwise not ideal in most other situations. If anything, I'd say Aint is a little underpowered.

It also sounds like we could meet him in the ruin, which is a good way of introducing a new character and forwarding the story. I'd wait for Alien to give you the go-ahead, Beatus, but Aint looks pretty solid.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 1:10:26 PM

I'm around.   Angel just hasn't had much to do on the ship.

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 3:21:03 AM

Well, not to sound rude, but I hope he does so soon enough that this concept is still relevant to the events at hand.

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 5:00:33 AM

At the rate the game thread is going, that won't be a problem.

Seriously, the lack of posting is killing me. Are we just on a hiatus until Alien gets back, or are most of us just enjoying summer?

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 7:40:27 AM

If it's the former, then get posting! Because I'm back. Ireland was nice, but I am disappointed that you're not even inside the ruin yet.

On the matter why you're using the front door, my explanation is less complicated than what you've all written. The hole the probe punched is a vertical tunnel through several meters of rock, possibly now cracked from the impact, coming out in the ceiling of some room inside the ruins. Entering, and more importantly, leaving, through something like that is not as easy as strolling through the front door, especially when somebody is wounded and needs to get out fast.

On the more important topic of our new member, I agree that Aïnt's skill set isn't the problem, but the memories are. Anyone having direct knowledge about the Endless is automatically very powerful in plot-terms and thus should be sure of what they're doing. (It should be noted that it's not merely an in-character problem. We have, as community, little direct information about Endless society and technology beyond Dust. Anybody playing a character intimately familiar with Endless life has to make up a lot of stuff on the spot). Given that I allow Endless as playable characters, it's of course not forbidden to have that knowledge, but if Aïnt has too much knowledge, he will become a major driving force of the plot, possibly even overshadowing most of the Science team, and that will mean you can't just slink out like BlackBird. It is a commitment.

If you'd rather not have that responsibility, you can always say that Aïnt himself doesn't know much. As an Assassin robot, there is not that great a need to actually understand the technology or society past how to pull a trigger, and memory can of course fail after the hundreds of millenia of inactivity.

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 9:10:30 AM

Welcome back Alien! throws confetti
I don't know what the problem is, but if on part of the group doesn't write that often, the other naturally doesn't too because they don't want to steal the others the opportunity to act.

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 11:02:01 PM

Alien@System, I will gladly bend to your stipulation that he know much less than strictly necessary about society and the like. After all, the Remnants don't seem to be very complex machines, save for the dust-exposed, and he is just an assassin. He is likely weilding a weapon of Pre-schism Endless design however, and should know enough about the Endless' technology to know how to interact with/activate/repair it, to a limited degree, no?

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7 years ago
Aug 1, 2017, 12:36:55 AM

Either that or Aint is just holding onto a really old, well-designed gun.

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 3:18:48 AM

Honestly, I can roll with the punches here. You just tell me when I'll drop right in and get to it.

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 7:16:36 AM

I'd prefer if the weapon wasn't specifically pre-schism.

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 8:04:02 AM

My only problem with Beatus' character is that I have no idea how to pronounce its name.

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