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Can you hear BLIZZARD falling on their faces from there?

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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:23:18 AM
chevmech wrote:
Can you hear BLIZZARD falling on their faces from there?

Nope, because I like Diablo III smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:26:50 AM
It's not just the server crash. Or bugs. Or the DRM. Or the fact that it was in development for a decade. It is more the attitude conveyed. As a consumer, I get the feeling like I am somehow "graced" with the opportunity to buy their product and play. The fans did not want the features that are causing alot of the problems. I think that's why ind ventures like ES and their G2G will end up being more sucessful.

(Really? No one here likes Diablo? Sorry.)
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:27:55 AM
I would like to see Blizzard for once try to oversize their server capacity. It seems to fail every time they launch a new game. Despite they knowing how many pre-orders and copies where available, and that their games are popular. For sure will get fixed soon, but they should have the money to pay for more capacity at start. They create great games for sure.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:29:15 AM
Mechanos wrote:
i agree with what you said people really did go to far instead of taking their money elsewhere and not help fund really bad business practices and terrible game development that encourages cutting corners.

I wouldn't say BioWare had terrible game development (sorry if you just meant developers in general, and didn't single them out). I have yet to find a person that won't admit that, as a whole, ME3 is incredible. Excluding the last fifteen minutes, everything is just spectacular, in my opinion. And they even found a way to incorporate a very fun multiplayer system into a primarily single-player game. I can't call ME3 a case of terrible game development at all.

As for bad business practices...Eh, maybe. In terms of day one DLC, things are shady. But they did listen to their fans, take the constructive criticism, and are releasing a free cinematic pack to give more closure on the end than they had before. They could have just shrugged and told fans to deal with it, but they didn't.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:30:51 AM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Oh, no, I didn't mean to imply Blizzard ensured that TOR would fail. I'm just a bit biased for BioWare (and Star Wars). I know that the game simply doesn't offer enough to compete with the vast amount of stuff and popularity WoW offers.

I agree, it is a shame. I used to be a big fan of Star Wars (still am, but I have spread my wings) and love space operas, especially in video games. Space Opera MMOs represent endless options, and the extended Star Wars Universe is as good as any to use. Unfortunately every MMORPG ends up being a WoW clone, and until one does not, WoW will be on top. I had hopes for TOR to topple WoW, but I never planned on playing it. I had a bad run with MMOs a year back and forced myself to quit. I was playing 4 varying forms of MMOs including an MMORTS, Stronghold Kingdoms, original everquest, and a couple of browser based MMOs all at the same time. I lost about a year to that mess.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:36:28 AM
Mechanos wrote:

end of evangelion and deus ex would love to have their ending back its a lack of imagination on the games side too

their lead writer left to do some stuff for TOR then this happened.

From what I understand, the lead writer's original ending was completely rejected and he left. But I can see the events of the ending and line it up with the indoctrination theory and completely get by with imagining a better ending myself.

As far as Evangelion, hasn't that had 2 or 3 rewrites already?
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