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warhammer 40 k roleplay

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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:04:12 AM
Og: the dice roll also depend on your plans (i love your curret plan so that mean thee dice will have a hard time falling you but not a big time giving you something awesome) so the dice will be rolled.

IG: the ships plasma engine is more stable but the thrusters is almost beyound repair. The warp engine is down, luckily it diddent collaps just turn of. The lance battery is now capalble of shooting a halv lance.

Captain dagel you were able to steere a thunderhawk right into a weak spot in the ork ship( almost like a droppod), you barge out of the thunder hawk to find an intire cohort of boyz 30 meters in front of you.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:12:21 AM
OG: Die roll one to see if I succumb to the Red Thirst...

Oh god I did not read the cohort at first

IG: Captain Boruum charged the Orkz and brought back his right hand. As he neared, he swung his right arm, cleaving the Orkz directly in front while bringing back his left arm for another strike.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:17:20 AM
OG: the only reason stasik get a dice roll is becouse he is along way from you. I can only give him this until everybody has taken another step too smiley: smile.

IG: as you strike down several boyz you see that this is small orks, and there is no nobs present. This was proberly training for young ork boyz. Your thoughts are proved when the orks begin f to flee after you struck down 5 of them, witch is lucky since there was way too many for you to kill.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:17:55 AM
sharpteeth wrote:
OG: the only reason stasik get a dice roll is becouse he is along way from you. I can only give him this until everybody has taken another step too smiley: smile.

OG: Oh, alright I'll wait :P

IG: Captain Boruum assuming that the cohort of young orkz is only a taste of the true size of the Orkz on the ship, goes back into his thunderhawk and equips himself with an assault cannon. Then he radios the Magos for directions towards the generator.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 10:40:37 AM
OG: what do you guys think the idea of me having to do a dice roll after maximum 16 hours if everyone has not posted? its just an idea please write what you think about it next time you are here.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:39:10 PM
OG: sure, why not.

IG: Magos Jarek does his best to reawaken the warp engine first, knowing they would have to make a quick getaway if Captain Dagel failed, while also giving him directions through to the generator, as long as the orks have not blocked the hallways.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:50:14 PM
OG: i want to make the dice roll. but i will wait 1 or 2 hours more for flaman before i do it. so stay tuned smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 8:28:31 PM
OG:the rule has been passed. there is now max 16 hours between each dice roll. so yeah smiley: smile

IG: The ships warp core will need a psyker to power it up either an astropath or a navigator.

with the help from the margos, captain Dagel moves in to the mace of corridors and halls. its clear that he orks have been in possession of this ship for sometime.

around 150 meters from the plasma core there is a wall (clealy ork build) that shouldn't be there it looks strong. and as you look around you see a big nob in a doorway looking surprised for a second before roaring a migthy WHAAAAAAAARRGG. he is wielding what seems to be a thunder-hammer with a bunch of ork modifications.

the gun lance battery is now 3/4's functioning thanks to the iron fathers expertise.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 8:39:22 PM
IG: *Jarek runs back to the bridge and tries to find the Navigator or Astropath*
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 8:47:56 PM
OG: again this is a role i ca take becouse it takes little time for the carekter to do his thing.

IG: the ships atropaths died when the astrophatic chamber was flushed out into space when the hull broke apart and after a quick look at a screen you can see that the ship has 80% hull breach but it is sealed off. the navigator is in a bad condition and needs some medical attention, but he can walk and talk.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 9:04:00 PM
IG: Message the Magos for status on engines while dropping assault cannon. Equip second lighting claw and charge the nob, hoping that the strength of the thunder hammer will backlash at the nob from a block.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 9:12:53 PM
IG: Jarek messages back to the Captain: "the thruster will take me hours to repair, so we are drifting for now. The warp engine is functional enough but ill need an astropath or navigator to reawaken it. While the Navigator manged to survive he is in a bad shape and I'm afraid if the process doesn't kill him, a warp jump might."

To the navigator "Do you think you could reawaken the warp engines and navigate us to the nearest imperial world?"
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 9:32:24 PM
OG: since fanman hassent been online for over 24 hours, his carekter will be npc until he returns so yeah.

So now we can make a rappid pogress.

IG: the navigator says he will be capaple to turn on the engine but it will surely kill him and who will then navigate.

Captain dagal moves with an extreme grace considering he is in a terminator armor, he dogdes the orkz migthy blow and plants one of his claws in the side of the ork were i cuts clean in. He then dogdes the return blow and lands a myghty kick in the orkz gut witch propels it backwards and it drops its hammer. It smashes into the wall but gets up fast and charges again.

( you get a terminator expertise nevue 1 perk for to 10's in a row with a 12 sided dice)
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 11:26:50 PM
IG: Captain Dagel runs to the thunder hammer and jumps on it, grabbing and twisting just in time to swing it at the nobs head.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 11:27:37 PM
IG: To the navigator "would we be able to use another phsyker to awaken the engine? and if so can we force a weird boy to do it?"
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 6:09:45 AM
IG:When you twist the hammer, one of the power claws break. But the hammer smashed in to the orkz skull, and the power discharge sends the ork smashing in to the wall. The ork build wall shudders and break a little in the top. The nob is very dead.

The navigator:

a weird boy maybe able to power up the warp core, but i do not know how ork psykers work. And weird boyz are very dangerous.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 6:13:45 AM
IG: Boruum Dagel takes off his broken claws so that it doesn't malfunction during a battle, and takes up the hammer as a replacement. Noticing the break at the top, he starts to attempt at breaking off a bit more of the wall and messages the Magos on his opinion with the situation.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 7:29:38 AM
IG: the wall seems very strong. It would take a migthy smash to make a hole in it. One that the thunder hammer maybe unable to deliver
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12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013, 3:34:23 AM
IG: Message back to the captain "try using your assault cannon, i hear the space hulk teams use it to blast their way through blast doors"

To the Navigator: "how about sacrificing a wierd boy? or could you be able to make him overload his energies?"
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