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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 7:20:43 PM
I've been really getting into the new Tomb Raider recently. It's absolutely amazing so far!

Lore was fine with me, even if they had to do a little bit of retconning and such to make it work.

Right now, playing StarDrive beta and some StarCraft 2: HOTS multiplayer. I might get back into my Skyrim game eventually as well as some more Blacklight: Retribution.

How is StarDrive? It looked interesting but I didn't know if it was worth justifying the $25 to get the beta.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 7:43:33 PM
AlexiaAtis wrote:
I've been really getting into the new Tomb Raider recently. It's absolutely amazing so far!

How is StarDrive? It looked interesting but I didn't know if it was worth justifying the $25 to get the beta.

It is a pausable realtime 4x, which is similar to Distant Worlds. I have been enjoying it, even though right now there is not a great deal of content, mostly because it is being developed by one person. The current stable patch is 1.05B, playable, but it will be slow even on powerful hardware due to lack of optimization, the next patch, 1.06, which was put out for beta testing has shown a lot of performance gains, and should be released as stable in the next couple of days. The developer is very responsive to the community, like the dev team here. All in all, if you still are not convinced to get the beta, there are only about 5 weeks left until everything is finalized for release, so you could wait until then.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 7:54:41 PM
Well, for Tomb Raider, a friend of mine got it and played through it; his statement was: good, but way too short - it took him about 2 nights to finish on normal.

Pausable realtime, mhm, now it's getting interesting.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 8:00:46 PM
Pausable realtime 4x...in space. Sounds like, my ideal game! I'm a huge fan of the Paradox Games (Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis III, etc) and I've been wanting a space type version of that for a while. I"ll check it out when I get paid next.

Well, for Tomb Raider, a friend of mine got it and played through it; his statement was: good, but way too short - it took him about 2 nights to finish on normal.

Yeah, I"m only 30% complete on my game. It seems like its reasonable for a game its size, I mean, I wasn't expecting it to be a Skyrim or Mass Effect :P
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 8:05:44 PM
AlexiaAtis wrote:
Yeah, I"m only 30% complete on my game. It seems like its reasonable for a game its size, I mean, I wasn't expecting it to be a Skyrim or Mass Effect :P

Well I'm an Skyrim player with a few hundreds of hours in it, but just 2 nights gaming in a game for 50€ is way too short for me (and that's where I don't have high standarts)
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 8:13:09 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Well I'm an Skyrim player with a few hundreds of hours in it, but just 2 nights gaming in a game for 50€ is way too short for me (and that's where I don't have high standarts)

And sadly, that's a high for length of games nowadays. A few of the sandboxes here and there last as long or longer, but most non-sandbox action games last 6-8 hours.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 8:18:38 PM
stasik28 wrote:
And sadly, that's a high for length of games nowadays. A few of the sandboxes here and there last as long or longer, but most non-sandbox action games last 6-8 hours.

I'm fine with shorter games too, but anything below 4 or 5 nights is just too short.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 8:28:51 PM
I do know how you feel, most of my main games like Skyrim, CKII, Mass Effect 2 and Civ IV have like, upwards of 100+ hours on them, with Civ IV the highest at 384 last I checked :P I really like Civ >.>

Anyway Tomb Raider may be short, but so far it seems organic and well planned. If 2 nights worth of gameplay is enough to convey the story, then as long as they're not cutting it for sequels or DLC then I'm ok with it! It has some decent replay value too, what with all the random relics and stuff you have to find , so I think i'll be sinking a bit of time into it.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 8:50:27 PM
AlexiaAtis wrote:
I do know how you feel, most of my main games like Skyrim, CKII, Mass Effect 2 and Civ IV have like, upwards of 100+ hours on them, with Civ IV the highest at 384 last I checked :P I really like Civ >.>

Anyway Tomb Raider may be short, but so far it seems organic and well planned. If 2 nights worth of gameplay is enough to convey the story, then as long as they're not cutting it for sequels or DLC then I'm ok with it! It has some decent replay value too, what with all the random relics and stuff you have to find , so I think i'll be sinking a bit of time into it.

You sound exactly like my friend (the one who played it) smiley: biggrin He argued the same way.

And, ofc: everbody prefers different game-types.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 11:44:44 PM
AlexiaAtis wrote:
I do know how you feel, most of my main games like Skyrim, CKII, Mass Effect 2 and Civ IV have like, upwards of 100+ hours on them, with Civ IV the highest at 384 last I checked :P I really like Civ >.>

Anyway Tomb Raider may be short, but so far it seems organic and well planned. If 2 nights worth of gameplay is enough to convey the story, then as long as they're not cutting it for sequels or DLC then I'm ok with it! It has some decent replay value too, what with all the random relics and stuff you have to find , so I think i'll be sinking a bit of time into it.

You're a perfect candidate for the Gamefly service. I rent console games from them, and if I really like them, I buy them. I wish PC games worked that way, instead I wait for a massive steam sale. There are very few games coming out these days worth anything close to what they are charging.

By the way Star Drive is on my radar maybe next year after the game gets fleshed out. Now, it's just on a watch list. Though I do like what I am seeing.
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 11:56:16 PM
I don't play console games at all really, except maybe some emulators now and then on my PC. I've tried Gamefly before like, a few years ago and it seemed pretty cool, but I went on a spending binge a few years ago and bought like, every single game that interested me on steam so I have like, every game I could ever really want :P Now I try to be really frugal and only buy new games I know will be good and keep my interest.
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12 years ago
Mar 17, 2013, 1:07:15 AM
I've been playing NCAA 13 and an old Battlefront game on my Xbox 360 while waiting for Total War Rome II
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12 years ago
Mar 17, 2013, 8:07:36 AM
Nasarog wrote:
I Gamefly'd it. I was surprised by the game. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. EVen more so than SR2. Go figure.

Game was a surprise for me to, better then i anticipated.

Tredecim wrote:
I that bundle too - but never played it - maybe I should change this smiley: biggrin

You really should play it, just to feel what its like.

Don't expect much realism are a perfect story but the game really is fun to play. Perfect if you just wanna play for an hour of 2 after work/ studying / ...

And I just figured out you can ride on the top of a car, naked and earn respect for it smiley: stickouttongue

long story short; the game is over the top for sure, but definitely enjoyable!
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12 years ago
Mar 17, 2013, 8:29:57 AM
Nasarog wrote:
You're a perfect candidate for the Gamefly service. I rent console games from them, and if I really like them, I buy them. I wish PC games worked that way, instead I wait for a massive steam sale. There are very few games coming out these days worth anything close to what they are charging.

By the way Star Drive is on my radar maybe next year after the game gets fleshed out. Now, it's just on a watch list. Though I do like what I am seeing.

Well, that's what most "pirates" do. They pirate the game to see if it's worth playing, and if they really enjoy, they usually end up buying it.

And I"m not sure what you mean by fleshed out, StarDrive is actually pretty well made, especially as a solo project. A month is a very long time, the game could be almost completely "fleshed out" by release. I'm actually curious to what he'll add in patches, modding tools maybe? (If not already out)
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12 years ago
Mar 17, 2013, 8:40:59 AM
adder wrote:
And I just figured out you can ride on the top of a car, naked and earn respect for it smiley: stickouttongue

long story short; the game is over the top for sure, but definitely enjoyable!


Mhm, maybe I'll give it an try after next week.
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11 years ago
Dec 30, 2013, 9:08:19 AM
I play the Diablo.Some people say Diablo are a casual MMO, but if you look at the depth of the game from the system to its difficult zones, the game cuts through a solid slice of all the demographics.
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11 years ago
Dec 30, 2013, 1:06:04 PM

I'm over GTA5, sank plenty of hours into it, but I'm back to SR4 on the PS3.

On my mac - I'm played Civ5, ESsmiley: biggrin, Solar 2( steam sale pickup), Godus (steam sale pickup), XCOM:EW (autumn sale pickup).

On my pc end - I've got a bunch that I have yet to play.
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11 years ago
Dec 30, 2013, 6:10:15 PM
mhh i want to buy me a new Pc to my birthday in february sadly i also have to do an internship for 2 weeks at the same time.

till then i have to stick to play Naruto Ninja Storm 3 on the PS3 of a friend of mine and Endless Space on my totaly broken PC with lots of dead blue Pixels.
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