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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 1:26:52 PM
Mansen wrote:
So Beyond Earth came out - Turns out I was right on the money.

It does feel exactly like Civ V in space - Same gameplay, aliens are exactly like barbarians in practice (and just as easy to remove with no consequences) and the factions, AI personalities and decisions you make have no meaning, no depth.

Back to Alpha Centauri I go - Good thing I didn't pre-order it. Fool me once Firaxis. :P

(I'm sure a lot of people are enjoying the game - Fine by me. To each his own smiley: biggrin)

Sorry I cant even trust you after every reviews I read/watched, you are so pessimistic !

I hope I will soon be able to play it (monday maybe :redfacesmiley: smile and I will see by myself but I already now I wont be disapointed and frustrated like you.

Im still playing Civ V by the way smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 3:11:51 PM
@Mansen: it couldn't have anything to do with AC. The devs said in an interview that they felt AC was "unnecessary complicating things". A developer who wants to make strategy and tactics games but have them without deeps systems, without requiring player involvement, because that complicates the gaming experience, is not a developer who aims their product at you (or me). They weren't AC fans themselves, they don't want to make games for AC fans (just as they weren't aiming for old school XCOM fans). They just want to use those old franchises to get free initial hype from the people who grew up and became the reviewers and vocal community. If those then also give them loads of pre-order cash out of nostalgia - bonus.
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 3:54:37 PM
melkathi wrote:
@Mansen: it couldn't have anything to do with AC. The devs said in an interview that they felt AC was "unnecessary complicating things". A developer who wants to make strategy and tactics games but have them without deeps systems, without requiring player involvement, because that complicates the gaming experience, is not a developer who aims their product at you (or me). They weren't AC fans themselves, they don't want to make games for AC fans (just as they weren't aiming for old school XCOM fans). They just want to use those old franchises to get free initial hype from the people who grew up and became the reviewers and vocal community. If those then also give them loads of pre-order cash out of nostalgia - bonus.
Too bad. AC wasn't complicating anything..

Are they implying that 4x golden age #1 had a smarter and more sophisticated fan base?
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 4:02:26 PM
melkathi wrote:
@Mansen: it couldn't have anything to do with AC. The devs said in an interview that they felt AC was "unnecessary complicating things".

And that's the point - The game IS for all intents and purposes Civ V in space. Aside from a few new mechanics (that aren't particular deep or "complicated" as they'd probably put it, judging by your comment) it's the exact same game.

There's no depth to anything in the game - The sponsor factions, the leaders not even the events and quests manage to pull the old heart string in any way. It's just too shallow for you to take any of it serious - no immersion. (Which is really bad since the introduction movie hints to the exact opposite and actually manages to make you think and feel immersed for a short while)

Edit: The point I'm trying to make here is that you might as well play Civ V if you already own it - BE is nothing more than a "Scenario" or a mini-mod in comparison. You might as well wait till it's priced as any other DLC unless you HAVE to have your Civ fix with a few changes.

Alpha Centauri had deep lore, lots of personality with each faction leader and the techs and wonders throughout the game. BE barely has the "voiced wonder blurbs", which aren't particularly interesting in the first place.

Anyway - returning to the game in general. Aliens are practically slightly beefed up barbarians - except they don't attack you unless you provoke them for the most part. Find their hives, clear them and keep vision on the tiles... no more aliens.

Tech web? It adds a tiny amount of freedom to your tech picks - but you're still going to have some almost mandatory chains of tech you need in order to progress with certain things.

Virtues and Affinity are just re-balanced Social Policies - Heck the affinity system doesn't even follow the spirit of the theme. You can burn every Alien hive on the planet and terraform the tiles into Earth and still be considered completely in "Harmony" with the planet. You get levels from tech research and quests (that have no longterm effects)
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 4:04:43 PM
Mansen wrote:
Plenty of low scoring reviews - http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/editorials/reviews/12483-Sid-Meier-s-Civilization-Beyond-Earth-Review

Escapist gave it 60. And besides I'm not expecting you to trust me on anything - It is my opinion. I didn't like Civ V so obviously I'm not going to like "Space Civ V". It has nothing to with Alpha Centauri or its themes.

Obviously if you dont like Civ V which is the game I played the most in my library, we havent the same tastes ^^

But I respect your opinion smiley: smile

You were maybe waiting too much for an AC rebirth...
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 4:20:42 PM

That is exactly what I was expecting the game to be, Earthmansen

Earthnasarog, I think Earthnosferatiel translated some of the devs' comments in a gamestar interview in the other thread. They were commenting how "terraforming is unneccessary micromanagement", a unit editor "required too much micromanagement which is tiresome", a planetary council "unnecessary", sea cities "would have increased the pace of the game", fleshed out leaders would have "forced players to use the same strategies over and over" and a deep story would have hindered players from "experiencing their own story".

So Earthmansen, be grateful to Earthfiraxis for removing the deep, immersive lore. By doing so they granted you a truly immersive experience and replayability.

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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 4:22:50 PM
Kingsguard wrote:
Obviously if you dont like Civ V which is the game I played the most in my library, we havent the same tastes ^^

But I respect your opinion smiley: smile

You were maybe waiting too much for an AC rebirth...

Agreed. I think when Beyond Earth was announced, a lot of people imediatly hoped and expected for a new AC, without waiting to see what the game was acutally going to be smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 4:24:15 PM
Kingsguard wrote:
Obviously if you dont like Civ V which is the game I played the most in my library, we havent the same tastes ^^

Oh definitely - I make no attempts to hide that I still prefer Civ IV to this day over Civ V. I really don't like a lot of the design changes they made. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 8:28:22 PM
Oddworld: New N Tasty

Great remake, very faithful to the original with some much needed enhancements.
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 9:03:16 PM
Playing Endless Legend right now, just finished Shadow of mordor which was excelent and highly recommended.

Just bought dungeon of the endless too, I am in a bit of EL overdose right now and need a break from it. (Beaten on endless with all factions except wild walkers and have 90% of achievements too, and I only bought it like 10 days ago.)
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10 years ago
Oct 25, 2014, 10:32:30 PM
Vicherely wrote:
Oddworld: New N Tasty

Great remake, very faithful to the original with some much needed enhancements.

Definitely something I need to play - I loved the original game. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 12, 2014, 3:32:23 PM
Warlock 2, Endless Legend, and soon to play Dragon Age: Inquisition
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10 years ago
Nov 12, 2014, 6:18:32 PM
Supreme commander 2 with friends. ^^

And I just installed Enslaved : Odyssey to the west, will be playing tonight.
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10 years ago
Nov 13, 2014, 10:46:13 AM
Binding of Isaac. Wondering if I should get the Rebirth, though friends told me it was probably better.
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10 years ago
Nov 13, 2014, 1:22:55 PM
A friend got me to download Airmech today (Free to play).

Think Dota meets transformers. I find it incredibly fun for a free to play game. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 13, 2014, 1:54:32 PM

Escapists - I needed a break from Prison Architect and what better way than to try to escape the kind of prisons I was trying to keep prisoners inside of earlier. smiley: biggrin

Victoria II - Nothing quite as fun as taking a third world country and turning them into an industrial power machine before WW1 comes around.

SOTS II - Because I love the combat engine. Those newtonian physics man smiley: biggrin

This War of Mine - Or rather I'll be playing it as soon as it releases tomorrow (probably streaming it too to record all of my epic fail for all time :P)
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 3:43:26 PM
Picking up my copy of DA:I today... fare the well cruel world....
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