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Bunker Origins


People from all walks of life end up on the station, for one reason or another. They each have their own story, and so does Bunker. We know she was created as part of a security or police force, but why? Only she could tell us for sure. What do you think is the story of her origins?

  • A faction that no longer exists – because their brand-new security robots were so thorough they put the entire population in jail.
  • An intergalactic society of linguists, outraged by the irresponsible way galactic citizens disrespected phonetics, syntax, and semantics.
  • A private security firm, specializing in imposing the law on distant systems, as half of a two-bot team of Peacemaker / Lifetaker.

4 558 700

g2g pts

A faction that no longer exists

A faction that no longer exists

2 897 100

g2g pts

An intergalactic society of linguists

An intergalactic society of linguists

4 049 700

g2g pts

A private security firm

A private security firm

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 2:24:50 PM

Tough choice between one and three, two is good as a one-off joke, not character lore, imo. Though I'm not sure any longer, looking at some of the options we get to vote for, maybe the game will be more fitting for choices like two and community was in the wrong so far.

In the end, went with three, even if looking at it now it seems a bit bland. And maybe makes Bat from the introduction video a tad different character than the bit itself suggested, but this could actually make them both more interesting.

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 2:29:10 PM

Interesting choices, going with three just because while I like one, three feels like it fits best with what we know so far of Bunker

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 3:29:23 PM

I like the idea of 1 - maybe the whole Endless Dungeon is where that unknown faction was imprisoned. Probably for talking with their mouthful and a host of inappropriate science. We might not ever rescue a previous owner/operator/programmer but it would help to explain 1 - why B's here and 2 - why B doesn't really have any interest in leaving. But when people leave to explore some part of her programming remembers that she should check to make sure the detainees are still locked up.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 6:37:39 PM

Private security firm, for sure.

Maybe the firm was a bit nefarious, and Bunker/Bat were used to impose law in places that the private security firm wanted control of (at the cost of local populations in distant systems). And I think we can imagine what happens when Bunker's guardian Bat finds out they're not really bringing justice like he thought...

Super excited to play as Bunker. And super excited for this game. 

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2 years ago
Apr 29, 2022, 5:54:33 AM

Trailer and the languages present pushes me toward 2 or 3 but I like 1 the most as a joke. 2 doesn't feel like it would have as meaningful a contribution to the plot and Bunker's relation to Bot as 3

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2 years ago
May 1, 2022, 7:19:42 PM

As much as 2 was tempting, I voted 1 - I like the idea they created them so strict, but didn't realise they wouldn't bend to their creators corruption and would put them all in jail as well.

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2 years ago
May 1, 2022, 8:37:32 PM

1 - Kinda too cliché with the technology-gone-rampant trope. Also, did the creators starve out in the jail or just die of old age? Were the robots aware that this would happen? Kinda makes Bunker a nefarious actor then!

2 - A decent joke.

3 - Bit generic, but I think it actually ties nicely and believably to the character bio.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 8, 2022, 12:12:40 AM

I'm voting for #3. I think it fits best with the setting as a whole, and the general feel of things.

#2, just no. Yes, it's silly. But it's too silly. While I don't mind a bit of humor tossed in here and there, making an entire character nothing but a dumb joke just feels like it would greatly detract from the game overall.

As for #1... it just feels too cliche. We get it, science advances faster that society. The whole "they built X to protect them and it ended up enslaving/destroying them" has been done countless times. And it's really just lost all impact at this point, unless an entire game is being built around it with a ton of depth and nuance.

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2 years ago
May 8, 2022, 11:46:08 AM

I voted for 1 but 2 sounds very interesting if fleshed out for another character.

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