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9 years ago
Nov 24, 2015, 1:23:53 AM
EdwardFalcon wrote:
I've found some grammatical errors in the wording of the two achievements "Press the Flesh" and "Cage Match".

They currently say "Play a game in multiplayer with one another human at least" and "Win a multiplayer game with one another human at least". That's not really grammatically correct.

They should instead say something like "Play a multiplayer game with at least one other human player" and "Win a multiplayer game with at least one other human player".

I've attached an image of the achievements I'm talking about below.

Hope this helps!

I'm just reposting this because it still hasn't been addressed. It's a grammatical error in the steam achievements.
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9 years ago
Nov 24, 2015, 2:14:43 AM
I did not realize this thread exists until just now, shortly after I posted a separate thread about some typos in the soundtrack. I suppose this is a better place for it, though.

Here's what I had posted in that thread:

Crixler wrote:
I hope this thread doesn't come across as being to nitpicky, but the soundtrack has some typos in the song titles.

Back when Shadows was released, I had made a comment about it (http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?81286-Article-EL-Shadows-Expansion-Out-Now&p=275285&viewfull=1#post275285), and all of the examples I gave were indeed fixed (with one exception). However, there were also several that I hadn't bothered to mention that still remain. Also, only the bandcamp version titles were updated, the ones in the ingame folder retain their typos.

...About that one exception. I had pointed out that the Roving Clans tracks were labeled as "Rovin", and jokingly said Rovin'. And now the bandcamp says Rovin'. I'm sorry, I suppose I shouldn't make jokes when suggesting typo fixes to someone who doesn't natively speak English, as it may be a bit unclear. I feel bad about that. But I also can't stop laughing. I'm sorry. It should say Roving. Rovin' would be a slangy colloquial way of saying it, and I made a joke about it since it was missing the "g".

But anyway, here are some further corrections I would suggest:

The Sharing (WildWalkers Theme) -> The Sharing (Wild Walkers Theme)

An Ancient Wail (Drakkens Theme) -> An Ancient Wail (Drakken Theme)

Wisdom of Dark Ages (Drakkens) -> Wisdom of Dark Ages (Drakken)

The Trade Routes (Rovin' Clans Theme) -> The Trade Routes (Roving Clans Theme)

The Forest Spirit (WildWalkers) -> The Forest Spirit (Wild Walkers)

Nomadic Cities (The Rovin Clans) -> Nomadic Cities (Roving Clans)

To the Stars ? -> To the Stars? --- Unless this was intentional for some reason? I notice that "Found a Thing !" from the DotE soundtrack has a space before the punctuation as well.

From Dawn to Dusk Gary's Version -> From Dawn to Dusk (Gary's Version) --- This one's not actually a typo, but it feels a bit like a run-on

Then in the Echoes of Auriga soundtrack, the themes for the Forgotten say (The Forgotten) and (The Forgotten Theme). While technically perfectly correct, it's inconsistent with the theme titles for the vanilla factions. It would be more consistent to title them Dust Sense (Forgotten Theme) and Shadows (Forgotten). Or, alternatively, add "The" to the titles of all the vanilla factions. Though the game itself tends to omit the "The" in its text.

I think that's everything. And I hope this is helpful.

I cannot stop listening to Under the Threshold, it's so good.
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2015, 8:14:35 PM
EdwardFalcon wrote:
The top of this window should say "another" not "an other". I think it may be better if it just states which faction is speaking to you ie. You have received a message from the Drakken

I'm reposting this typo as well because it still hasn't been fixed. Every time you receive a message from an empire the top of the window says "You have received a message from AN OTHER empire" which is spelled wrong. It should read "You have received a message from ANOTHER empire".
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 3:09:08 PM
Shirokuma wrote:
They didn't like my spy killing their citizens.

Thanks for the report, it will be fixed in the next version!
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9 years ago
Dec 9, 2015, 9:34:24 PM
I wnated to rename something to "Anthony". Don't ask me why. But i couldn't.

When you rename a troop, you can't use A. You can use Á, Ä, but not "A". This problem is easy to solve, i just searched and here it is.

Lane 3892 of EF_Location_Locales.xml (Endless legend/Public/Location/(english, spanish, rus...)

[CODE] ÂÄBCÇDEÉÈÊËFGHIÎÏJKLMNOÔÖPQRSTUÛÙÜVWXYZaàâäbcçdeéèêëfghiîïjklmnoôöpqrstuûùüvwxyz0123456789-+_()[]ÁÍÓÚÑáíóúñ[/CODE]

See? there's no A. To solve it, i just added A. And save.

[CODE] ÂÄABCÇDEÉÈÊËFGHIÎÏJKLMNOÔÖPQRSTUÛÙÜVWXYZaàâäbcçdeéèêëfghiîïjklmnoôöpqrstuûùüvwxyz0123456789-+_()[]ÁÍÓÚÑáíóúñ[/CODE]

And here it is! Now i can name a troop "Anthony", yeeeiii!

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9 years ago
Dec 14, 2015, 10:34:16 PM
In a warning dialog box, at least when sent from Cultists, reads "There are other nations besides the Endless that OUR worthy..." should be ARE.
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9 years ago
Dec 27, 2015, 12:06:57 PM

maybe you have incorrect translation in your intro with russian subtitles, when auriga "tells": "I fear for them", it means "я страшусь/боюсь за них", not "я страшусь/боюсь их", which means "i'm afraid of them" or "i'm scared of them".
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9 years ago
Dec 31, 2015, 3:24:47 PM
Hi there,

The flavor text for the 'Easy' campaign difficulty in English says something to the effect of 'Henry IV would have lost the battle of Agincourt'. The battle of Agincourt was fought by Henry V, not Henry IV (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_V_of_England).

Is it a huge deal? No, but if you're going to reference historical figures and events, better to have this corrected.
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9 years ago
Jan 5, 2016, 10:04:48 AM

Thanks for your feedback. The issues will be fixed in the next version smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Feb 8, 2016, 12:36:40 AM
Found a very minor bug. Not even really a bug, but rather an alignment issue in the tutorial. See image below...

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9 years ago
Mar 4, 2016, 4:50:29 PM
Line 2968: Name="%FactionTraitRovingClans7TooltipEffect">-33% #FFD768#\7703\#REVERT# on Upkeep of Privateers

Doesn't not apply to Mercenaries spawned by converted Villages

Double negative.

Line 1311: Name="%UnitProfileMadFairiesHero4Description">Témoc's became a legendary figure in Wild Walker mythology the day he finally tracked down Moema Isi, a ruthless Wild Walker killer who'd murdered an entire clan-family six winters past. Using the Sharing and transforming into the form of a huskie, Témoc trailed Moema over ice and vale for two years until eventually trapping the killer at Blind Man's Bluff. Témoc's patience, dedication, and endurance make him a formidable leader.

Meaningless contraction.

Line 5521: Name="%OptionAutoPopupNotificationInfiltratedHeroesRevealedDescription">Display pop-up notification with the result of of the reveal of infiltrated enemy spies.

Extra "of".

Line 5525: Name="%OptionAutoPopupNotificationInfiltrationLevelProgressDescription">Display pop-up notification with one or more of your spies gains a new infiltration level in his infiltrated city.

Should probably be "when".

Line 5838: Name="%EspionageCityListUnknownEmpireFilterDescription">Button not available: you don't have encountered this empire.

Should probably be "haven't".

Line 5871: Name="%EspionageSelectNoSelectionDescription">You must a select a foreign city in the list.

Floating article.

Line 5945: Name="%NotificationInfiltrationActionSufferedOutcomeCaptured">The enemy spy {0} from the empire of {1} spy was captured during the action, and is now your hostage.

Line 5946: Name="%NotificationInfiltrationActionSufferedOutcomeCapturedElusive">The enemy spy {0} from the empire of {1} spy was captured during the action but managed to escape from your empire thanks to his skills.

Floating word.

Line 9487: Name="%UnitAbilityCamouflageDescription">#FFB43F#WORLD EFFECTS#REVERT#



Missing a space.

Line 9482: Name="%InfiltrationActionDecreaseCityProduction_Level2Description">Reduces the Industry production #FF926D#\7701\#REVERT# of the infiltrated City by 50% for $Duration turns \7708

Extra space.

Line 1351: Name="%UnitProfileBrokenLordsHero5Description">Nicknamed "The Shadow" on account of his unfailing ability to catch wind of all the secret alliances, chamber liasions, and underhand plans hatched in the Broken Lord halls of power, Bishop John Presber of House Lucien caught one juicy whisper too many and was summarily banished overseas, stripped of his official titles. Drifting through many lands with a tribe of Roving Clansmen, John Port found his facility for overhearing gossip of great use to Auriga's most renowned traders, and rapidly became one of their most trusted servants. Alas, "The Shadow"'s great skill became his undoing again, lucky to escape with his life after he learnt of an illiicit tryst in the highest circles of Clansmen power. Looking forward, John only wishes to serve a group who will not one day eject him from their ranks.

Should be "illicit".

Lines 2625-2641:


Name="%UnitAbilityRegenerationDescription">#FFB43F#BATTLE EFFECTS#REVERT#







Name="%UnitAbilityRegeneration1Title">Regeneration 1

Name="%UnitAbilityRegeneration1Description">#FFB43F#BATTLE EFFECTS#REVERT#


Name="%UnitAbilityRegeneration2Title">Regeneration 2

Name="%UnitAbilityRegeneration2Description">#FFB43F#BATTLE EFFECTS#REVERT#


Name="%UnitAbilityRegeneration3Title">Regeneration 3

Name="%UnitAbilityRegeneration3Description">#FFB43F#BATTLE EFFECTS#REVERT#


The values are inconsistent.

Line 7376: Name="%DiplomaticInteractionWarToTruceSigned">For the moment we accept your proposal to end this #F3EAD8#war#REVERT# with a #F3EAD8#truce#REVERT# .

Extra space.

Line 7409: Name="%DiplomaticInteractionPeaceToAllianceDeclarationSigned">#F3EAD8#Peace#REVERT#is not enough; we have decided to form an #F3EAD8#alliance#REVERT#. You have no choice.

Missing space.

Line 1393: Name="%UnitProfileNecrophagesHero6Description">A fearless Necrophage, Strikes Far quickly rose in the brutal ranks of his nest's soldier-caste, taking command of larger and larger fighting cells, and bringing home many victories. One fateful sun-cycle, however, Strikes Far became lost many leagues from the nest. Unbeknownst to the party of Necrophages that Strikes Far led, cataclysmic earthquakes deep in the Aurigan interior had altered the planet's magnetic fields, scrambling their pathfinding abilities. Knowing only the way of battle, Strikes Far and his band of vicious fighters carved a path of death across the land, until they came deep into Vaulter territory. With his numbers finally whittled down to only himself, the Vaulters captured and imprisoned Strikes Far, curious to learn the secrets of the Necrophage's deadly combat. After being force-fed a Dust-enhanced draft, Strikes Far found himself "uplifted" and eventually able to relate his battlefield tactics to his captors. After forging an unlikely friendship with one of their captains, Strikes Far later escaped to become one of the few Necrophages plying the surface of Auriga as a hired sword.

Extra space
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9 years ago
Mar 20, 2016, 11:50:14 AM
Hi !

I'm not sure about post here, during a game, I noticed the equipment Cyclone doen't cost Palladian whereas there is it icon display on selection. It cost Adamatian instead. (Screenshot below)

Game Version : V1.3.5 S3 (64-BIT)
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9 years ago
Mar 20, 2016, 2:08:34 PM
Line 1417: Name="%UnitProfileVaultersHero4Description">Throughout her childhood Toth Istvanka had no higher aspiration than to be a good Vaulter, and showed no particular desire to become a solider. It was only during her late adolescence and due to a particularly fearsome Necrophage incursion that she showed the first signs of her extraordinary fortutide.

The Necrophages had breached her city's second-tier defences, and the order to evacuate was given. After twelve hours of forced marching the elderly and the young were exhausted and desperate - yet still the Necrophages came, lancing deeper and deeper into Vaulter lands. With the line between the Vaulter soldiers and the refugees near breaking point, Istvanka calmy walked back to where the battle raged, picked an ax and shield from a fallen comrade, and joined the fight. Witnessing her courage, the children rallied themselves and pushed on to the safety of Fort Laskolc. Once the battle was over Istvanka joined the ranks, never losing the qualities of discipline, calmness, and bravery that she'd displayed on that terrible day. Promoted eventually to the role of High Protector of Gyer, she is prepared to do everything in her power for the Vaulter cause.

Should be "soldier". Should be "fortitude". Should be "--" (to follow the pattern). Should be "calmly".

Line 1439: Name="%UnitProfileVaultersHero8Description">Toth Istvan was born in a dark crevice in one of the deepest recesses of Vaulter territory after a subterranean flash flood separated his mother from her home settlement. With his mother dying on the dank rock beside him, it was only Istvan's lusty wailing that alerted the frantic rescuers to the pair's location. While his mother was never the same again, Istvan seemed to grow stronger. Through his childhood and into adolescence, Istvan had no higher aspiration than to be a good Vaulter, and harbored no ambition to become a solider. It was only during a particularly fearsome Necrophage incursion that his elders witnessed the first signs that they might have an individual of extraordinary fortutide in their midst.

The Necrophages had breached Gyer's second-tier defenses, and the order had gone out to evacuate the settlement. by the twelfth hour of forced marching, the elderly and the young retreating first, most were exhausted and desperate. Still the Necrophages came, lancing deeper and deeper into Vaulter lands. With the line between the Vaulter soldiers and the refugees near breaking point, Istvan calmy walked back to where the battle raged, picked an ax and shield from a fallen comrade, and joined the fight. Witnessing his courage, the children rallied themselves, pushing onto the safety of the fort city, Laskolc. After the battle Istvan joined the ranks, never losing the qualities of discipline, calmness, and bravery that he'd displayed on that fateful day. Later he became the High Protector of Gyer, and since the relocation has been restless and unhappy in Budakai. He is ready to do everything in his power for the Vaulter cause.

Should be "soldier". Should be "fortitude". Should be "By". Should be "calmly".

Lines 8473, 8479, 8485, 8491, 8497, 8503, 8509, 8515, 8521, 8527, 8533, 8539, 8545, 8551, 8557, 8563, 8569, 8575, 8581 and 8587: Name=*MULTIPLE*>You cannot allow other empires to complete this task before you do.

Double space.

Lines 8495 and 8501: Name=*MULTIPLE*>Your military prowess is undisputed, but only for now. Continue this way, and the people of your empire's might live in security.

Wrong possessive.

Line 8502: Name="%MedalEra2MilitaryAlt-Step1">Be the first to defeat at least 3 armies led by a hero (not including reinforcements).

Missing "in order to gain the reward" to maintain the pattern found on the other "Step1" descriptions.

Line 8514: Name="%MedalEra2DiplomacyAlt-Step1">Be the first to earn 2.000 Influence #8A7DFF#\7704\#REVERT# from the beginning of the game in order to gain the reward.

Should be "2,000", "2 000" or "2000".

Lines 8518 and 8524: Name=*MULTIPLE*>Congratulations! You aren the first empire to achieve this amazing economic deed.

Should be "are".

Line 8526: Name="%MedalEra3EconomyAlt-Step1">Be the first to produce an amount of 4.000 Dust #FFD768#\7703\#REVERT# at the end of turn in order to gain the reward.

Should be "4,000", "4 000" or "4000".

Line 8550: Name="%MedalEra4MilitaryAlt-Step1">Be the first to have a city with at least 800 of fortification value.

Should be "City" to maintain the pattern. Missing "in order to gain the reward" to maintain the pattern found on the other "Step1" descriptions.

Line 8568: Name="%MedalEra5Economy-Step1">Be the first to have a City with at least 15 Districts.

Missing "in order to gain the reward" to maintain the pattern found on the other "Step1" descriptions.

Line 1473: Name="%UnitProfileRovingClansHero6Description">In Al Quereshi, known as "The Queen of Caravans" and the shining jewel of the Clans' empire, there is one name that causes more fear in men's hearts than any other: Jasah Murdap, aka The Chained Cleaver. For many years Jasah lived an unassuming life, one of many butchers in the Great Market selling whole poultry, haunches of goat, and tongue and tail of ox to any who would stop at his counter. A genial man with fine wares and honest prices, Jasah's lived happily until the day, unbeknownst to him, he served tainted meat to a visiting dignitary. Embroiled in the political fallout, Jasah ended up accused of involvement in a murder plot, and was sentenced to death by beheading. Jasah's tale did not end there, however. Offered the chance at redemption by the Patrician himself, Jasah life was spared on agreement he become The Last Justice, a permanent fixture of the Great Fighting Pit where condemned men could gain freedom -- by defeating the Last Justice in armed combat. As tall as a steed (and weighing almost as much), still wearing the same bloody apron and still clutching the same giant cleaver, Jasah never knew defeat. On the night he took his five hundredth opponent's life, however, he escaped the Pit, and now is one of Auriga's most terrifying blades for hire.

Wrong use of possessive.

Line 1483: Name="%UnitProfileDrakkensHero2Description">Something of a split-personality of the Drakken city of Nabalis, unbeknownst to his brethren in the Silicate Machinery Library, Jiraduveja spent his off-time haunting the Fighting Pits of the city's Lower Reaches. To begin with he would only watch, his face pressed his face up against the fence, while juvenile Necrophage fought to the death. The spilling of their pungent fluids would wet his tongue, and he would spasm with bloodlust. It wasn't enough. Hooded and cloaked, Jiraduveja eventually entered the pits himself, fighting the creatures with a double-edged weapon known as a saw-cleaver. Maybe it was his passion, but Jiraduveja evolved into a formidable master of combat. When the inevitable happened, and word of his prowess reached his Loremaster, Jiraduveja was thrown out of the Library in disgrace. He didn't care. In fact, he was pleased that he could finally follow his true vocation: Soldier of Fortune.

Should be "his face pressed up against the fence".

Line 1543: Name="%UnitProfileHauntsHero1Description">This lone figure, only seen on The Day of the Awakening, has been observed and discussed for centuries. Alternatively viewed as a demon or a god, it appears at many ruins across Auriga in the space of a single day. No one can say if it travels via magic or some lost art of the Endless, or if it is one spirit with many incarnations. All that can be said is that this thing - also known as Valtaros, the Gleaming One, and the Blue Devil - is powerful, mysterious, and well-versed in the lore of the Endless.

Should be "-- also known as Valtaros, the Gleaming One, and the Blue Devil --" to retain the pattern. Double space.

Line 8860: Name="%ReplicantsPackLore">A nightmare out of history, the Forgotten are a faction that all others thought to be lost or dead. Against their will they were forged into a tight society of violent and distrustful survivors, having spent the final years of the cataclysm alone on the surface of Auriga. Now, as rifts in their society have led a splinter faction to declare its independence, the Forgotten are risking everything in the hopes that the other factions will accept them - or kneel before them.

Should be "--" to retain the pattern.

Line 5422: Name="%ItemInsigniaVaultersMainQuest1Description">The size of a scepter, this gleaming blue cylinder is clearly the work of ancient peoples - or gods - in that it drains the influences of cold and ice from the armies of the empire and imprisons those effects within itself.

Should be "-- or gods --" to retain the patter.

Line 8611: Name="%ItemColossusWaterIronDescription">Wielding the power of ocean waves, this winds of this whirling vortex are particularly effective against flying units.

Should be "the".
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9 years ago
Apr 8, 2016, 1:34:01 PM
Line 10540: Name="%SideQuestLore#0014Description">The ruins are far from the deserted tomb you had imagined. Frantic Ceretans swarm the site, some feverishly digging, others carrying wounded kin and damaged eggs. One approaches. You learn that the Ceratans had thought the ruins a safe haven, but a few days ago the earth shook, burying many of their kin in the underground galleries and tunnels beneath the ruins. Many of the trapped are Ceratan females, refusing or unable to abandon their unhatched young. They ask for your help.

Should be "Ceratans".
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9 years ago
Apr 8, 2016, 2:51:43 PM
2 minors typos in french for the faction's selection screen:

> "QUÊTE PRINCIPALE DES OUBLIÉS", it should be: "QUÊTE DES OUBLIÉS" like for all other factions.

> "QUÊTE DES CULTISTS", it should be: "QUÊTE DES CULTISTES" (just a little mispelling here).

1 small typo in the french text during the loading screen:

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9 years ago
Apr 8, 2016, 8:37:06 PM
Not sure whether this was already mentioned or not :

In the quest "Dust gives, dust takes" it says :

... Produce [x] Dust per turn in one for your cities ...

I think it should read :

... Produce [x] Dust per turn in one of your cities ...
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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2016, 1:18:47 PM

Thanks for the reports! I have made the necessary corrections, and they will be available in the next build.
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