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Multiplayer is still very buggued and it's very frustrating

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9 years ago
Aug 30, 2015, 8:20:58 PM
bought the game for multiplayer session today

very frustrating that we couldn't finish a single game, not even get beyond 50 turns before desync ruining the experience. Suddenly after rehosting some of my systems were gone, ships at different places and stuff.

ruined it for me

anybody know why this happens? Windows 7, 8.1, 10?
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9 years ago
Nov 22, 2015, 6:21:10 PM
+1 to this thread. I think a lot more multi-player play-testing needs to be done. The current experience is indeed frustrating.

Also regarding MH, a great feature would be some kind of replay mode like Starcraft has. The other day I played a good game but my opponent played better somehow, I'd like to be able to watch his game and learn what he did to beat me so I can get better.
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9 years ago
Nov 11, 2015, 11:29:54 PM
Just want to say I played again this day with a cultist cheater who used a necrophage governor, to exploit slavery bug. So, it occurs often.

But I know the incoming patch will solve this bug, and that is great. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Oct 1, 2015, 5:24:47 PM
Endless Legend multiplayer is really broken. There are multiple bugs of which the the de-sync is the worst. smiley: mad

Are these bugs being looked at? I have posted about these bugs before but got no response.

Very sad that EL gives so much problems when ES never had any smiley: frown

Most of the bugs seems to be caused by connectivity issues. Is there any thought put into allowing local servers to be started instead of online?
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9 years ago
Sep 27, 2015, 2:19:27 PM
I wish I could send logs, but the game won't even create them.

The only logs I have in my folder are from SP crashes.

We have been trying to play MP the whole day yesterday and half the day today. It worked yesterday late in the evening and this morning for a few hours, but now the Problems start again. Massive lag spikes that freeze the game on "waiting for others" when we end our turn. I have tried every single troubleshooting suggestion I could find...

It just randomly works for 1-2 hours with nice 50ms pings and suddenly it goes full retard on 40.000ms lag spikes and "waiting for others" freezes for the next 8 hours.......

Very sad.

Endless Space works just fine, no problems ever.

Is there any way to play this via hamachi?
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9 years ago
Sep 26, 2015, 10:38:21 PM
I don't understand why people continue to play with 32 bit version. There is people who plays with XP ?
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9 years ago
Sep 26, 2015, 3:05:50 PM
And high ping games [multi] are often caused by different game versions (32/64bit). My experience.
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9 years ago
Sep 24, 2015, 12:36:11 PM
Every time I've posted a desync log (You have to set dumping method to Text to get them), it's been acknowledged and investigated by Amplitude.

A lot of the strange errors also pop up in high ping games from my experience.
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9 years ago
Sep 24, 2015, 1:42:19 AM
I don't post logs either-- it's just too unclear as to whether or when the log is going to be useful, and the few times I've tried, they've been larger than these forums will allow. I'm not going to create some public cloud account just to do that. Oh well.

But I'm not sure that players need to accept responsibility for this either. It's great that developers pay attention to us, but if there are a lot of bugs causing desyncs and multiplayer errors, there ought to be some automated data collection. This isn't a privacy concern so long as it's sufficiently transparent.
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9 years ago
Sep 24, 2015, 12:24:49 AM
I am sad to say that the game is more than difficult, and can very annoying to play in multiplayer, due to bugs.

There are so much bugs, so much red fatal errors, stranges A.I taking control, oss very frequent, stucked combat screen, forced auto combat etc. that the people tend to leave the games in multiplayer, because they are frustrate to wait, to have to resyinc and reload.

I know it's maybe caused by the passivity of people, which are rarely publishing bug with gamelog. Myself, at first, I rarely do that. I think I should, and we should do it systematiquely.

This post is not very productive but I wanted to express again the problem. ^^
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9 years ago
Sep 3, 2015, 6:12:28 PM
We will have a look on the desyncs, but we need your dump logs (and auto save files) in order to understand the issues.
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9 years ago
Aug 31, 2015, 1:00:49 PM
krezzykid wrote:
bought the game for multiplayer session today

very frustrating that we couldn't finish a single game, not even get beyond 50 turns before desync ruining the experience. Suddenly after rehosting some of my systems were gone, ships at different places and stuff.

ruined it for me

anybody know why this happens? Windows 7, 8.1, 10?

Sounds a lot like you're playing Endless Space? You may want to look for some help here -> /#/endless-space/forum/35-tech-support
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9 years ago
Aug 31, 2015, 4:32:00 AM
Turns out I´ve been experiencing local connectivity issues, so hosting anything is a bad idea. The fact most players are not from south america also doesn´t help my experience, but lately, playing exclusive with NA and EU hosts, the only desyncs happens when someone joins an ongong game.

This situation can lead to bugs, like if someone tries to join when a player is battling an AI-controlled army. Players leaving and consequent AI-related issues are half the issues I have, a quarter would be steam PvP problems and the rest Serious Errors I never report. (smiley: frown )

Have been enjoying these last weeks of EL mp, there´s a lot of very good people playing, and the technical issues are not larger than other turn-based experiences i´ve tried.
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9 years ago
Aug 8, 2015, 5:36:40 PM
I want to say that the multiplayer is still very bugued, very frequent O.S.S, sometimes fatal error (frequence : at least one per game).

The worst bug it's when there is a fatal error and it's not possible to rehost the game (the main player is seen as a ghost, and even the past game cannot be saved).

A player say that there is a problem between the 32 bit and 64 version of the game. Another say that if one player has not expansion (Guardians), there are much more bugs and problems.

But no one know where come these bugs, it is pure speculation.

Could you please solve these bugs in a near future (and add an instantenous animation unit to speed up the too slow multiplayer games). smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2015, 6:54:38 PM
In my opinion: they´re not overpowered, as in unbalanced with the rest of the game, but they are a little unbalanced among themselves.

Skoros is good early defense against crowds, and it is naturally replaced by its higher tier counterparts with a good meta system between Gios and Fotios. I find the later ones, however, very underwhelming considering their cost; I guess pillage was useful, but I really think it´s more effective to use the extra slots to keep getting upperhands in the metas between Gios and Fotios in the map.

As to how to counter gios - Fotios and ranged units. Support with slowdown and high initiative can guarantee you can keep dodging from him. Fotios with Precision, fighting on rought terrain, can probably kill it without being touched. Sometimes you dont have one, or time to get one or to get to the place. In this case, use you highest initiative melee unit to engage Gios and don´t waste anyone else´s attack on it, because you won´t kill it, you´re just disabling it so you can take care of the rest.
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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2015, 6:42:49 PM
I confirm that the guardians are totally ridiculousely overpowered, and need a deep nerf.

I only met the stone guardian, he was unkillable and killed all my elites army. Currentely, "smart" people make guardians at the end of the game, and it is totally worseless to build units, iti s better to only build guardians.
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