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ideas for endless legend

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11 years ago
Feb 18, 2014, 6:27:23 AM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
if you fleshed out diplomacy maybe you can have a faction based on it like the amoeba and get bonuses for being crafty and tricking everyone else. i don't know about anyone else but personaly, i think it would be great being the guy who pits other countries against each other and then killing them both.

I like this idea. I was a tad miffed by the Amoeba's affinity special, though. Being able to see the whole map is OP in my opinion. That said, most computer AIs cheat and get to see the whole map anyway (troop movements included). If they had a special that allowed them to see large areas of land for a determinate period of time, that'd be cool and wouldn't be so OP in multiplayer.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 7:15:56 PM
Nasarog wrote:
Some good ideas, but I'd forgo animation for diplomatic screens if it meant a better AI and resources spent fleshing out the game. I was not bothered by the diplomatic screens in ES as much as I was bothered by how useless it all was. I want some real choices in dialogue and actions. ES had a very bare bones diplomacy mini game, and the game suffered for it.

I agree as in ES (and many others) you ended up following a military conquer strategy because there really didn't seem to be many other options to winning. I recently played Galactic Civ 2 and won an influence victory. Quite satisfying as I was starting to wonder when the game would end as I was so dominant. The point being that diplomacy that works, ties in to so many other strategies to beat the AI or multi-players.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 8:21:01 AM
Some ideas about the game (in french, sorry) :

Petite liste de choses qu'il faudrait modifier/améliorer (à mon avis) :

Map de campagne :

- Ajouter un filtre pour afficher des icones de ressources (comme pour civ 5). A l'heure actuelle de ce que j'ai vu, seul les icones de ressources stratégiques apparaissent et uniquement quand on dézoom la map. Curieusement des icones apparaissent aussi une fois que la ressource est exploitée (pourquoi pas avant ? Mystère).

- Le système de déplacement, j'ai peut être pas fait attention mais j'ai pas l'impression qu'on a besoin de valider son mouvement avant que notre personnage se déplace, du coup plusieurs fois je me suis retrouvé à faire un grand détour à cause d'un obstacle sans que le jeu me demande de valider ou pas ce déplacement.

- Un filtre pour afficher un hexagone coloré autour des anomalies serait pas mal aussi.

- AU niveau sonore le jeu gagnerait à s'étoffer, je trouve que ça manque de sons divers reflétant l'univers, si je clique sur une anomalie comme les grosses limaces, je trouverais ça plus sympa d'avoir un petit son un peu gélatineux, idem pour les autres anomalies. C'est qu'un exemple, mais je trouve le jeu un peu trop muet par moments.

Batailles :

- Afficher la portée des déplacement/tirs des unités en les survolant avec la souris (impératif).

- Rendre efficient l'ordre tenir la position, curieusement mon héros se met à portée de tir même quand je lui demande de tenir la position (en faisant un déplacement auto que je n'ai pas souhaité).

- Afficher les stats des unités durant toutes les phases. Pendant les phases de déploiement stratégique je n'arrive pas à voir les stats de mes unités et celles de mes ennemis, c'est pourtant le moment le plus important ou j'aurai vraiment besoin de ces informations.

- Afficher des icones sur les unités qui subissent un malus lié à une capacité spéciale. Par exemple si une unité est déjà snare, j'aimerai pouvoir le savoir. Et si les effets durent pendant un certain nombre de tour et pas toute la bataille, afficher le nombre de tours restant sur l'icone de malus.

- Je comprend pas trop l'intérêt du deux tours / 1 ordre. Je préférerais pouvoir adapter ma stratégie à chaque tour.

- J'ai pas vu d'explication des capacités spéciales des créatures quand on survole leur portrait durant un combat, ce serait bien que ce soit faisable, le nom des capacités ne sont pas toujours très explicites.

- Un filtre pour afficher les dégats/pv des créatures.


Actuellement l'hiver se contente de ralentir le jeu, ce n'est pas spécialement amusant ou intéressant, à la limite quitte à mettre une phase hivernale, autant rendre celle-ci plus pénalisante de façon à forcer le jouer à changer sa façon de jouer plutôt que simplement la ralentir. Un exemple :

- Mettre en place un système d'attrition en territoires neutres/ennemis pour les armées qui s'y déplacent. Cela contiendra les joueurs chez eux pendant l'hiver et où ils prépareront leurs forces et peaufineront leurs stratégies pour les phases d'été (en plus de créer un timing serré pour les campagnes militaires). Cela permet aussi de faire des attaques inattendues pendant ces phases (aux risques et périls de l'assaillant).

Stratégie d'Empire

J'aime assez peu cette feature, j'ai l'impression qu'elle a été ajoutée pour donner un boost à ceux qui jouent de façon plus diplomatique et donc plus pour des raisons d'équilibrage que pour proposer quelquechose de vraiment intéressant. Moi je propose de complètement la supprimer et d'étendre le domaine des avantages des points d'influence à d'autres domaines (bouffer de l'hexagone adverse, débloquer la limite max de routes commerciales, acheter des unités mercenaires etc...). Je préfère des choses plus concrètes à faire sur le terrain qu'un curseur à bouger tous les 15 tours.

Héros :

- Le système d'équipement du héros est un peu fastidieux et frustrant. Trop souvent on chope des items qu'on ne peut pas équiper pour l'instant pour cause de tiers pas atteint et / ou de ressources manquantes. Je suis pas opposé à l'idée pour donner de l'intérêt aux ressources stratégiques, mais il faudrait qu'il y ait quelques items qui soient ajusté aux ressources/tiers que possèdent le joueur.

- Ajouter de nouveaux skins d'armures, déjà rien qu'un skin différent par tiers permettrait (sans créer une grosse charge de travail) de gratifier la progression du joueur et d'identifier le niveau des héros sur le terrain.

Arbre technologique

- Le nouveau système par palier manque de logique, j'ai l'impression qu'on peut ne jamais faire de recherche dans le domaine scientifique et arriver au dernier palier et faire des recherches ultra complexes dans les sciences sans jamais avoir travaillé ce domaine au préalable. Ça ne me semble pas cohérent, donc je pense qu'il faudrait redonner plus de synergie à l'ensemble en demandant x points dépensés dans chaque domaine pour pouvoir rechercher une compétence de haut niveau dans le domaine en question.

Par exemple si je veux rechercher une technologie en science dans le tiers 3 de l'arbre de recherche, je pense qu'il faudrait que (par exemple), le jeu demande à ce que le joueur ait dépensé au minimum 5 pts en science.

Quêtes :

- Permettre d'épingler plus d'une quête à la fois (j'ai une mémoire de poisson rouge).

- Mettre des créatures dans les ruines explorées soit en ennemis (surprise !), soit en récompense (une nouvelle unité vous rejoint).
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 4:18:09 AM
Surrealialis wrote:
If they didn't add the above I would at least ask for a system whereby units with multiple creatures in a stack received damage penalties as they lost health. I have the same problem with AoW3, the 'number' of units is only a graphical representation of their health but it really doesn't allow designers to distinguish them from larger more imposing units.

I agree that it would be more logical to scale the damage output with the number of creatures left in a unit, but the problem with that is always that the first unit inflicting damage has a large advantage. If that is done, it has to be accounted for in the balancing such that long range high initiative units aren't the way to go at all times, because they can decimate approaching units, before those can retaliate.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 4:14:15 AM
I think having a, possibly research defined, paradigm shift for the bread and butter units of each faction a welcome change. Since they are currently running a pretty fun game with a low number of units, deeper customization would be a nice addition.

Shamans and buffs or berserk 'cavalry'

Another post recommended a power point change to army composition. For those not familiar with this, assigning a number of points to a unit to increase unit variety/power while countering the 6 of my best units stacked in an army problem.

A good example - The hydra snakes look imposing, they could get a buff to health and damage but be worth 2 or 20 or 200 points vs the bread and butter units being worth 1 or 10 or 100 points.

In this system, we could have high tier 'power' units that are not meant to replace all lower level units but instead meant to fulfill a more niche role or open a different strategies. The above hydra - excellent vs swarming units or melee.

The same thing could be done with the units accessed via research. Having a tenei walker be more imposing and deadly on the field fits lore and expectation so making it worth 15 or 1.5 or 150 points would allow for this.

Advantages - greater depth of design, choice and strategy.

Disadvantage - no longer simple to create 'new armies' or combine armies under the most simplistic math.

If they didn't add the above I would at least ask for a system whereby units with multiple creatures in a stack received damage penalties as they lost health. I have the same problem with AoW3, the 'number' of units is only a graphical representation of their health but it really doesn't allow designers to distinguish them from larger more imposing units.
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11 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 2:20:48 AM
How about assimilation of Major Factions?

I am not saying we should get all the faction bonuses for one major faction just a slight buff like the other minor factions give. If you are able to assimilate some of the minor faction why not the major ones? You should only be able to assimilate them if you conquer them completely. This mechanic might be possibly o.p. but lets discuss it.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 5:55:24 PM
since we have the assimilation mechanics, maybe a good idea would be a faction that uses that as a core mechanic

the species would be

  • Physically unimposing by themselves, so having weaker base units than most factions
  • the ability to assimilate maybe 1 more minor factions than everyone else
  • stronger versions of the minor factions buffs on assimilation
  • cheaper production of auxiliary faction units
  • poorer production due to the lack of strength the species themselves possess

this is just a shortlist of rough ideas for the core mechanics, i don't alas claim to know how to finely balance things like percentages and whatnot
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 4:08:25 PM
Agree with lots of flavour random events and text that supports characteristics.

Alliance and Alliance Victory would be great.

Few structural suggestions:

1. a hot key that specifically rotates between any place constructing an endless object like research. only a little ways in so far and have not come across this issue, but given the visually/structural similarity between this and endless space, I could see this being an annoyance like it was in Endless space.

2. Let the tech trees scroll faster. The current speed is too slow.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 9:38:57 AM
I've posted this on another thread of mine :

*I'd like to see small villages inside regions. We have big regions (a nice gameplay choice), with a town and one or two neutrals village and...that's all. Building small village could make regions less empty. Think about civ 4 cottage and you have it.

*Some building should appears in the town, wanna be cool

*Let's talk about the map. It would be very nice if we could go north-to south, not only east to west and west to east. North pole coulda be a mysterious zone, with special monsters, ruines etc...and could necessitate specials armors/accessory/research to pass through the extreme temperature.

*Winter. When the game was annonced, i though winter going to be like Game of Thrones winter. Somethinh really hard, and mysterious (yeah, i like mysterious thing). But we have just a malus to food during few turns.

*It would be epic to have a special region on the map. An island, for example, surrounded by a strong endless shield, or a magic fog, dunno. Players would have to devellop specials buildings and search to explore that zone.

*More biomes : lava, low gravity (with flying island).

*A really big units (like battlecruiser in Endless Space) per races with specials quest to devellop it.

I post it here, it will be easier for the dev.

And i agree for random event !

I'd like to see epic random event with the possibilty to change the world (meteorit fall, making a great hole full of strategic ressource, for example)
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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2014, 1:40:44 PM
You could add cursed equipment that can have other negative effects while giving a lot of power in battle like a grotesque sword that makes the hero stronger in battle but makes his people afraid of him or a cursed power-armor that while protects the wearer but also controls him a bit so in the battle he may damage your units as well. You could add rebellions if the population is unhappy (unless you already have it and i have not noticed). A deeper and more alive political system that lets you talk to your heroes , create councils. In-city events like festivals, traveling merchants with rare items you can buy for a limited time, that would make the city more alive and make you want to spend some time looking at it rather than having it as simple buildings while you look for events out in the wilds. You should invest more on events since they will make the game look more alive and immerse you in the world but we need more ways to find events than just ruins and minor factions, you could even have events find you or events in anomalies.

If my ideas interest you i can expand upon them since i have lots of ideas for events, technologies and ways to make the player get invested in the game so ask if you want some more explanations and expansions on my ideas.
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11 years ago
Mar 18, 2014, 8:38:41 PM
''A new feature that could be added would be random natural disasters such as an earthquake to weaken the defenses of a town, a pest population or an erupting volcano that destroyed part of the troops in the vicinity of the eruption, so that there could influence the strategy of the player making the game more unexpected and fun.''

good ideas, i'm glad there is another person that has posted here.
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11 years ago
Mar 18, 2014, 6:28:34 PM
Un aspecto nuevo que podrían añadir serian los desastres naturales aleatorios, por ejemplo un terremoto que debilite las defensas de una ciudad, una plaga que disminuya la población o un volcán que destruya parte de las tropas que se encuentren cerca de la erupción; de forma que podría influir en la estrategia del jugador haciéndola mas inesperada y divertida.
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11 years ago
Feb 18, 2014, 6:56:30 PM
Varadhon wrote:
I like this idea. I was a tad miffed by the Amoeba's affinity special, though. Being able to see the whole map is OP in my opinion. That said, most computer AIs cheat and get to see the whole map anyway (troop movements included). If they had a special that allowed them to see large areas of land for a determinate period of time, that'd be cool and wouldn't be so OP in multiplayer.
Probably, but I don't do multiplayer so it mostly sucks.

Oh yea, forget alliances with other major civs. Alliances only with the minor factions. To have alliances, they'd need a massive rework of diplomacy because diplomacy in ES and ESsmiley: biggrin was/is atrocious!!!
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 2:10:44 AM
so its going to be a little while before this game is even going to be released as a beta or alpha, but we already have access to a few overviews of the game mechanics and story. what i would like to know is what ideas the community may have. whether you think its a bit ridiculous or a fantastic idea, i would love to hear them. nothing may ever come of this thread, but it would still be nice to have a place to share ideas and discuss about endless legend. without a game design proposals section we currently have no place to discuss ideas. i believe i will post a bulletin of ideas, to keep track of them all, if many people post their thoughts. i hope people respond with enthusiasm and by being polite. post away!smiley: biggrinsmiley: approval
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11 years ago
Feb 18, 2014, 6:25:49 AM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
if you fleshed out diplomacy maybe you can have a faction based on it like the amoeba and get bonuses for being crafty and tricking everyone else. i don't know about anyone else but personaly, i think it would be great being the guy who pits other countries against each other and then killing them both.

I like this idea. I was a tad miffed by the Amoeba's affinity special, though. Being able to see the whole map is OP in my opinion. That said, most computer AIs cheat and get to see the whole map anyway (troop movements included). If they had a special that allowed them to see large areas of land for a determinate period of time, that'd be cool and wouldn't be so OP in multiplayer.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 9:53:03 PM
if you fleshed out diplomacy maybe you can have a faction based on it like the amoeba and get bonuses for being crafty and tricking everyone else. i don't know about anyone else but personaly, i think it would be great being the guy who pits other countries against each other and then killing them both.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 12:01:50 AM
Nasarog wrote:
Some good ideas, but I'd forgo animation for diplomatic screens if it meant a better AI and resources spent fleshing out the game. I was not bothered by the diplomatic screens in ES as much as I was bothered by how useless it all was. I want some real choices in dialogue and actions. ES had a very bare bones diplomacy mini game, and the game suffered for it.

I give this an unequivocal yes!
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 11:52:13 PM
Some good ideas, but I'd forgo animation for diplomatic screens if it meant a better AI and resources spent fleshing out the game. I was not bothered by the diplomatic screens in ES as much as I was bothered by how useless it all was. I want some real choices in dialogue and actions. ES had a very bare bones diplomacy mini game, and the game suffered for it.
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 9:23:28 PM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
all good ideas but we should try to get a wider amount of people posting here, everyone can have good ideas.

Agreed =) There are usually upwards of 80 people viewing the ES fora, but typically only 4-8 on the EL ones. Another GDD or some more developer responses might help that. *hint, hint* =)

Some new screenies would be great too. We've been commenting on the same four screenies since the game was announced.
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 1:27:30 AM
all good ideas but we should try to get a wider amount of people posting here, everyone can have good ideas.
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