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[Read First] Faction Creation Contest - Rules, Guidelines & Advice

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 10:55:46 AM

Exhausting. I'm just turning up now because Monday-Tuesday were my first days off since the 14th. RE: Voting, we're aware of the situation, and are looking into possible solutions internally.

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 11:02:22 AM

We have begun a thread about our concerns. Don't hesitate to check it : even if some of our propositions are somewhat "too" optimistic, I think that the spirit is good

This thread is called : To members and the Amplicrew - We have serious concerns

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 2:36:11 PM
Troy_Costisick wrote:

Has the contest closed now?

Officially yes. The next phase is that some number (greater than the originally targeted 3) of top submissions will be carried over to a final vote between just them.

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8 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 3:22:20 PM

The contest is officially over as far as submissions are concerned. You may still comment on submissions, or ask questions to their authors.

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8 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 3:27:33 PM

Head over to the Votes section, right here!

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8 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 11:58:59 PM
carolean7 wrote:
Troy_Costisick wrote:

Has the contest closed now?

Officially yes. The next phase is that some number (greater than the originally targeted 3) of top submissions will be carried over to a final vote between just them.

Frog squadron is this how it's going to work? Like a elimination style round after round?

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8 years ago
Aug 27, 2016, 7:42:38 AM

This is the grand finals, 12 get in, only one comes out!

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8 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 8:12:09 AM

I know it is too late but I still want to just put my faction out there :)

Name: The Kharth

Affinity: Neutral

Description: The Kharth act as a diplomatic sanctuary for members of all factions that flee their home. They begin with their own world and are already providing sanctuary to members of one other faction, as a result they get a unique trait from that faction and certain technologies or buildings become available to the Kharth to develop. As the game progresses, the Kharth will grow in size and diversity as more factions seek a new home. As a result, the Kharth gain access to more paths to play and eventually will be one faction home to all. 

To get factions to flee, since the Kharth are a pacifist faction, they use espionage to cause distrust or fear of the leadership in other factions, which causes beings to flee to the Kharth. 

Can provide more info but that is the base idea.

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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 10:38:33 AM
MightyMango wrote:

I know it is too late but I still want to just put my faction out there :)

Name: The Kharth

Affinity: Neutral

Description: The Kharth act as a diplomatic sanctuary for members of all factions that flee their home. They begin with their own world and are already providing sanctuary to members of one other faction, as a result they get a unique trait from that faction and certain technologies or buildings become available to the Kharth to develop. As the game progresses, the Kharth will grow in size and diversity as more factions seek a new home. As a result, the Kharth gain access to more paths to play and eventually will be one faction home to all. 

To get factions to flee, since the Kharth are a pacifist faction, they use espionage to cause distrust or fear of the leadership in other factions, which causes beings to flee to the Kharth. 

Can provide more info but that is the base idea.

The contest is finished, but you can still put your ideas on a thread that I created in order to gather the ideas of the contest : you'll be able to add elements to your idea there and, if the thread work, could have feedback on it. 

Here is the link : https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/76-creations/thread/20144-ideas-shouldn-t-be-forgotten-major-faction-contest-edition

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8 years ago
Sep 3, 2016, 10:13:36 AM

Phase one is finished entirely. We'll be closing this contest section in a couple of weeks, it's still open in case people have questions for DevilDogFF's Unfallen. :)

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8 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 7:51:34 AM
icytux wrote:

Would it be bad if I simply place the Drakken in that competition? They are my all time favorite in Endless Legend, and it would be a huge shame it they somehow didn't make it into ES2. I really hope they're planned to be in the game ;-;

Oh and the Allayi as well!

It would be regrettable, because you don't know whether they're planned to make an appearance in the game. Also, being the intellectual property of Amplitude, submitting them as your creation wouldn't really fly. :D

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 4:35:01 PM

Name/concept: I have no idea for a name but the concept is a combination between the drakkan and the forgotten.

Description of their ability : they send diplomats to enemy planets and these diplomats can in a similar way to the spies from the shadows generate up to 5 levels of intrigue with a seniority bonus and they can get kicked of of a planet through a special series of special production quotas (like the normal procedures for entertaining a diplomat), then they can pay influence to give certain effects to the planet or sector they are in like setup a ban to certain kinds of food for X turns resulting in a food reduction or accusing the governor of a scandalous affair resulting in reduced influence for X amount of turns.

faction description: they are a slow growing plant species that evolved psionic abilities to make herbivores prefer other plants above themselves, slowy this abilty evolved in to the abilty to speak to the gentle nature in every creature they encountered and make them live peacefully wit everyone untill they reached space were there were more challenges toward the eternal peace they so wanted.

wait is this the wrong place?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 4:49:32 PM
Lorco wrote:

wait is this the wrong place?

You need to create a thread in the contest forum in order to submit your idea ;)

Frogsquadron did make this easier though, you just have to click the last link in his post above.

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 5:14:58 PM
BECOMM wrote:
Lorco wrote:

wait is this the wrong place?

You need to create a thread in the contest forum in order to submit your idea ;)

Frogsquadron did make this easier though, you just have to click the last link in his post above.

okay thank you

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 5:16:13 PM

Umm how do I edit the tread title? I can't think of the name at the moment, but I might change that latter.

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 5:48:54 PM

to any dev reading this your file which lists the rules for the contest seems to contain some kind of virus or something.

the moment that I opened the file my protection kicked in and stopped anything from happening but please do check.

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 6:09:43 PM

It's a docx file, I'm confused as to what could have triggered your antivirus protection... I'll give it a check in the morning

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