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The Unfallen - Sentient Trees

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 9:26:04 PM
UndeadPuppy wrote:
DevildogFF wrote:

So, quick question for a dev:

Do the top three at the end of the 25th get voted on again?

Yes. The top three most upvoted entries will make it to the next stage where the community votes (again) on which gets added to the game.

yeah but there are 2 more stages afterwards so how does narrowing it down to 3 after the first stage make sense.

Secondly, what if those near the top are really close in points, like 1k apiece seperating the top 10, is it fair to just take the top 3 still?

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2016, 1:01:44 PM

It sounds desperately weird to me that pacifists can actually blow the fire of war (by forcing other races to join a fight). And their age... It may be stereotypical, but such long-living creatures could be conservative  , receiving penalties to research speed or upgrading time/cost. Or maybe saplings are progressive majority, 'face of the race'?

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 11:08:12 AM

Is their homeworld a Forrest planet or a Jungle one?

I don't think it's mentioned anywhere in the OP but I assume it has a high vegetation density and it has at least a Temperate climate.

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 3:24:50 AM

I've added the "Trees for Peace" trait and fleshed out the Blossoms trait. I'm trying to make them more pacifist/diplomat oriented. 

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 1:14:00 PM

I'm sad because I've got the same kind of plant pacific one mind race but but with the ability to terraform the planet passively until a jungle planet.

Anyway, I Upvote, I hope you win :D

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 12:10:50 PM

True. The first ES had 12 playable factions, this one has 8. Hopefully we'll be getting some DLC/expansion like Disharmony down the line.

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 12:09:22 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
UndeadPuppy wrote:
DevildogFF wrote:

So, quick question for a dev:

Do the top three at the end of the 25th get voted on again?

Yes. The top three most upvoted entries will make it to the next stage where the community votes (again) on which gets added to the game.

yeah but there are 2 more stages afterwards so how does narrowing it down to 3 after the first stage make sense.

Secondly, what if those near the top are really close in points, like 1k apiece seperating the top 10, is it fair to just take the top 3 still?

Man, I hope that happens and then they just give us both factions!!!

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 9:56:33 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
UndeadPuppy wrote:
DevildogFF wrote:

So, quick question for a dev:

Do the top three at the end of the 25th get voted on again?

Yes. The top three most upvoted entries will make it to the next stage where the community votes (again) on which gets added to the game.

yeah but there are 2 more stages afterwards so how does narrowing it down to 3 after the first stage make sense.

Secondly, what if those near the top are really close in points, like 1k apiece seperating the top 10, is it fair to just take the top 3 still?

I have no idea mate, it's up to the devs to decide.

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9 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 3:24:32 PM

I don't feel being able to force another player into war on your behalf regardless of the design is good gameplay, anything that makes choices for another player needs to be carefully considered. There's a big difference between a wardec (which is where one person declares hostilities upon another) and what you're asking for, which is where you are effectively creating a third player as a proxy defender in place of yourself, even if they may be unwilling or unable to do so at the time.

That part definitely needs revision, the Roving Clans would be the place to look I think.

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 6:41:24 PM
DevildogFF wrote:

So, quick question for a dev:

Do the top three at the end of the 25th get voted on again?

Yes. The top three most upvoted entries will make it to the next stage where the community votes (again) on which gets added to the game.

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 4:09:15 PM

So, quick question for a dev:

Do the top three at the end of the 25th get voted on again?

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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 10:56:50 AM
DevildogFF wrote:
Troy_Costisick wrote:

I imagine this faction would do rather poorly on frozen planets too, but perhaps one of their faction-specific technologies could be Antifreeze Proteins that would allow them to thrive in systems with those types of planets (if this game has them, that is).  You can read a little about Antrifreeze Proteins here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifreeze_protein



That is a pretty cool suggestion...

Nice play on words ;-D

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 11:12:19 AM
Troy_Costisick wrote:

I imagine this faction would do rather poorly on frozen planets too, but perhaps one of their faction-specific technologies could be Antifreeze Proteins that would allow them to thrive in systems with those types of planets (if this game has them, that is).  You can read a little about Antrifreeze Proteins here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifreeze_protein



There are some screenshots and videos depicting Arctic planets so I think it's safe to assume that they are still in the game. 

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9 years ago
Aug 19, 2016, 1:45:17 AM
Troy_Costisick wrote:

I imagine this faction would do rather poorly on frozen planets too, but perhaps one of their faction-specific technologies could be Antifreeze Proteins that would allow them to thrive in systems with those types of planets (if this game has them, that is).  You can read a little about Antrifreeze Proteins here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifreeze_protein



That is a pretty cool suggestion. That would be a good reasoning behind their cold planet technology. 

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9 years ago
Aug 18, 2016, 12:46:05 AM

I imagine this faction would do rather poorly on frozen planets too, but perhaps one of their faction-specific technologies could be Antifreeze Proteins that would allow them to thrive in systems with those types of planets (if this game has them, that is).  You can read a little about Antrifreeze Proteins here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifreeze_protein



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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 10:14:50 PM

Imagine wooden ships...


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8 years ago
Aug 31, 2016, 4:44:31 PM
EndlessCrashes wrote:

A special message from DevilDog (RobtheBobby) if you didnt vote for him, from his steam forum promotional post:

What a class act!

Hey man. What is the purpose of this? Are you're posting this as an attack on his character? If so, two things: 1) this contest isn't a contest of character, it is a contest of ideas, and 2) Obviously DevilDog was being sarcastic with this comment, so It only reflects badly on you by trying to tattle on him.

Lighten up please. Let's make ES2 great together!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 7:17:09 PM

Damn, I just wrote down my proposition for a plant race with sapience when i came across yours. The resemblance is uncanny, but i love your idea. :3

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 2:15:46 PM

There are a couple elements buggering me so far (and it's important for later stages of the contests)

Are they really sharing a conscience ? It seems to fit "immobile" creatures, but it changes quite a lot about their looks and way to do things : are they basically mobile plants with some suggestion abilities or rather almost unmovable psyon who gets things done by others. And diplomacy wise I couldn't tell if they really are good diplomats or just drug/smoke their way toward their goal ? It gives quite a different onlook.

My instinct would be to let them cling as much as possible to the global mechanics, ans as such they ought to use their technology being a mix of vegeal and inorganic and clearly exchange with others. 

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