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The Unfallen - Sentient Trees

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 6:36:00 PM

Hooray for trees!

Should they have some sort of "power of the forest" ability that makes them fight better in groups? 

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 6:38:11 PM
carolean7 wrote:

First off, great ideas. But I second the concern about forcing other factions to join a war with you. A human player would be placed in the "war" state, but would simply just ignore the fighting. In all previous Endless games the factions are all designed such that there is no difference (in theory) if it is being played by a human or AI. I feel they want to preserve this in ES2.

Also, how are the Unfallen able to expand and retake systems stolen from them if they can't declare war themselves? This seems like a huge handicap. But you have a strong concept with which you could fix these issues. I have faith. For instance, in my submission I allow for war to be declared, but there are military traits that make fighting highly unfavorable. Keep up the great work!

It's not any different than the Roving Clans from Endless Legend. They can certainly invade others' planets if they've had war declared. 

Also, I think the way around the human/AI issue is that the human player will simply be convinced that The Unfallen's enemy has actually declared war on the player, as the spores are very much like a mind-control agent. 

I've also updated the OP. 

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 7:35:58 PM
DevildogFF wrote:
carolean7 wrote:

First off, great ideas. But I second the concern about forcing other factions to join a war with you. A human player would be placed in the "war" state, but would simply just ignore the fighting. In all previous Endless games the factions are all designed such that there is no difference (in theory) if it is being played by a human or AI. I feel they want to preserve this in ES2.

Also, how are the Unfallen able to expand and retake systems stolen from them if they can't declare war themselves? This seems like a huge handicap. But you have a strong concept with which you could fix these issues. I have faith. For instance, in my submission I allow for war to be declared, but there are military traits that make fighting highly unfavorable. Keep up the great work!

It's not any different than the Roving Clans from Endless Legend. They can certainly invade others' planets if they've had war declared. 

Yes, but the Roving Clans could unlock the unique "Privateer Armies", specifically to counter this handicap. You could duplicate that feature for your faction or invent something else. But my feeling is that something will be needed for gameplay reasons.

Also, I think the way around the human/AI issue is that the human player will simply be convinced that The Unfallen's enemy has actually declared war on the player, as the spores are very much like a mind-control agent. 

Yes that "works", but the human player still doesn't have to participate in the war despite being in the "war" state, which I think is what you are trying to impose. Also, being forced into a war with no direct motivation would be frustrating, as it could break alliances, interrupt trade routes, etc... That's my 2 cents anyway. Overall, still a great idea.

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 10:07:10 PM

How about a game mechanic that allows the Unfallen to use influence to start uprisings on Jungle/Terran/etc. planets with a lot of trees and "flipping" those planets to The Unfallen?

Or, they could just use Minors as their mercs?

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 10:29:36 PM
DevildogFF wrote:

Edit: The Unfallen's ships are a mix of organic material and machinery, so The Unfallen's ships are basically cyborgs. (Thanks to Bluecreeper101 for the help in clarifying this)

Thanks for the shout out! Gives a bit more diversity and uniqueness to the future ship design :D

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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 12:52:20 PM
balancer12 wrote:

The Cravers will love these guys, they need more fiber in their diet :D

Yup, feels like a natural rivalry once they meet.

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