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The Unfallen - Sentient Trees

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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 6:44:37 AM

Some pretty cool ideas especially around forcing food instead of industry. Does Diplomacy Blossoms in War make The Unfallen a faction people wouldn't want to ally with (ie if I don't want to get dragged into a war)? Pretty cool idea.. I AM GROOT.

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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 3:19:53 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:
DevildogFF wrote:


They are the natural enemies of the Cravers and after losing many planets to their destructiveness, have developed specific defenses to them. Their long history as one of many of the Cravers' slaves have led them to raze themselves rather than have one of their planets occupied. 

I'm afraid you can't do that, Dave (don't refer to another faction in your bio, otherwise you can't "meet them for the first time" in-game). Submission otherwise fine. :)

Fixed :)

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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 1:03:48 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:
DevildogFF wrote:


They are the natural enemies of the Cravers and after losing many planets to their destructiveness, have developed specific defenses to them. Their long history as one of many of the Cravers' slaves have led them to raze themselves rather than have one of their planets occupied. 

I'm afraid you can't do that, Dave (don't refer to another faction in your bio, otherwise you can't "meet them for the first time" in-game). Submission otherwise fine. :)

Can you mention the Endless though, seeing as they are no a playable faction and have had a role in the development of other playable races?

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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 7:01:49 PM
Luring wrote:

Cool idea. If hull points are a thing, maybe they could have regenerate as well? Healing between each "phase" of combat and getting fully restored between turns?

Yeah, that would be cool. If The Unfallen win, I'll have to see what the dev team thinks would work, balance wise!

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 7:12:45 PM

A lot of good ideas!

And I love the way they are without industry, intelligent one.

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 4:49:39 PM
lolplayer101 wrote:

but can you consume them in your salads ?

What dressing do you prefer? 

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 3:34:18 PM

Wow, just wow. I had the same idea with fungi-humanoids but your idea is so much better.

I vote for you!

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 1:15:50 PM

but can you consume them in your salads ?

cause thats what the cravers are gonna see when they first meet them.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 10:48:44 PM

Let me know if you guys think anything here wouldn't work well! I hope you like The Unfallen!

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9 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 4:28:40 PM

The Unfallen: Nearly-Immortal, Dual-Natured Sentient Trees that CANNOT DECLARE WAR WHILE PACIFISTS ARE IN CONTROL OF THE SENATE. 

Pascifist Diplomats

"Speak Softly, but Carry a Big Stick."

Faction-Specific Traits:

War and Peace from the Senate: The Unfallen cannot declare war while the Pacifists are in control of the senate. As they're peaceful by nature, they also receive a 20% malus to happiness when they declare war with anyone else in control of the senate, except Militarists. With Militarists in control of the senate, they can declare war freely and receive no malus to their happiness. 

Smoking the Trees: The Unfallen can force peace by sacrificing a population unit, as their smoke is intoxicating and has an extreme pacification effect. This truce lasts twice as long as a normal truce as the effect of the smoke is addictive, too. This sacrifice is highly regarded as one of the most noble things an Unfallen can do. 

Living Dwellings: The Unfallen use food as their production, as they use their own to construct their infrastructure. Therefore, Industry is not utilized. 

From One, Cosmic Power: They use their own to build monstrous  ships, which require populations points to build. As such, some of the larger hulls are available a bit earlier, too. They also regenerate over time, without the need for technology.

They're In The Trees!: As The Unfallen share an affinity with all plant life, plant life on other faction's planets give The Unfallen some non-detailed information once they've become aware of The Unfallen's existence. Build queue, population and stationed ships are known to The Unfallen. 

Peace Provides Sentience: Being at peace with the Unfallen provides you with one Unfallen population point at every planet you have with a temperate environment, once each planet has room. As a race achieves peace with the Unfallen, the Unfallen enlighten the native tree population. Each Unfallen population unit receives a bonus to food production. 

Soft spoken, giant beings with a shared consciousness, The Unfallen's oldest are thousands of years old. The oldest of which are selected to live on as sentient battleships when duty calls. Saplings, Unfallen that are less than 500 years old, are generally the work force as they are much smaller and use their tree limbs to manipulate basic machinery and work to establish infrastructure. They are the natural enemies of aggressive species and after losing many planets to their destructiveness, have developed specific defenses to them. Their long history as slaves have led them to raze themselves rather than have one of their planets occupied. 

In a time of crisis, The Unfallen use a mixture of seeds and sporelings to...convince a friendly faction to come to arms on their behalf. 

Once chosen for the task, the elder trees are molded in to monstrous defensive battleships that are surprisingly more heavily armored than even the most advanced of other's battleships. They exist simply to defend their planets from invasion, however, and don't fare well on the offensive (though enough of them can overcome that weakness). 

Edit: The Unfallen's ships are a mix of organic material and machinery, so The Unfallen's ships are basically cyborgs. (Thanks to Bluecreeper101 for the help in clarifying this)

They prefer arboreal planets, namely jungle planets, and don't do well on dry, arid planets. 

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 7:04:33 PM
sarin555 wrote:




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9 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 3:05:27 AM
ederrick wrote:

Some pretty cool ideas especially around forcing food instead of industry. Does Diplomacy Blossoms in War make The Unfallen a faction people wouldn't want to ally with (ie if I don't want to get dragged into a war)? Pretty cool idea.. I AM GROOT.

It's not necessarily allies that get dragged in, but rather anyone that they're not at war with and don't have an unfavorable view of the Unfallen. 

I definitely think of the "saplings" as being very much Groot-like, though without all the trademarks surround him ;)

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9 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 6:31:37 PM

Its always interesting to forgo a whole branch of the FIDS, which changes how you look at the science tech tree and I like how you have linked in the focus on food, with requiring population to build ships.

I think you will find that forcing someone into a war with you probably will not work too well outside of AI, which is fine, but in a multiplayer game if you had to force someone into a war for you, then they will probably not really want to help you and will just try to stay out of the conflict since its none of their business.

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9 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 7:40:01 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:

Its always interesting to forgo a whole branch of the FIDS, which changes how you look at the science tech tree and I like how you have linked in the focus on food, with requiring population to build ships.

I think you will find that forcing someone into a war with you probably will not work too well outside of AI, which is fine, but in a multiplayer game if you had to force someone into a war for you, then they will probably not really want to help you and will just try to stay out of the conflict since its none of their business.

You could just have the same trait act differently in Single or Multiplayer games. For example, it could give human players an incentive to fight.

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 2:33:04 AM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:

Its always interesting to forgo a whole branch of the FIDS, which changes how you look at the science tech tree and I like how you have linked in the focus on food, with requiring population to build ships.

I think you will find that forcing someone into a war with you probably will not work too well outside of AI, which is fine, but in a multiplayer game if you had to force someone into a war for you, then they will probably not really want to help you and will just try to stay out of the conflict since its none of their business.

I think there's way around making this an issue. It much like the Drakken's force peace command. You'd basically have to make a turn minimum and incentivize participation. 

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 4:37:22 PM
Luring wrote:

Cool idea. If hull points are a thing, maybe they could have regenerate as well? Healing between each "phase" of combat and getting fully restored between turns?

Do you think using food in some way would make sense? Problem is, you don't accumulate food like you accumulate dust...

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 5:23:20 AM

First off, great ideas. But I second the concern about forcing other factions to join a war with you. A human player would be placed in the "war" state, but would simply just ignore the fighting. In all previous Endless games the factions are all designed such that there is no difference (in theory) if it is being played by a human or AI. I feel they want to preserve this in ES2.

Also, how are the Unfallen able to expand and retake systems stolen from them if they can't declare war themselves? This seems like a huge handicap. But you have a strong concept with which you could fix these issues. I have faith. For instance, in my submission I allow for war to be declared, but there are military traits that make fighting highly unfavorable. Keep up the great work!

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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 10:55:31 AM
carolean7 wrote:

First off, great ideas. But I second the concern about forcing other factions to join a war with you. A human player would be placed in the "war" state, but would simply just ignore the fighting. In all previous Endless games the factions are all designed such that there is no difference (in theory) if it is being played by a human or AI. I feel they want to preserve this in ES2.

Also, how are the Unfallen able to expand and retake systems stolen from them if they can't declare war themselves? This seems like a huge handicap. But you have a strong concept with which you could fix these issues. I have faith. For instance, in my submission I allow for war to be declared, but there are military traits that make fighting highly unfavorable. Keep up the great work!

Maybe a similar mechanic to one introduced in Endless Legend. This is not the first faction that wouldn't be able to declare war.

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