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Typos & Localization

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4 years ago
Oct 15, 2020, 7:34:50 PM

German Version missleading description by some of the Election Actions in the "ES2_Localization_Assets_Locales"

"Ideal, wenn die ausgewählte Partei nicht zu deinen Lieblingen zählt." (Ideal if the chosen party is not one of your the favorites.)

should in all cases be:

"Ideal, wenn die ausgewählte Partei nicht zu den Favoriten zählt."  to fit the english version:  (Ideal if the chosen party is not one of the favorites.)

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6 months ago
Jun 14, 2024, 8:46:14 AM

​Hi everyone,

I spotted two french localization errors. I can't post images here I don't know why so I will try my best to explain where they are.

  1. In Empire view, when hovering the empire overhal approval, there is a list from where comes this approval. In this list, I have a part of the phrase untranslated: "+262 venant de other sources"
  2. The technology Stellar Node Study (1 and 2) text is so long that it is truncated. But the truncated part is the most important as I can't tell where I have to place my Behemoth to reduce the science cost. The text after orbiting is missing or truncated. I needed to go to internet to find an english wiki explaining this technology.
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