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Typos & Localization

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7 years ago
Sep 17, 2017, 4:34:06 AM

I haven't found an effective way to search, so I hope this hasn't already been reported...

I suspect the word "someone" was supposed to be deleted: 

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7 years ago
Sep 17, 2017, 7:26:28 PM

2 more:

UI is missing there, and:

Should be "driven you mad", instead of "driven you made".

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7 years ago
Sep 19, 2017, 8:14:25 PM

The quest text says: "The Omokar and Lancellum are going full exploitation...". It should say "The Omokar and Arrakyo are going full exploitation...", as the previous sentence in the quest text already mentions the Lancellum and the objective text names the Arrakyo.

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7 years ago
Sep 22, 2017, 1:22:37 AM

The last sentence of the first paragraph should read: “There is nothing more fulfilling than the sound of mindless adulation.”

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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 12:08:02 AM

Hi again. In the Russian version, manpower is translated as workforce - "трудовые ресурсы". This fact alone ruins immersion of the game. Please do something.

Riftborn are still translated as Time Lords ("Time L." precisely).

Also, and this has been mentioned for months, shortened words and phrases are still everywhere. If nobody cares about a bearable localization, please announce this and people like me stop waiting and start playing - in English (or just delete the game and forget).

Upd.: after a more detailed consideration, I can easily state that this is the worst localization since 1990s. A school might be helpful for the translators. A very surprising step backwards after the previous Endless games.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 24, 2017, 12:00:09 AM

I have no idea what it is supposed to read, but “Nobody but Isyander appears to know, and it you cannot get him to respond to your diplomatic summons.” is not a sentence … :-)

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7 years ago
Sep 24, 2017, 12:12:13 AM

It should be "full and honest disclosure", instead of the current "full an honest disclosure".

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7 years ago
Sep 28, 2017, 3:19:24 PM

Translation Error in the German Localisation (well, not even a translation error, just an error). 

They copied the description of Exotic Rations into Chain Gang Programm.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 12:18:49 PM

Thanks for your reports guys, we are working on them. We will deploy fixes with an upcoming patch.

Sotnik wrote:

Hi again. In the Russian version, manpower is translated as workforce - "трудовые ресурсы". This fact alone ruins immersion of the game. Please do something.

Riftborn are still translated as Time Lords ("Time L." precisely).

Also, and this has been mentioned for months, shortened words and phrases are still everywhere. If nobody cares about a bearable localization, please announce this and people like me stop waiting and start playing - in English (or just delete the game and forget).

Upd.: after a more detailed consideration, I can easily state that this is the worst localization since 1990th. A school might be helpful for the translators. A very surprising step backwards after the previous Endless games.

Sotnik, what could be the right Russian word for "manpower" according to you ?

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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 2:26:43 PM

Dagart wrote:

Sotnik, what could be the right Russian word for "manpower" according to you ?

UPD. 01/10/2017

Dagart, I was considering several alternatives (all of them are better than what we have now), but after studying of how the term is used in the game texts, I believe this is the best option:

Личный состав - "military personnel". The most correct translation from the point of military terminology.

Thank you for your attention, I will try to provide screenshots next time. There are actually so many issues with game terminology, grammar and especially punctuation that Amplitude might want to hire an independent editor. To be specific, Unfallen are mainly translated as "Несгибаемые" ("stalwart", "unbendable" literally) but sometimes (in quests - mainly) as "Непадшие" ("unfallen" in the meaning of "morally innocent", although I have never seen such a wording in Russian before, therefore the first alternative sounds better). I actually believed that "Unfallen" is a reference to both moral and natural aspects; in this case it might be better to translate their name as "Неопавшие" (literally "unfallen" like in a phrase "unfallen leafage")

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 6:15:08 PM

Hello! When you start a new game, in french, "Political opinions" is not translated when you hover the race:

It should be "Opinions politiques".

Another untranslated thing, in the political view, when you hover the effect of boosting Luméris race:

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 30, 2017, 1:00:41 AM

* German localization

* 1.0.57 game version

Some localization issues I got "on the fly" here:

In effects on first place: "Rießige" is correctly spelled: "Riesige". Anyway it would sound better if you write: "...auf: riesige Planetenform". Similar: "Große". It would sound better if you write: "... auf: große Planetenform"

Effects, first one, much better: "+ 1 System kann besetzt werden, bevor ein Akzeptanzverlust durch die Expansion eintreten kann auf: Imperium (Kann nur auf Kolonie Stufe 4 gebaut werden)"

Effects, second one, much better: "+4 Systeme können besetzt werden, bevor ein Akzeptanzverlust durch die Expansion eintreten kann auf: Imperium"

In description box the word "vom" is missing.

"... abhängig vom Mindestwert, ...

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 30, 2017, 10:07:55 PM

A general issue:

Should be Industrialist

The Russian localization issues.

The quest "Surfeit of Horatios".

Horatio managed - translated as plural. (correct - "Горацио смог")

Multiply - shortened. (correct - "Размножайтесь")

And now the best of the best:

English: we aligned ourselves with each other.

Russian: мы слились друг сдругом. WE MERGED WITH EACH OTHER. (correct - "мы объединились")

Hardship Ready, the Ecologist Edict: Telluric is translated in the same way as Terrain. Misleading, but close to truth. As "Telluric" is not used anywhere else, I suggest skipping the term in the translation: "planets of any type except for Gas", "планеты любого типа, кроме газовых".

When I looked into the text in more details, I found more mistakes. All of them are marked. Here are corrections:

1. Невзгоды - не беда (dash)

2. Ваша (capital letter)

3. не газовые (hyphen)

4. Explained above (about Telluric)

5. конвенциональные технологии (accusative case)

6. Explained above (about Telluric)

7. Вы (capital letter)

8. Вас (capital letter)

9. Dot. For some reason it is skipped in English too.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 4, 2017, 9:55:44 PM

Another missing bit of UI information

I'm guessing that the {0} bit was is supposed to be "one unit of population", but I could figure that out by reading the flavor text.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 4, 2017, 7:05:45 PM


I have noticed some missing translation in the french version :

I think these sentences should be ended with a dot (.) :

I think this text should be removed, the game is released and not in early access anymore :

I think the [Brume] text should be replaced by an icon :

The prefix Xéno is not consistenly used in the game :

  • Xénoagriculture
  • Xéno anthropologie
  • Xéno biologie
  • Xéno linguistique
  • Xéno-industrielle
  • Xénotourisme
  • Xénogreffe

The main word is sometimes separed with a space (Xéno biologie), sometimes with a dash (Xéno-industrielle), sometimes with no space (Xénotourisme).

I think this should be unified and the most correct solution is to use no space : xénoagriculture, xénoanthropologie, xénobiologie, etc.

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