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G2G vote: Endless Space 2 Event Creation Contest

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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 8:05:39 AM
1. Nighfall (ref: Asaac Asimov book Nightfall).

"After a endless day night has fallen on the planet"

Effect: Flat science boost on empire, planet FIDS to zero for N turns

2. Exotic spice(ref: Dune).

"Some strange sort of spices discovered on this planet. Using them with food will make lifetime much longer"

Type: colonization event, desert planet.

Effect: anomaly discovered on single planet: Exotic spice (+1 trade route on this system, +25% bonus dust to all trade routes to this system, can not terraform this planet).

3. Dust barrier(ref Gothic)

"On this planet was discovered strange barrier, which allows to pass in, but permits to anyone leave it out."

Type: colonization event

Effect: Can choose:

1. Create a prison inside a barrier: bonus strategic resource on this planet, - happiness on planets for N turns

2. Destroy the barrier: bonus dust(one time)

3. Leave barrier to scientists: bonus science(for N turns).
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 6:21:43 AM
how strict do we have to be to the 250 character max description limit? is it including spaces or not?
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 1:13:44 AM
Starcrossed Synthetics

Scientists on thought they understood artificial intelligence. Apparently not. Recently, two sentient, synthetic AIs have experienced a previously unheard of emotion for their kind: Love. Who knows what other discoveries await within the field of Synthetic Psychology?

Effect: Synthetic Psychological Breakthrough +% science on for Turns.

The Wonders of Wormholes

As traveled through the wormhole, the wormhole intersected with a star. the gravitational pull of the star created a slight tear in the space-time continuum: Through the momentary merging of two universes, two identical fleets appeared on the far side of the wormhole.

Effect: A Fortunate Accident Player receives a duplicate copy of the fleet that passed through the wormhole, including any leaders attached to the fleet.

The Monstrous Galaxy

Terror gripped the captain. Looking out the view port, she saw what she had only heard of in legends: The Leviathan, the great destroyer of Worlds. "Abandon Ship!" she ordered, though she doubted any would escape alive.

Effect: Heroic Escape is destroyed. Decrease cost of next hero by %.

As suggested by a previous poster, I left certain numerical values blank for testing purposes.
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 10:59:03 PM
Maladjusted Truthseekers

"They've all gone a bit batty, haven't they?"

"Batty, sure, but they're never wrong."

Truth At All Costs: -5% smiley: industry and -20 smiley: approval, +20% smiley: science, on Planet, for 10 turns.

Things Were Better Back Then

Disillusioned with the present state of the universe, people everywhere have begun returning to the way their forefathers did things - thousands of years ago.

Salt of the Earth: -10% smiley: science, +10 smiley: approval, and +5% smiley: industry, on Galaxy, for 5 turns.

Riotous Innovation

In a rush of design surprisingly unhampered by phrases like 'context transparency' and requests to be a 'thought leader', your R&D department has uncovered something very interesting.

"Idea Guy": Unlock one free technology in any one research tree.
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 9:12:12 PM
Rediscovered Probe

An ancient probe launched before your species had even touched the nearest stars has been rediscovered! Historians and scientists are fascinated by the technology that once reached so far. And the public has never been so interested in history.

Effects: +3% smiley: science on empire for 3 turns, +5% smiley: approval on empire for 5 turns.

Resurrected Religion

Religious elements within your population have recently "discovered" a temple in system (X). A wave of religious interest has spread across the system, and generally, everyone is happy. After all, if the population is happy, the empire is happy.

Effects: +5 smiley: approval on system for 15 turns, +5% smiley: fids on system for 5 turns.

Local Nova

Although it was no surprise, a local star has imploded in a spectacular display, and spreading gas clouds across system (X). Unfortunately, the gas cloud also obscures scanners and can make it hazardous for ship travel.

Effects: +15% smiley: science on system for 10 turns, +5% smiley: dust on system for 15 turns, -3 smiley: detection on system for 5 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 3:29:11 PM

Don’t Disturb

Ancient mechanism has started its global research program and launched myriads of probes around planet X. It seems probes are collecting plenty of data but their layer is so thick that planet can’t be reached by cargo spaceships till research end.

Only Science Matters: -20% smiley: industry, +30% smiley: science for 10 turns.

The End of Endlessness

One of the largest communities of planet Y believes that the End of the World is near. Instead of working, its members spend their time on experiencing all pleasures of dying world!

Very Last Feast: -30% smiley: industry, +3 smiley: dust per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, +30 smiley: approval for 5 turns

It’s Not Me

Military scientists of Y created new species – perfect spy that can mimic any object of similar size. What they didn’t know that he can propagate itself, and soon towns overflow with citizens duplicates. For now spy behaves as normal citizen, but…

Playing Four Hands: +5 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, +30% smiley: industry for 10 turns; then -6 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, -60% smiley: industry for 5 turns

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9 years ago
Apr 22, 2016, 12:31:51 PM
Closing the votes here.

Voting thread will be up later today. Hope your events matched the criteria, because with 300ish suggestions, we have no time for sensibility: stuff that doesn't fit, doesn't get into the vote. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Apr 22, 2016, 9:39:10 AM
It's not you - it's me

"The girlfriend of one of your heroes left him and he is heartbroken about it. He does not know what he did wrong."

Grieving: Hero is disabled for 5 turns, then he recieves +200 XP

Old Man of the Desert

"A terrible new form of life was discovored on one colony X. Giant worms that seem to devour everything. The good part is they seem to excrement dust."

Sandworms: -20 Approval smiley: approval, +5 smiley: dust per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on planet

The Hollow World

"Your scientists are dumbfounded. It was discovered that the planet X is acutally hollow. Against all lawes of physics you can walk and live on the inside as well as the outside if you are willing to spend the resources."

Inner World: -20% smiley: fids, +100% maximum smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on planet
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9 years ago
Apr 22, 2016, 8:15:28 AM
Name: Golden Monkey

Description: Your survey party found an alien resembling an monkey with golden necklace. You hesitated to bring it back, but after it shown you that one of your crew members plan an mutiny, you quickly execute that crew member. Monkey took his place.

Effect Title: Farsighted Alien

Effect Description: Vision +20%. Predict next random encounter.

Name: Madden Contest

Description: Natives have strange festival of offering their young females to some kind of old god. One of your crewmembers tried to save the girl. He got eaten by huge monster emerging from under water. After killing their god natives went restless.

Effect Title: Dead God

Effect Description: -5 smiley: approval +15% population grow

Name: Strange Visions

Description: Captain of the ship got shocked and start to day dream a lot. He is sure that there is hidden city on one of the moons. He surveyed it and found ancient endless city. He refused to leave that place.

Effect Title: Endless City

Effect Description: +10 smiley: approval Ship cannot leave the system for 3 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 22, 2016, 5:24:32 AM
Name: Pawn Stars

Description: "Someone on the crew had the bright idea to sell parts of the ship onto the market. Normally this would be a reason for court martial but they are really good at sales. Maybe you can get them on another ship"

Effect Title: Scrapped ship

Effect Description: Fleet looses 10% of it's health each turn. Gain 20% of fleet's value per turn. Lasts 20 turns. Can be passed to first fleet encountered in proximity.

Name: Corned Market

Description: "Increase in (random luxury) have been observed but now it's confirmed that the Hunt corporation is trying to corner the market. Will you try to ride the market or profit from it's crash."

Effect title: Market Action

Effect Description: For 5 turns before the announcement (random luxury) has increased by 2% per turn. This turn the good has increased 25% and will not decrease in value. Next turn the price of the good will adjust depending on what has been sold.
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9 years ago
Apr 22, 2016, 3:19:01 AM
Name: Genetically Modified Food

Description: "Technological advances in the food industry has made food cheaper and more abundant. People finally are able to eat as much as they want. Problem is now people are too fat to work efficiently."

Effect title: Gluttony

Effect Description: smiley: food +25%, smiley: approval +25, smiley: industry -25% for 10 turns

Name: Abandoned Mystery Ship

Description: "As our fleet was exploring we found an abandoned ship. The crew of the ship are gone and everything is intact. We salvaged what we could."

Effect title: Tech acquired

Effect Description: Free tech is unlocked.

Name: The Chosen One

Description: "It is said that the chosen one would one day emerge and bring great fortune for our empire"

Effect title: Time of Prosperity

Effect Description: A hero shows up on a random planet. smiley: fids +10% on empire for 10 turns

Numbers can be changed. I didn't know what numbers would be balanced.
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9 years ago
Apr 22, 2016, 2:58:05 AM
The Great Helix

Upon discovering the Temple of the Holy Helix many people have come to worship the temple and praise the holiest of gods.

Praise It: increased immigration for X turns

Engine Overload

Due to an oversight in engine design the engines empire wide have started to overload causing increased movement speed and overheating.

Speedrun: large X smiley: speed increase at the cost of X smiley: healthpoints on movement

A Small Misunderstanding

Upon colonizing a planet: You find what you thought was an empty pirate base but as you were making off with your "free" ships the pirates came back for them.

Finder's Keepers: You get a random smiley: fleet but a pirate smiley: fleet spawns on the system as well
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 10:43:22 PM
Pillar of Confusion

Your fleet scans a drifting obelisk covered in mysterious symbols. A ship translator reveals quantum theories that could shake the very core of science. Before the data is erased, an ambitious engineer releases it into the Empire's entire network!

This embarrassment has started a revolution: Your Empire receives +3smiley: science per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, -1 smiley: industry per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, and is unable to participate in any smiley: traderoute or diplomacy for 10 rounds.

Floating Diplomat

It has been revealed that an important diplomat who was reportedly last scene in your empire was airlocked from one of the ships in your fleet.

You've caused quite a stir, captain: If possible, instantly ground any fleet Heroes and get a +15%smiley: approval to all planets for 10 rounds. Grounded Heroes can take on new assignment when available again.

Rescued an Intellect

Your fleet just pulled in a large container with red tape and the message, "Do NOT open this cryostat or YOU will be sorry!" Upon opening it, an intelligent and happy Automaton stepped out with some grandiose ideas. They were really inspiring!

Secret of Bubble Economics Revealed: Add +15% smiley: industry and -5% smiley: dust throughout all sectors of the empire for 10 rounds.

**Thematic adjustments to game effects are encouraged.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 8:53:41 PM
Dust Drenched

A heist of your treasury has led to the crackdown of the “Cult of the Academy”. These individuals attempted to “infuse themselves with Dust” by diving headfirst into the piles stolen from your empire. While their bodies were never recovered, their personal supplies of Dust were.

Reclaim, Reuse, Recycle: +500 Dustsmiley: dust

Punk IS Dead

While undergoing a “lawful” search and seizure of an “illegal” gathering of dissedents, a popular music group was found performing amongst them. The group has been “convinced” to instead spread your empire’s message.

Sellouts: +10 Influencesmiley: empirepoint and Approvalsmiley: approval on Empire for 10 turns

Mistaken Identity:

They thought they were ambushing a defenseless trade convoy. They would be quite surprised if they weren’t so dead.

Target Practice: -1% Fleet healthsmiley: healthpoints, +15 experience on fleetsmiley: fleet (instant)
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 8:36:08 PM
Terraforming by Comets

"A swam of comets collided with the lava-planet X. The population was evacuated and luckily the cities were virtually spared from destruction, but the planet was turned into a ocean-planet. Scientists are excited to research this rare phenomenon."

From Fire to Water: Planet X becomes into a Ocean-world, -10%smiley: industry +3smiley: science per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: -3smiley: food [ifoceanstaysby4] persmiley: stickouttongueopulation: for 5 turns

the Wings of Grace

"Huge, revered and majestic creatures swarming in a large amount the system X. Legends say that those winged creature originated from the legendary planet AURIGA. While they are floating around the colonies and ships, everyone is delightful by their sight."

Stunning Grace :+30smiley: approval on system for 10 turns on system; +10%smiley: fids on smiley: traderoute for 12 turns on system; - 50% Attack-smiley: stickouttongueower:, +50% defence-smiley: stickouttongueower: and smiley: healthpoints on fleets in system for 10 turns; ( smiley: traderoute with this system can't be blocked and system can't be sieged for 10 turns)
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 8:28:18 PM
Endless life

''Experiments with dust gave your scientist ability to discover a new product they called ''the serum of youth''. Unfortunately this brilliant invention caused a big problems with population control and got a public conviction.

Everything is going back to normal, but your Empire can't afford a birth of new generation for a while.''

Bad consequences Poppulation inrease stopped for 10 turns, -20% approval on Empire 10 turns

Effect area Empire
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 7:16:48 PM
-Plague of Fractals-

"Due to a malfunctioning Virtual Endless device dust across the galaxy has been infected with computing virus that causes it to arrange into fractal-like patterns and harden, resulting in extensive property damage and the need to commit scientists to discovering a solution to the problem. The designs however, are found to be very durable, and are studied by industries across the empire in order to reverse engineer the new-found toughness of the material" [-20%dustincomefor20turns] [-20%scienceincomefor20turns][+10%industryincomefor20turns]

-Mirror mirror on the wall-

"During a routine patrol several vessels witnessed a ship of our empire's design seemingly pop into existence. After exchanging clearance protocols and a generally confusing conversation, it is determined that the ship is in fact from a parallel reality and that it and its crew were sent to our universe due to a non-replicable malfunction in their ftl drive. After much discussion it has been decided that they will be integrated into our military and are willing to share technologies that were discovered in their timeline that our scientists overlooked." [+1advanceddefenderonrandomsystem] [cheapestmilitarytechnologyofthiseraisdiscovered]

-Endless Warehouses-

"While laying the foundations for a new industrial complex several dozen warehouses of endless origin were uncovered and found to be filled with precious resources of all kinds." [+15ofarandomstrategicresource] [+15ofarandomstrategicresource]
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 7:57:07 PM
Hi... This is my first post here... Im a really noob to this... But i Will try...

A People from nowhere...

When we begane to send ships out into space we found starsystems, endless ruins and People of Many cultures, but this is Strange... Some Time ago we Saw on our radars that an objekt Was traveling Towards our starsystem, but we only thought that it Was an meteorit. Now we see that its not an meteorit, but an spaceship traveling Towards X X( A planet in your Capitol system ). The spaceship is primitiv and by the speed it is going it May have been traveling for centuries. We dont know were it is from and it has to be far away from this Galaxy.

The Erineas

A minor factions apears Called the Erineas ( IDK how They look like. You can chose for me Please )on a random planet in your Capitol system

The Erineas are an spacefaring nation of fundamentalistic survivors of an dying planet. And... Well i want you to make what you Think They Would be ( maybe crazy space monkeys )... This Was stupid of me anywaysmiley: biggrin
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 2:42:07 PM
Reproductive frenzy

“The accidental activation of an endless artefact has led to an unprecedented increase in birth-rates due to a nigh overwhelming compulsion to produce offspring. This has led to an overall decrease in focus, as well as shock amongst affected population once the device deactivated.”

Losing Control:

+ 25 % food over 5 turns (Population growth instead?)

- 5 % production over 5 turns

- 5 % dust over 10 turns (Expenses caused by the meteoric population growth.)

- 5 % science over 5 turns

+ 30 approval for 5 turns

- 10 approval for 5 turns after food boost end

^ All of the effect above are on system.

Cognitive stimulants

“One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in your empire has tested a new cognitive stimulant, with overwhelmingly positive results. The drug was quickly adopted by large portions of (system name)'s population, however it was later found to be lethal over prolonged usage.”

Fortune favours some of the bold:

+ 15 % science on system for 5 turns (On system)

- 1 population after 5 turns (On system)

- 5 approval for 5 turns after population loss (On Empire)

- 5 % dust for 5 turns after population loss (On system)

+ One random technology discovered after 5 turns

Titanic storm

“When a team of scientists tampered with an endless terraforming device it resulted in a supercell of unprecedented proportions. Luckily the cell was contained over mostly uninhabited areas, and both research and industry has progressed due to the strange occurrence, however the destabilization of (Planet’s name)’s weather patterns is naturally unpopular with the general population.”

Meteorological disorder

+ 10 % science on planet for 10 turns

+ 5 % industry on planet for 10 turns

- 5 % food on planet for 10 turns

- 5 approval on planet for 10 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 1:00:35 PM
Name: Captain Blacktentacle

Description: Weird creature, with black tentacles on its chin started to raid your trade fleet, what irritated some merchants from nearby systems. In that case they decided to found our shipyards to help you get rid of this danger.

Effect title: Pirate hunting

Effect description: Medium pirate fleet appears in system, -10% smiley: industry cost of ships on Empire for 10 turns

Name: Death of the governor

Description: One of our trusty governors had an unfortunate accident while visiting new factory. He fell down by barrier right on conveyor, which was leading to furnace. Unluckily, nobody was watching at this moment. Luckily, nobody liked him.

Effect title: Overwhelming sorrow

Effect description: +30 smiley: approval on star system for 15 turns

Name: Divine virus

Description: Scientists have discovered new virus, which is causing many mutations in his vectors body, but most of them lead to create better adapted organism. Unfortunately he only infects plants, but anyway this can be useful to get more harvest.

Effect title: Let it spread

Effect description: +100% smiley: food on system for 20 turns
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