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G2G vote: Endless Space 2 Event Creation Contest

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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 12:05:33 PM
The Ant and The Universe

“Even when we are overwhelmed by the monstrosity of the ever expanding universe we too have a reason to be here. Within a small planet called [Planetname]a dream was made. Hoping that one day the dream will make a mark throughout the endless space.”

Rise of a Dream:
+X% of smiley: fids on your empire for X turns

The Falling Star

“Throughout ages people makes wishes when they see a shooting star. However, when hundreds of shooting stars are heading straight towards one of your planet you realise your wish does not always come true.”

That's Not My Wish!: -X smiley: stickouttongueopulation: for [planetname]

Expanding Universe

“Realizing that the universe expands, you and the other empires fails to understand why we must fight each other to compete for space.”

The Universe Is Big Enough For Us All:
+X smiley: approval, reduces hostility when near AI galaxy (Single player only), Peace treaty are more cheaper.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 11:51:56 AM
Dust Transmutation

"Some unquantifiable factor of the industrialised exploitation of Dust within the galaxy has catalysed a bizarre relationship between Dust and the metal deposits found on lucrative planets."

Symbiotic Resources: -15 Dust, +2 Strategic Resource on random Hydrogen/Desert (may/may not be colonised by player) planet for 10 turns.

Green Fingers and Thumbs

"Your people have begun to recognise the inherent long-term danger of rampant industrialisation across the Empire, which has led to (relatively) peaceful protestations, marches and worker strikes within major cities and with many citizens planting vegetable gardens wherever they can."

Pacifist Eco-Terrorism: -10% Industry, +10% Food on Empire for 15 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 9:05:14 AM
Heresy In My Domain

'Traditions, culture, norms and values, they change over time, but time is going fast and you are still the same. They call for reformings.'

Effect Empire; Religious Reforming:

-15% smiley: approval for 10 turns.

+30% smiley: empirepoint per turn for 10 turns.

The Fleet Laws

'The labourers, military and factory owners want to have a mighty fleet, a mighty nation. They are building ships for war without even asking my permission and spend too much money on making the ships look fancy. How irresponsible, but they do look really neat, I give them that.'

Effect Capital/One Planet; Civilian War Preparations:

+10% smiley: industry on the capital and after 10 turns, 10 smiley: ship will spawn in your capital with +20% smiley: stickouttongueower: and -10% smiley: tonnage.

-20% smiley: dust on capital for 10 turns.

Little Moon

'I saw her when I was standing on my private space station, the largest, most beautiful asteroid I have ever seen! It is bright yellow and green, she moves slowly and steady. It must have some resources! Tear it apart! Quick!'

Effect Planet; It Is All Mine!::

+60 smiley: industry for 3 turns.

-10 smiley: dust for 3 turns.

+Planet also gets a random anomaly: Metalic Water, Meteor Strikes, Antonov Rings, Mineral Rich or Huygen Rings (and more meteor related anomalies).
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 3:37:16 AM

Greetings, worthy animal species № 67-58! After 164 years of observations, you were recognized as an important part of the galactic ecosystems. Your memory, for obvious reasons, will be erased. But you'll be rewarded with economic promotion. Almost unseen. For obvious reasons.

We are something! +1 smiley: dust for 30 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2016, 12:10:30 AM
Digital Concrete Inc.

A new company has formed incorporating Dust into the construction of roading and land based transportation. Local governments have lauded the company and technology, whilst historians and scholars are understandably unnerved about the new company's name.

Smart Roads: +30% smiley: industry, -5% smiley: dust, -10% smiley: science for 5 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 9:27:26 PM
Mines a bit of a chain. Im just tryina have fun and im not very good at naming things. smiley: smile

The adventures of San Holo and Bewchakka

A new [space-lingomovie] chronicling the exciting adventures of famous smugglers has gone viral throughout the universe,

inspiring the population to get in on the fun. The amount of smugglers in the galaxy doubles and they all want a cut of your empires


Rush-hour Trafficking -10%smiley: dust on empires 5 turns

A trade Epiphany

A rise in the amount of smuggling activity has brought to light the fact that most new smugglers aren't very smart. They have been

paying more tariffs and trade fees than the usual traders when importing their goods, thus bringing new wealth to the empires.

Stupid Smugglers +10% smiley: dust on empires 10 turns.

An increasing offense

In a fit of agitation the mass of new smugglers have become hostile pirates after being ridiculed by the universe.

They have been buying weapons from across the many galaxies, but discovered they lack to knowledge to use said weapons.

Unskilled Pirates- Pirates do 50% less damage for 15 turns (New pirates spawn?)
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 9:07:08 PM
Wave of Pacifism??!

"your citizens are infatuated with the idea peace. They now seem to believe that constantly fighting one's neighbours is no longer a good idea. This has lead to peaceful protests all over your empire against the construction of new warships"

pacifists all empires take 50% longer to build new ships for 5 turns, all empires: increase pacifist ideology on empire, all empires: +15 happiness for 10 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 8:09:43 PM
Pod Racer Grand Prix

"This year on Planet X the greatest Pod Racers will assemble to find their best among them. The hype of this event will inspire Captains to take more risks and speed their ships up."

Need for Speed: +10 smiley: approval and +10% smiley: speed empire wide for 10 turns.

Ancient Magicks

"One of your heroes discovered an ancient book full of arcane dust rituals. After countless hours he learned to empower himself using dust"

Dust Absorption: +2 XP/turn and +5 smiley: upkeep upkeep for hero

Retiring Crime Syndicate

"In his old age the boss of an important crime syndicate decided to go legal, so that he can pass his empire on to his children."

Innocence Inc.: a new trade HQ and 2 new trade Branches will be added permanently to systems you own. -10smiley: dust for 10 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 6:40:24 PM
Heroic Summoning

"All heroes have disappeared due to a mysterious galactic calling."

The Awakening: Your heroes have disappeared and their abilities are unavailable.

(The player has no way of knowing how long this will last for though perhaps a value between 15 and 30 turns makes sense - long enough to take advantage of another empire or mess up your own plans)
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 10:46:55 PM
The Great Purge

Recently a lot of people on [randomplanet] started to disappear. Further investigation revealed beings in armor feeding off the life force of your population. Enraged, your citizens took matters into their own hands, purging these so called 'metal lords'. Surprisingly, it lead to an increase of Dust production.

Kill the Vampires: -1 population on [randomplanet], +x amount to Militarist faction, +10% dust on empire for 10 turns.

Minorities Day

Some enthousiastic government officials want a special day to celebrate species diversity in your empire. Grudgingly you agree. Seeing how serious your efforts are and how happy your citizens are with them, the [targetminorrace] partake gladly in the celebrations and offer you gratitude.

Let's eat Cake and Sing!: +25% of target minor race effect on empire for 20 turns, +x amount to Pacifists faction.


Endless Replicators

Meddling with Endless technology your scientists succeed in producing large amounts of a substance called "dust coffee". Gaining popularity, the stimulating drink quickly becomes a commodity in your empire. However, the recipe is soon lost as scientists, trying to control the flow, destroy the Endless coffee machine.

The Spice must flow: -5% dust on Empire, +20% science for 10 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 11:03:21 AM
Mysterious Stranger

"A mysterious strange being has been seen. Nobody knows what he seeks to achieve. His strange whispered suggestions betrtay his knowledge of things he could not possible know. Some say he is a divine being while others are afraid of his intangible nature."

Impossible Advice: for 10 turns +20% smiley: science on system, +10 Approval smiley: approval on system if primarly religious system, -10 Approval smiley: approval on system if primarly scientific system; increases religious ideology on system


"A travelling merchant of curiosities sold a strange floating creature from a planet he described as mythical. The creature seems to posses adapt exceptionally well to cold climates."

Skyfin Gene Mapping: unlocks Arctic Colonization technology on empire

An Ancient Ring

"An ancient artifact has been discovered. After thorough examination it could be activated. It seems this strange ring creates an artificial cosmic string that can be used like its natural occuring siblings."

Ancient Warpgate: creates a new permanent cosmic string between a system and another system
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 10:59:21 AM
Riot of cowards

"All empires have cowards. Some of your units fear the dangers of space and start a riot. Like rats into the shadows, they stole a ship and run away."

Rats aboard: The weakest ship of one of your fleets turns into a deserter-pirate ship.

Blessing in disguise

"During the construction of infrastructure improvements, a city crumbles unexpectedly. Engineers can not explain this anomaly and panic spreads. But during the rescue operations, they discover a huge dust deposit. And all of that was right under their feet!"

Dust wreck: -1 Population (next turn only), +3 Dust per Population (permanently) and -10 Approval for 10 turns on "X" planet

Shameless scientists

"Disobeying the limits of morality in scientific research, some of your scientists made great progress and unlock the secrets of antimaterial quantum, at the expense of the environment and population of your home planet"

Everything is for science: The best technology is discovered. -1 Food per Population and -1 Population on Home Planet.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 9:17:25 AM
Heal the stars, make it a better space

Neo-PostPop songstar Johnson Howard fights against the poverty. "Everybody should have a home, food and deserve education.", he said, "Even those strange and stupid beasts."

Xeno NGO: -10% smiley: fids, +5% smiley: approval [empirewiththebestscore,8turns], groups of X lost amounts are given as reserves each turn to the lowest score empire.

(where X is the amount of ressources in a regular ES2 reserve)

Heal the tars, meteorites in a butter spark

Neo-PostLop gangster Joneh-Soneh Hoovaar fights again the galaxy. "Me and my buddies need home, food and education, now.", he said, "Haven causes ranged turpitude and reaves."

Xeno'n go: -10% smiley: fids, +5% smiley: approval [empirewiththebestscore,8turns], lost amounts are converted in smiley: industry / smiley: dust to construct a pirate fleet spawn around that best empire's tradelane.

Far colony, far problems

"No sir, this is a re-volution.", the governor said in an interview for K-TrideoCast. Reports says troubles started a week ago because of violent actions of a terrorist groupuscule know as "the Circle" or something.

Re-volution: -5% smiley: industry, -5% smiley: science, -25% smiley: empirepoint, -33% smiley: approval, opposite ideology gets a 100% boost at the expense of the other ideologies. -33% -> +33% smiley: approval if the ideology changes after a vote. [system,Xturns].

(where X is the number of turns between elections).

(inspiration :

- Mickael Jackson

- ...nothing but wtf

- "La Zone du dehors")
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 8:40:52 AM
Deadly Splendor of Aurora Borealis

Description: "The magnetic field of our planets entered a chaotic phase. Many of our industry infrastructures are being damaged, but this is a rare event to learn from. Thankfully, the marvellous skies are a source of enjoyment for the whole empire."

Science's fair for everyone: - 50% smiley: industry for 5 turns [System], Unlock current researched technology [Empire], + 20 % smiley: science for 3 turns [Empire], + 10 % smiley: approval for 5 turns [Empire]

Pilgrimage for a White Dwarf's Requiem

Description: "A nearby white dwarf is emitting its last light rays, before turning into a dead celestial body. Our people wants to pay tribute to this long-time companion, and pray for its afterlife. We'll always be there to wave a friend's departure."

Sorrow of a friend: + 20% smiley: approval for 5 turns [System], Increase Religious political ideology [System], - 10 % smiley: industry for 5 turns [System]

At the Crossroads of a Nebula

Description: "Our system is crossing the path of a giant gas and micro-material cloud, vestige of the life of an old red giant. We are blind and ships are not prepared, but richness of this matter will make us wealthy."

Hidden in a chest: -30% smiley: detection for 3 turns [System], Fleets smiley: ship can't move for 3 turns [System], A stock of luxury resource is gained for the empire, + 25 % smiley: dust for 5 turns [System]
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 5:04:26 AM
Dust Galore

“The empire is profitable and the dust is falling from the sky. The populace is happy and our coffer over fill with joy, and of course dust.”

Dust, dust, and more dust. - +10% Dust on empire for 10 turns

Good Feels

“Your empire is in a state of Zen and complete happiness. No way there is such a thing as too happy right? Toast your highness.”

This feels so right - -10% Production +30 Approval on Empire, for 10 turns

Space Ilk

“An ilk from the stars has happened upon one of your fleets and been transported home. These creatures have flooded the streets and keep the populace from their duties. They do however appear to be strengthening our scientific efforts.”

Ilkiest of Ilks - -10% Production and +10% Research on Empire, -10 Approval on Empire, for 10 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 4:31:38 AM
Green Goo

Description A sample of nano-machines has breached containment. Designed as a MAD device, it's an early prototype "eating" alloys used in many factories. In addition, the process is flawed, leaving a film of byproducts shown to be shockingly high in nutrients.

Effect: IT'S PRODUCTION! smiley: industry -X%, smiley: food +X%, on [System] or [Planet] for 5 turns, +Y smiley: science [Empire]

The Labyrinth

Description While on routine patrol, your fleet encounters an Endless naval defence. An elaborate field of mines come into phase, with twisting paths leading to dead ends. Finally free, valuable time was lost while gaining equally valuable experience.

Effect: Slow and Steady... [Fleet] loses all movement this turn. [Fleet] gains experience.

Reversed Neutron Polarity

Description A ripple of change courses through space, affecting all observed neutrons. They all paradoxically have both + and - charge that seems to be decaying. While fascinating, shockingly little practical change has resulted.

Effect: Wait what? [Galaxy] smiley: science +X% for 5 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 3:28:24 AM
Irresponsible Terra-forming

Description: Foreign gravitons are bleeding across hyperdimensions and into our universe! The previously agreeable gravity of the planet has been somewhat increased. Broken alien transmissions suggest this is not a natural occurrence, whoever the culprit, they're rather irresponsible.

Effect -- Multiversal Repercussions: Adds 'High Gravity' anomaly to a planet. +1 Science per Population on (affected) planet.

Temporal Disturbance

Description: Constant Light Speed travel activity seems to have confused time! Evidently time dilation is confusing even for time itself. The changes, albeit temporary, are amazing. Scientists all over are traveling to the system to study the phenomenon. Luckily it's only a matter of time before the 4th Dimension catches up with reality.

Effect -- Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey: (+/-) x% smiley: fids on highest Populated System. +x% smiley: science on Empire.-- (Science bonus maybe can extend to Empires at Peace/Alliance with the Parent Empire). Lasts for 5+x Turns.

Oddity: This bonus is based off the idea that Time can speed up /or/ slow down; So the FIDS smiley: fids could be either Positive or Negative.

Multi-Cultural Singularity

Description: Tele-Way has featured *System Name* in their latest advertisements. As a result, all walks of life are vying for residency! The major influx of immigrants brings various benefits. Unfortunately, the ABC also caught wind of it.

Effect -- Immigration Sensation: Passive (Pacifist) Propaganda (Isn't in the construction Queue) on *System Name* (15 turns). Creates a Large Pirate Fleet on the System.

Little Lore: The first entry is a reference to the description of ES1's High Gravity anomaly (after it's been repaired).

The Second is probably more complex than it needs to be, but I liked the idea.

The third; Tele-Way is our (mine and my friends) Goto name for the biggest trade/centralized system in any Endless Space game. A little private joke, I guess.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 3:21:17 AM
Another Fine Product From the Nonsense Factory

A strange ship filled with wondrous machines capable of fabricating seemingly anything has been found in orbit around [planet]. Its architecture and technology match no other known culture in the galaxy, but the devices are clearly highly advanced.

smiley: industry +2 per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on [planet], +5% smiley: approval on Empire.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 2:13:00 AM
Systematic Harmony

A high amount of pacifist and political activist have managed the influence enough of the population within the system and are able to persuade a majority of the population in the system, all empires and minor factions alike. Spreading all aspects of every culture, a cultural enlightenment swept the system and as a result everyone living in the system are able to make peace with one another which prompted the system to their develop a new single system wide belief incorporating all the previous cultures into one.

New Understanding: System gains +20smiley: approval for 10 turns and + X amount of Pacifist population increase.

An Unexpected Visitor

Out of the blue, a new minor faction has abruptly moved into one of your planets and have no intentions of leaving anytime soon. Whether they are friendly or not is yet to be discovered, but hopefully their intrusion won't be long.

Minor Staying the Night Party: A smiley: stickouttongueopulation: of (X Amount) of (X) Minor Faction is introduced to Player Planet (X) for 20 turns.

*I am considering making this a permanent, but I'm not sure how much an additional minor faction population will effect a planet or system.*

A Light Seen Across the Galaxy

A bright light has appeared and can be seen across the whole galaxy. The light seems to be slowly dissipating but your scientific community has become motivated to learn what the cause of this event is, and are rapidly moving to find out this new phenomenon. At the same time, romantics and young couples are enjoying the beautiful new, and unique hues of color left in scenery of the sky and stars.

Magnificent Sight 25% smiley: science 25% smiley: food and +20 smiley: approval on all empire for 5 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 10:58:19 PM
The Problem with Pribbles

"A derelict spacecraft of unknown origins was discovered. Inside were several containers of cryogenically frozen furry creatures. Once thawed, these critters start to eat any available food and breed uncontrollably. Although the 'Pribbles' are a popular pet with the citizens of the empire, it takes considerable resources to feed and neuter them."

Creature Comforts: +20 Approval on Empire for 20 turns

-5% Science on Empire for 20 turns

-5% Food on Empire for 20 turns

Increase the Pacifist Ideology on Empire

World Killer

"An advanced probe from a unknown faction has targeted the most populated planet in your empire. Once they saw past its strange psychological deceptions, the Empire determined the probe's true purpose was to destroy any advanced civilization. The world killing process had already been initiated before the citizens could defend themselves, which resulted in a planet-wide earthquake. The angry survivors are able to stop the probe from replicating itself and reverse engineer some of its technology."

Planetary Forge: Most populated planet is turned into a Lava planet

Population reduced to 1 unit

All Advantageous/Debatable Anomalies removed

Cheapest available Galactic Warfare technology obtained

Increase the Militarist Ideology on Empire

Garden World

"A recently surveyed planet is found to be tidally locked with its star, which provides constant sunlight to one side of the world. There is evidence that vast circular gardens grew here long ago, and many citizens are interested in reviving it. The empire invests in this idea, and is able to find dormant flower bulbs to replant the long forgotten fields. Strange purple and yellow flowers soon grow, which seems to awaken the planet's ecosystem. The citizens quickly benefit from this accelerated growth."

Endless Garden: -500 Dust

Most recent planet discovered turned into a Jungle planet

Most recent planet discovered gains "The Tree of Worlds" Wonder and the "Garden of Eden" anomaly.

Increase the Ecologist Ideology on Empire

The first one is a homage to Star Trek and the second is an homage to the book Forge of God.
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