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Horatio Revealed

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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 1:09:57 PM

Oh, I see :/

Should they hunt for fresh blood genes only through invasion ? (aka military agression ?)

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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 1:33:01 PM

That's already what they (can) do. But providing them with an extraneous mechanic to do just that, well, it's giving them a bit too much of a leg up, isn't it?

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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 2:10:14 PM

Sure, it may be a boost. But theme-wise, I think they should be "hunting" for 1 dude, not "just" being system invaders and gene-splice everyone from there.

(c-c-combo : invade a system, gene-splice immediatly then sell the planet / raze / whatever. This is super violent... and you can't recover from that).

They may not need those planets, but they everytime need new genes ? So they should be able to kidnapp 1 dude ?

Unless Horatio Find Violence Upon Inferior Beings As Beautifull As Him :/

If this module cost, I don't know, 1000 and divide, say, the ship's HP by 2 ? Then if it's loaded with a kidnapped pop would explode, the returning pop also would give says +20 for 5 turns ("he's back, yay !") and +20  for 5 turns ("you won't beleive what I saw !").

They would not be "fire and forget" ships like Vodyani have : you would have to secure your kidnapping ships ?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 2:18:34 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

Sure, it may be a boost. But theme-wise, I think they should be "hunting" for 1 dude, not "just" being system invaders and gene-splice everyone from there (invade a system, gene-splice then raze, that is super violent... and you can't recover from that).

They may not need those planets, but they everytime need new genes ? So they should be able to kidnapp 1 dude ?

Unless Horatio Find Violence Upon Inferior Beings As Beautifull As Him :/

If this module cost, I don't know, 1000 and divide, say, the ship's HP by 2 ? Then if it's loaded with a kninapped pop and explode, the returning pop also give says +20 for 5 turns ("he's back, yay !") and +20  for 5 turns ("you won't beleive what I saw !").

They would not be "fire and forget" ships like Vodyani have : you would have to secure your kidnapping ships ?

" Unless Horatio Find Violence Upon Inferior Beings As Beautifull As Him :/"

 that sounds pretty horatio to me in order to beautify the universe you also need to get rid of the ugly, but yes technically speaking they  should only need to take DNA samples from small groups maybe a few dozens cause you know triplicates but not millions/billions. 

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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 2:31:52 PM

Still, being able to kill every pop on a system after you stole it by surprise is OP to me.

Sure, this works only one time and after this, you're vaccinate with them but still. You can't undo this.

I think you should be able to gene-splice only the guys on your homeworld.

Maybe no kidnapping module then, but a "see who's living in this system" probe module then ???

They would spy your population... Nothing personal... :D

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 2:43:08 PM

I feel the main goal of Horatio (lorewise) is not per se to kidnap people to splice himself (in his eyes he's already the most beautiful thing ever) but moreso to get out there and show the universe it's beauty and expand it. His main focus should be on growth, expansion and to some degree military (erase ugly or whatever is in his way). Along the way of achieving this goal he might find.. lesser creatures with interesting features that can make him.. Horatio.. Even more perfect. Therefor I indeed feel his ships should be on par with the other factions in a way, althought requires more resources, and it makes total sense his ships are more module heavy focused (bit like splicing ships lol) instead of hulls, which would fit his beauty and special snowflake-ness. 

Curious what the changes will bring :)

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