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New Game Loading Screen Stuck on 'Game Launched and read'

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 7:40:44 PM


As of the current release [0.1.19] 'Update One' , the problem still persists. 

  The OP has been updated

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8 years ago
Dec 4, 2016, 7:11:19 AM

Etheon wrote:



EDIT : Ok, so it seems you have this path for your game : [NORMAL] Program Files\[STEAM]\steamapps\

I tested on my side and it seems we have some issues with special caracter like "[]". Can you try to install your game on a different folder?

Wow that worked for me as well!  I'm so happy this problem is resolved, big thanks Etheon!   I think I can go update my original posts.

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 7:02:00 PM


The issue when you load a save is a different problem and we are working on it. 

For the specific issue when you are stuck with a new game, can you check the path of the game in Windows ? You may have a special caracter that lead to a crash.

Thank you

EDIT : Ok, so it seems you have this path for your game : [NORMAL] Program Files\[STEAM]\steamapps\

I tested on my side and it seems we have some issues with special caracter like "[]". Can you try to install your game on a different folder?

Damn, that worked for me too. I had a + in my folder. installing it on a drive with no symbols solved it for me!.

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 8:42:48 PM
Etheon wrote:



For the specific issue when you are stuck with a new game, can you check the path of the game in Windows ? You may have a special caracter that lead to a crash.

Thank you

EDIT : Ok, so it seems you have this path for your game : [NORMAL] Program Files\[STEAM]\steamapps\

I tested on my side and it seems we have some issues with special caracter like "[]". Can you try to install your game on a different folder?

It worked! I can't believe a workaround was in reach all the time. Now I really feel dumb for not trying harder!

Amazed at the connection between file path and game AI ultimately leading to this results. Would you explain what caused this behavior once you guys got the fix covered? Would make a funny, lovely anecdote between my programmer friends. :)

Thank you for your time, at last I can enjoy this (already!) masterpiece at my own PC.

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 11:05:15 AM


The issue when you load a save is a different problem and we are working on it. 

For the specific issue when you are stuck with a new game, can you check the path of the game in Windows ? You may have a special caracter that lead to a crash.

Thank you

EDIT : Ok, so it seems you have this path for your game : [NORMAL] Program Files\[STEAM]\steamapps\

I tested on my side and it seems we have some issues with special caracter like "[]". Can you try to install your game on a different folder?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 4:55:41 AM

Experiencing the same thing as well with my saved games ever since update 1. They're stuck on loading screen when I try to load them. :S

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 2:27:20 AM

I to am having the same issue. Tried the AI disable and it still fails to pass the "Game Launched and ready" for save game loads. However game works fine when making a new game, including AI, until I save and exit.

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 2:10:09 PM

Also confirming that the issue still persists, even after doing a fresh reinstall for the new update.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 10:14:44 PM

Not a flying fart has changed. The problem still persists. I would really like to hear some devs views on this problem and what they are doing to fix this.

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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 1:28:34 AM
Zaphyr wrote:

Etheon wrote:



EDIT : Ok, so it seems you have this path for your game : [NORMAL] Program Files\[STEAM]\steamapps\

I tested on my side and it seems we have some issues with special caracter like "[]". Can you try to install your game on a different folder?

Wow that worked for me as well!  I'm so happy this problem is resolved, big thanks Etheon!   I think I can go update my original posts.

Are people making directories with square brackets a common thing? 

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8 years ago
Oct 20, 2016, 4:26:31 AM
Zaphyr wrote:
raindmb1 wrote:

I was have the same issue, but entering the --disable-ai worked for me.

Nice, I think the issue is partially pinned down.  Obviously, now we just need to fix it so we can have the AI working!

I assume the devs are working on this among other things.

yea hope so. not as fun without the AI lol but least i can check everything out for the most part now :)

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8 years ago
Oct 20, 2016, 12:27:59 AM
raindmb1 wrote:

I was have the same issue, but entering the --disable-ai worked for me.

Nice, I think the issue is partially pinned down.  Obviously, now we just need to fix it so we can have the AI working!

I assume the devs are working on this among other things.

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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 1:53:42 PM

I just tried a few more things today. Always Running the ES2 Program as admin, compatibility mode with Windows 7, and turning off "read only" in the documents folder. but that didnt help. Are any developers watching this thread and can give a status to this problem ?

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 11:29:19 AM
Zaphyr wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:

I installed all critical security and reliability updates for the .NET framework supplied through the Windows Update function I was missing for about half a year. Was really a pain to get that going as it choked on itself for days in order to search the database for my missing updates, it seems. Unfortunately this still did not fix the issue.

One happy note: The game is as addicting as your previous 4X games. On the other machine I got it running it already stole valuable lifetime of mine in a pleasant way. :)

The launch command of disabling the AI didn't work for you?   I think its important to note since it seams like there are multiple causes for the problem we are having.  In my case I think it is something to do with the AI launching so I'm just going to wait for a fix from the devs (and provide more info ofc). 

I do agree though, the game is great so far! (at least what I can play without AI heh)

It works with the --disabled-ai command. I should have added this as my test is way back in the thread by now, you are right.

Looks like we'll have to wait for new ideas by the devs.

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 1:57:56 AM
Nightmare90 wrote:

I installed all critical security and reliability updates for the .NET framework supplied through the Windows Update function I was missing for about half a year. Was really a pain to get that going as it choked on itself for days in order to search the database for my missing updates, it seems. Unfortunately this still did not fix the issue.

One happy note: The game is as addicting as your previous 4X games. On the other machine I got it running it already stole valuable lifetime of mine in a pleasant way. :)

The launch command of disabling the AI didn't work for you?   I think its important to note since it seams like there are multiple causes for the problem we are having.  In my case I think it is something to do with the AI launching so I'm just going to wait for a fix from the devs (and provide more info ofc). 

I do agree though, the game is great so far! (at least what I can play without AI heh)

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 1:23:43 AM

I installed all critical security and reliability updates for the .NET framework supplied through the Windows Update function I was missing for about half a year. Was really a pain to get that going as it choked on itself for days in order to search the database for my missing updates, it seems. Unfortunately this still did not fix the issue.

One happy note: The game is as addicting as your previous 4X games. On the other machine I got it running it already stole valuable lifetime of mine in a pleasant way. :)

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8 years ago
Dec 9, 2016, 8:39:09 PM

Ok so this only applies to old saves?

Does launching a new game cause the same problem?

Updated 8 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 9:09:27 PM

I have a weird problem. One part it is the same what everybody have, but a bit different too.  
My PC: 


I started the game, Sega+Amplitude logo vids played smoothly. 

Then comes the splash screen with loading bar. Filling up normally, after it is reach the 100% the main music start playing, the mouse is working, but nothing else. (I waited for 20 minutes)

If I click somewhere the exe has stops working, and the game closes.

What I tried:

  1. Reinstall the vcredists from the game's folder - not working
  2. Install the given DirectX - not working
  3. Install the latest AMD driver - not working
  4. Start the game with -novideo parameter - no video at start :D but not working
  5. Start with --disable-ai parameter - not working
  6. Start in Win7 compatibility mode - After click the game is not responding, as well as my PC. I have to reset it manually :D
  7. Start with forced OpenGL parameter - working partially. I mean I am in the menu, but all the 3D elements are flickering, flashing randomly. I tried it 3 times. Every times the game froze different spots. In the settings menu, in the Create game menu, and in the actual gameplay at the very forst moment.

I have an AMD card, without any integrated GPU. Still the OpenGL works, DX11 none. I hope you will find the solution soon for every single problem, and I hope my expereince will help somebody out. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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