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New Game Loading Screen Stuck on 'Game Launched and read'

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 8:08:06 PM
AmpliMath wrote:
Zaphyr wrote:


Hi Zaphyr,

So I have analysed your output log. You seem to generate the galaxy OK, then the game hangs after starting some threads, maybe for the AI. Since the AI is an external module now, maybe it has trouble communicating with the game with some software installs etc. I will check it with the programmers tomorrow, but this is only speculative for now. 

If you can also throw in your Diagnostics file that woudl be great. You will find it in $My Documents/Endless Space 2/Temporary Files.


Curious, the generator wasn't external in any previous game right (I think Endless Legend has its own generator)

My Diagnostic files have been included in a zip along with my most recent log.


I'll tinker with some other software to see what happens.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 3:30:10 PM

Well it seems to be the same issue. The diagnostics does not tell much more sadly.

Can you look into your system and tell me which versions of VC redist and .Net framework are actually installed?

I guess the best is to look into the installed programs information, or windows update.


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 2:25:13 PM
Zaphyr wrote:

For lack of a better thread, I am posting here

My game launches fine with no apparent crashes.  When I get to the loading screen after starting a new game the readout says everything up to "Game Launched and ready". A game session never actually starts and it seems to hang on the loading screen indefinitely. (since I see no crash report or know where logs are I cannot confirm if this is indeed a "crash") .  The hang is specifically on the following screen and there is never a pop up error message (cropped to save space). 

Here are my specs, DxDiag, and other logs:

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Intel i5 4690k @ 3.50 GHz


AMD Radeon HD 5800 series (specifically 5830)*


Steam System Info_Zaphyr.txt


*According to http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ on 10/6/2016 I can run the game on minimum requirements.  I don't mind running the game on at a resolution.

**I have tried all relevant troubleshooting in Frogsquadron's post.


Edit: *sigh* Somehow I left the y out from ready.  The thread title should say "New Game Loading Screen stuck on 'Game Launched and ready'"

Edit: Added output_log.txt, there is no error.log since in my cases there is no specific crash.

Hi Zaphyr,

So I have analysed your output log. You seem to generate the galaxy OK, then the game hangs after starting some threads, maybe for the AI. Since the AI is an external module now, maybe it has trouble communicating with the game with some software installs etc. I will check it with the programmers tomorrow, but this is only speculative for now. 

If you can also throw in your Diagnostics file that woudl be great. You will find it in $My Documents/Endless Space 2/Temporary Files.


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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 9:44:48 PM

Minor Update:

I have tried to disable several different software that I have running, disabling my Antivirus (AVG), several cold reboots, renaming faction file names (though that shouldn't be any issue anyway) and I haven't been able to do anything different with the issue.  Since there is crash log I am kinda swinging in the dark here.  This seems like a hard issue to diagnose.   Is there any systematic/reliable way we can gather software lists/data to see if there are problems? Or maybe some nifty launch settings through steam to test out?

In any event, I have sort of ran out of ideas to test out on my end so if there is any more information I can provide so that the devs can reproduce this issue just let me know.  I will not refund the game because I trust that this issue will eventually be sorted out, but until then I think I will be playing the Tempest expansion for Endless Legend.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 1:41:49 PM
satoru wrote:

Again please post EVERYTHING from Steam-Help-Sytem Information including hte software portiong

I can't follow you. I exactly followed the path you have given to us and this is the only information given by the System Information screen of Steam. I pasted everything there was into the .txt file. Doesn't look like there was any software information collected by Steam.


You are looking for misc software, right? Here is what is covered by the windows uninstall manager:



Uninstalled the SQL Server shite as I don't need it right now and it started with many background processes. No changes, no surprises.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 1:38:06 PM
Nightmare90 wrote:
satoru wrote:


Can you try reinstalling all the redistributables, then reboot.

If that doesn't help, its possilbe you both have a software incompatiblitly. If you could list EVERYTHING from Steam->Help->System Information, it might be possible to see if some common software is causing some issues. As noted DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX cause issues. There could be other programs as well so it would help to find some correlating factors.

SteamDiagNightmare90.txt doesn't seem to show more than DxDiag but here you are.

Dependencies: Already covered. DirectX was indeed not installed but was also not the cause of the issue. Others were dismissed and repaired by the system. No changes. Dropbox: First killed the background process and tried, no success. Then completely uninstalled and still no success. For diagnosis I also uninstalled my K-Lite codec pack as the start of a game is accompanied by many video files but no changes.

Security Software only includes Sophos Endpoint Security and Control and Truecrypt, both of which also run on my wifes PC which has no issues running Endless Space 2. The only difference software wise between those machines could be mainboard drivers (both Realtek soundchips thou) and the fact that my PC comes with much development software. Haskell GHCI, git, CodeLite and some C++ and Java dependencies. None of these software got processes running constantly in the background.

I may post my wifes speccs if we still stumble in the dark later today. Maybe one can spot the difference and go on from there.

Edit: I uninstalled my USB 3 drivers and the Intel Management Engine Interface which is not necessary on my PC anyway. Unplugged everything periphery, no changes.

Edit2: Reinstalled my K-Lite codec pack full. No changes. Renamed the Streaming Assets > Movies folder to [EXCLUDE]Movies. No intro video, no other changes, still the same issue.

Edit3: Tried to use my save game created on my wifes PC on my own desktop. Loading an established save leads to the same loading screen freeze described in the OP.

Again please post EVERYTHING from Steam-Help-Sytem Information including hte software portiong

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 1:37:03 PM
Zaphyr wrote:
satoru wrote:


Can you try reinstalling all the redistributables, then reboot.

If that doesn't help, its possilbe you both have a software incompatiblitly. If you could list EVERYTHING from Steam->Help->System Information, it might be possible to see if some common software is causing some issues. As noted DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX cause issues. There could be other programs as well so it would help to find some correlating factors.

DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX  and are not installed on my system.

I have already tried reinstalling the redistributatbles but I did it again just in case. For extra detail I will note exactly what I did in order.

  1. DirectX - I ran DXSETUP.exe and it completed successfully.
  2. 4.5.1 -      I ran NDP451-KB2872776-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe.  The installation was 'blocked' due to it already currently installed.
  3. vcredist- I ran both x64 and then x86.  In both cases I chose the repair option (which presumably means it is installed) and the 'repair' completed successfully.
  4. I rebooted my computer and launched Endless Space 2 from  Steam.
  5. Same hanging issue occurred in the screenshots above in OP.

Here is my steam system information (will be attached in OP as well):

Steam System Info_Zaphyr.txt

Again you need to post EVERYTHING from Steam-Help-System Information. Looking for softwware incompatiblity. The ones I listed are simply examples of known ones. There could be others which is what you may be running into. Which is why I asked for the compelte software list from Steam's output

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 11:52:45 AM
satoru wrote:


Can you try reinstalling all the redistributables, then reboot.

If that doesn't help, its possilbe you both have a software incompatiblitly. If you could list EVERYTHING from Steam->Help->System Information, it might be possible to see if some common software is causing some issues. As noted DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX cause issues. There could be other programs as well so it would help to find some correlating factors.

SteamDiagNightmare90.txt doesn't seem to show more than DxDiag but here you are.

Dependencies: Already covered. DirectX was indeed not installed but was also not the cause of the issue. Others were dismissed and repaired by the system. No changes. Dropbox: First killed the background process and tried, no success. Then completely uninstalled and still no success. For diagnosis I also uninstalled my K-Lite codec pack as the start of a game is accompanied by many video files but no changes.

Security Software only includes Sophos Endpoint Security and Control and Truecrypt, both of which also run on my wifes PC which has no issues running Endless Space 2. The only difference software wise between those machines could be mainboard drivers (both Realtek soundchips thou) and the fact that my PC comes with much development software. Haskell GHCI, git, CodeLite and some C++ and Java dependencies. None of these software got processes running constantly in the background.

I may post my wifes speccs if we still stumble in the dark later today. Maybe one can spot the difference and go on from there.

Edit: I uninstalled my USB 3 drivers and the Intel Management Engine Interface which is not necessary on my PC anyway. Unplugged everything periphery, no changes.

Edit2: Reinstalled my K-Lite codec pack full. No changes. Renamed the Streaming Assets > Movies folder to [EXCLUDE]Movies. No intro video, no other changes, still the same issue.

Edit3: Tried to use my save game created on my wifes PC on my own desktop. Loading an established save leads to the same loading screen freeze described in the OP.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 5:05:11 AM
satoru wrote:


Can you try reinstalling all the redistributables, then reboot.

If that doesn't help, its possilbe you both have a software incompatiblitly. If you could list EVERYTHING from Steam->Help->System Information, it might be possible to see if some common software is causing some issues. As noted DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX cause issues. There could be other programs as well so it would help to find some correlating factors.

DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX  and are not installed on my system.

I have already tried reinstalling the redistributatbles but I did it again just in case. For extra detail I will note exactly what I did in order.

  1. DirectX - I ran DXSETUP.exe and it completed successfully.
  2. 4.5.1 -      I ran NDP451-KB2872776-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe.  The installation was 'blocked' due to it already currently installed.
  3. vcredist- I ran both x64 and then x86.  In both cases I chose the repair option (which presumably means it is installed) and the 'repair' completed successfully.
  4. I rebooted my computer and launched Endless Space 2 from  Steam.
  5. Same hanging issue occurred in the screenshots above in OP.

Here is my steam system information (will be attached in OP as well):

Steam System Info_Zaphyr.txt

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 3:07:15 AM


Can you try reinstalling all the redistributables, then reboot.

If that doesn't help, its possilbe you both have a software incompatiblitly. If you could list EVERYTHING from Steam->Help->System Information, it might be possible to see if some common software is causing some issues. As noted DropBox and EVGAs PrecisionX cause issues. There could be other programs as well so it would help to find some correlating factors.

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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 5:15:07 PM

I got stuck with the same issue and covered all troubleshooting steps advised in the sticky and more.

Would appreciate more ideas, here are my specs:

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1

Intel Core i5 2400 (Sandy Bridge)

4x 2GB Corsair RAM @ 666MHz

ASUS P8H77-M Mainboard

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 570 @ 1600x900

Here is my DxDiagNightmare90.txt

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 7:57:33 PM

1) Yeah , the beta is gone, but i think theres a good reason as latest news says the new patch is live :)

2) No worries :)

So far i have tried everything i could think of, such as verify game cache, and keep watch on the forums for things i could try. some say you had to force Nvidia to use your graphic card but this option dosnt seem to be available for me in the Nvidia Control Panel. So i am still waiting for a solution for this problem.

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 3:09:26 PM
tim1983 wrote:



Also, a peculiar thing it keeps doing when i start it up. when i get to the start screen the music is turned off, and i allways have to go in and turn it on again. i dont know if this has anything to do with the main issue tho.

This may not be a bug. Do you have by chance the option to mute the game if focus is lost active? It is also in the audio options. It just mutes master volume if you happen to quit the game through secondary means for example because of the game freeze and doesn't turn it back on if you restart the game.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 12:29:35 AM
tim1983 wrote:

Can you try running Steam and ES2 as an admin

Also I didn't check but have you manually re-run all the redistributables?

I reinstalled all the te redistributables, except the microsoft Net framework. For some reason i cant reinstall or remove it.

After i ran Steam as Admin, for some reason i cant run the ES2 shortcut as admin, but this didnt help anything.

Also, a peculiar thing it keeps doing when i start it up. when i get to the start screen the music is turned off, and i allways have to go in and turn it on again. i dont know if this has anything to do with the main issue tho.

Do you have any audio enhancement programs from a sound card or something else? I've had some reports of audio enhancement programs causing issues.

What error do you get when trying to reinsall the dot net framework?

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 9:31:04 PM

Can you try running Steam and ES2 as an admin

Also I didn't check but have you manually re-run all the redistributables?

I reinstalled all the te redistributables, except the microsoft Net framework. For some reason i cant reinstall or remove it.

After i ran Steam as Admin, for some reason i cant run the ES2 shortcut as admin, but this didnt help anything.

Also, a peculiar thing it keeps doing when i start it up. when i get to the start screen the music is turned off, and i allways have to go in and turn it on again. i dont know if this has anything to do with the main issue tho.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 9:05:22 PM
tim1983 wrote:

You'll need to post your output_log.txt and maybe the devs can look at what's going on with your particular situation

Done. I will post it in the main startup issues thread as well


Diagnostics - 2016'10'12 @2213'15''.html

Can you try running Steam and ES2 as an admin

Also I didn't check but have you manually re-run all the redistributables?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 8:29:19 PM
tim1983 wrote:

To add the --disable-ai option 

1) right click on ES2 in your steam library -> Properties-> "Set Launch Options"

2) In the box put in --disable-ai

3) launch ES2

Restart Steam and reverify your game cache first just to be sure you have the absolute latest version of the game that supports that option

Just tried this, and still the same problem.

You'll need to post your output_log.txt and maybe the devs can look at what's going on with your particular situation

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