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Pending crash / game start issues

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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 11:41:04 PM

Error message that wouldn't let me continue during End Turn/Starting of next turn (Around turn 30ish)


A error message pops up and this is what it is

[Unity] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: SystemSupervisor.ProcessConstruction ():line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: SystemSupervisor.IEndTurnService_GameClientStateChange (System.Object sender, .GameClientStateChangeEventArgs e):line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: GameManager.IEndTurnControl.NotifyOnGameClientStateChange (.GameClientState gameClientState):line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: GameClientState.Begin (System.Object[] parameters):line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: GameClientState_Turn_Finished.Begin (System.Object[] parameters):line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: Amplitude.Unity.Framework.FiniteStateMachine.Update ():line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: GameInterface.Update ():line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: Session.Update ():line 0
at UnityEngineLogCallback in Error while parsing stackframe: Amplitude.Unity.Session.SessionManager.LateUpdate ():line 0

V0.2.3 S1 ALPHA-Public (64-bit)

If I click continue game it just pops up again and again, so I was forced to exit without saving :(


i couldn't find error.log or crash.dmp, maybe thats because the game didnt actually crash, but an error message forced me to exit 

I had multiple diagnostic files from the same day, and I was unsure which one has what you need, so I put them in a .zip

My Diagnostics.zip

Thanks for your time, I've been a fan of Endless Space from when I bought the first game, and I'm loving Endless Space 2, aside from this and a few placeholders in text popups I cant tell that its an early access game. Keep up the amazing work and have a good evening


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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 9:47:38 PM
inflatablemouse wrote:
satoru wrote:

I'm  tad surprised it runs directly from the executable but not from steam

I'd try running steam as an admin and see if launching from steam then works

Thanks. It works because I run it as administrator, I had tried the compatibility settings and run as admin in the exe properties. Forgot I tried that before.

When I run Steam as administrator, it launches and I can start a game, but it still crashed after choosing the faction etc.

I have attached the logs in the zip file:


Hopefully it will give some insight into what is the problem here. I'm dying to give it a swirl :P.

Any other tips or ideas I can try?


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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 10:12:55 PM

I'm curious if you check the properties of the game on steam do you have anything int the launc properties?

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 9:57:31 AM
satoru wrote:

I'm curious if you check the properties of the game on steam do you have anything int the launc properties?

No launch options are set in Steam.

Steam overlay is off.

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8 years ago
Feb 4, 2017, 4:59:53 PM

1. Почему вы используете дерево технологий?

Можно сделать так, что технология будет иметь определенную вероятность, и она будет зависеть от производства науки, но шанс не может быть на 100% (проверка вероятности каждого курса), и каждая новая технология будет более дорогим, то есть вероятность ее получения будет меньше, то можно сделать еще так что вероятность положительного результата будет расти каждый курс с накоплением науки.

Я предлагаю вероятность того, как не известно, что ученые могут найти в процессе научных исследований и что может помешать их  

2. Технология будет представлять собой новое здание, улучшения для него, корабль, наземный транспорт, модификаторы империи, и т.д., но она не будет иметь имя, и только даст один или два бонуса, которые должны быть активизированы или сконструированные и это будет выглядеть так: "усилия ваших ученых вы получили более эффективный способ дистилляции изотопов (улучшение здания) и новая методика налогов (законопроект)". (Например)

Для сложности игры можно добавить неэффективные бонусы и т.д., на примере + 10% продукции на 40% пыли.

Случаи с неэффективных законов и т.д., были в нашей истории. Тогда не будет никаких противоречий с нашим миром.

3. В игре слабой оппозиции в политике и народа.

Я предлагаю сделать так. Для того, чтобы разделить ее на пассивные и активные. Пассивная является то, что существует в бесконечном пространстве 2 теперь и активным, когда была какая-то идея, которая поддерживается народом, а не остановить его. Например, национализм меньшинств, antidustlism и т.д.

4. Герои.

Это несправедливо, что все они делятся на две группы. Невероятные гении те, кто работают пыль и стадо - те, которые не работают пыль. Можно сделать так, чтобы герои, которые не работают пыль сохранить опыт просто больше и не имеют никаких способностей, но более верен тебе, то есть с меньшей вероятностью оставит вашу академию.

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8 years ago
Feb 9, 2017, 6:26:13 AM
inflatablemouse wrote:


patience. Satoru usually takes his time when replying 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 9, 2017, 7:49:56 AM
Hopliteofthestars wrote:
inflatablemouse wrote:


patience. Satoru usually takes his time when replying 

I am patient. It's been 4 days. I'm not demanding, I'm polite and I've been grateful for the help so far.

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8 years ago
Feb 9, 2017, 8:50:10 PM
inflatablemouse wrote:
Hopliteofthestars wrote:
inflatablemouse wrote:


patience. Satoru usually takes his time when replying 

I am patient. It's been 4 days. I'm not demanding, I'm polite and I've been grateful for the help so far

inflatablemouse wrote:
Hopliteofthestars wrote:
inflatablemouse wrote:


patience. Satoru usually takes his time when replying 

I am patient. It's been 4 days. I'm not demanding, I'm polite and I've been grateful for the help so far.

inflatablemouse wrote:

inflatablemouse wrote:
Hopliteofthestars wrote:
inflatablemouse wrote:


patience. Satoru usually takes his time when replying 

I am patient. It's been 4 days. I'm not demanding, I'm polite and I've been grateful for the help so far.

good god, whats going on?!?!

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8 years ago
Feb 11, 2017, 1:58:28 AM
inflatablemouse wrote:
Hopliteofthestars wrote:
inflatablemouse wrote:


patience. Satoru usually takes his time when replying 

I am patient. It's been 4 days. I'm not demanding, I'm polite and I've been grateful for the help so far.

Note just to be super clear i'm just a forum user like everyone else. I do try to help others when I can but I have no ability to really fix anything

I'd say that if launching the execuable directly no longer works, you should make your own bug thread here


If you leave it hre it's likely to get lost in the noise of what this thread is mostly about. Especially since your issue seemed to have been resolved your issue before, creating a separate bug report will help isloate your problem.

Remember when posting your bug please provide the dxdiag, output_log.txt, Diagnostics. I know you've provided those before but please post new ones in your bug report so they can be looked at appropriately.

As a side note do you have any audio enhancement tools such as Sonic Studio, Nahimic, or other such programs. These are known to cause some conflicts with the game when launching.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 2:52:58 AM
satoru wrote:

Note just to be super clear i'm just a forum user like everyone else. I do try to help others when I can but I have no ability to really fix anything

I honestly didn't know. I really thought it was official help, mainly due to the VIP label on your Avatar.

I'll follow your advise for the bug report. I thought this thread was just that.

Thanks again for all your help!

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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 7:01:11 PM

Yeah so i was loading my game saves when this happened. I clcik on continue playing but it just kept poping out. But when i start a new game with different save it doesn't appear. 

[Default] Cannot find ColonizedStarSystem with GUID '6675'


  at get_CurrentDestination in :line 0

  at <FromMethodInfo>b__0 in :line 0

  at DoSync in :line 0

  at DoSync in :line 0

  at ExecuteSync in :line 0

  at ProcessExecuteSyncContractMessage in :line 0

  at Run in :line 0

  at WorkerThreadRun in :line 0


V0.2.5 S1 ALPHA-Public (64-bit)

 I clicked on continue playing but it just kept poping out. But when i start a new game with different save it doesn't appear. Does that mean i have to restart my UE run?

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8 years ago
Feb 14, 2017, 3:36:24 AM
gluever54 wrote:

Yeah so i was loading my game saves when this happened. I clcik on continue playing but it just kept poping out. But when i start a new game with different save it doesn't appear. 

[Default] Cannot find ColonizedStarSystem with GUID '6675'


  at get_CurrentDestination in :line 0

  at <FromMethodInfo>b__0 in :line 0

  at DoSync in :line 0

  at DoSync in :line 0

  at ExecuteSync in :line 0

  at ProcessExecuteSyncContractMessage in :line 0

  at Run in :line 0

  at WorkerThreadRun in :line 0


V0.2.5 S1 ALPHA-Public (64-bit)

 I clicked on continue playing but it just kept poping out. But when i start a new game with different save it doesn't appear. Does that mean i have to restart my UE run?

Its probable the save game is permanently corrupted

Please post your issue in the bugs sub-forum


Please include

1) dxdiag

2) save file

3) diagnostics.html

4) output_log.txt

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8 years ago
Feb 20, 2017, 7:36:42 PM

Bought game, downloaded, loaded... I get the splash screen, loading screen, and then it hangs at the menu (I guess, since I see no buttons?) screen:

Already tried checkinfupdating DirectX and NVIDEA drivers, but no luck.

Anyway, here are my logs:


WebMistress_Diagnostics - 2017'02'20 @1958'44''.html

...time to update my hardware, or are there any chances I may get it to work? ;)

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8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 4:58:11 AM
WebMistress wrote:

Bought game, downloaded, loaded... I get the splash screen, loading screen, and then it hangs at the menu (I guess, since I see no buttons?) screen:

Already tried checkinfupdating DirectX and NVIDEA drivers, but no luck.

Anyway, here are my logs:


WebMistress_Diagnostics - 2017'02'20 @1958'44''.html

...time to update my hardware, or are there any chances I may get it to work? ;)

The game requries a DX11 video card. Your GT9800 is not DX11 complaint as such it cannot run the game

You could invest in an RX460 for $100 and you'll see several orders of magnitude peformance benefits

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 5:35:49 PM

Hi all, i have this problem

[Gameplay] The contract 3094 is not in negotiation state (Signed).
at ChangeDiplomaticContractTermsCollectionPreprocessor in :line 0
at InternalInvoke in :line 0
at Invoke in :line 0
at Invoke in :line 0
at Preprocess in :line 0
at ProcessOrders in :line 0
at UpdateMessageBoxAndProcessOrders in :line 0
at Update in :line 0
at Update in :line 0
at Update in :line 0
at LateUpdate in :line 0

V0.2.5 S1 ALPHA-Public (64-bit)

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