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Game freeze / crash at start up : fix / workaround

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 8:43:15 AM

Thanks etsi, still no luck for me with everything tuned as high as it can be and performance maximised. I've attached the latest files below in case anyone's ever able to work out what's gone wrong with this game under my setup.

Diagnostics - 2017'05'24 @0935'21''.html



I've opened the refund process but the vendor's not being very co-operative and has pointed to the requirements on the Sega support site which still say the game isn't compatible with Intel HD cards. It'd be great if these could be updated. As others have said, I know this isn't a high-end gaming machine and I'm happy playing at low frame rates if necessary, but I've never come across a non-action game that it's not been able to handle. Civ 6 and Stellaris for example work fine even in late game with huge worlds/galaxies.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 5:49:15 PM

Hi satoru,

I've just reinstalled all distributables and rebooted, same problem. With the -dx10 tag I can get to the menu, but the bar stops at 'game launched'. I've also tried -novideo which makes no difference. This is on both the amd fix betas and the maintstream release.

Windows won't let me update the .net distributables as the ones I've got are newer, is there any way I can force this?

Thanks again

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 6:21:24 PM

'fraid not, I've reinstalled graphics drivers again and it doesn't get to menu without -dx10. With -dx10 it doesn't get past the 'game launched' stage.

Thanks for your help but I've spent an entire day trying to get this working and I think we're going in circles. Is there anything else you can think of that I could try?

If not I guess I'll have to try to give in. Despite never making it to turn one I'm closing in on Steam's 2 hour playthrough limit to get this refunded now! I've been really looking forward to this game but can't blow £35 on something that might work the next time I upgrade my machine.

Appreciate the help though folks.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 7:30:30 PM

Other than making sure you have a full windows update done, I cna' tthink of much else.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 8:35:45 PM
satoru wrote:

Other than making sure you have a full windows update done, I cna' tthink of much else.

Thanks satoru, I've updated Everything today I think :)

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 11:02:36 PM

hi again 

I also had the problem that I could not pass the first loading screen and with the 1.05 amdfix + dx10 I managed to make it to the first menu 

I now crash at the launch of the game as the friend above does.

I also have all drivers and win10 updated, I closed the videos from the options + reduced the analysis from good to the previous level -even lower I mean, but when it starts loading after the connection with server and when it says game launched , I also hear the voice & I can fell I can clic/command something with the mouse but the screen does not change and finally crashes with the bar to be loaded by 3/4.




my card is a R5 M330 amd works fine with other games, most recent civ6

thanks in advance

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 12:03:33 AM


I managed to overcome this problem!!

it seems that the system requires all the available sources for this game.

what I did is that through the AMD catalyst control center, I added the game in the 3d application settings and chose the following settings

see attached files

you should know that even the wifi goes to flying mode...

I will come back if I encounter  any other problem through the game

my previous options in steam remained as I mentioned in the previous message + run as admin

hope it works for the rest with same issue

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7 years ago
May 26, 2017, 8:38:26 AM

same problems than Tmouncer :

Just  a few words to say that since january, I still  have problems to launch the game that  does not pass the stage of the  loading bar (we hear the background music  but that's all).
I tried various tweaks & manipulations that you had given in a dedicated topic on the support forum for ealy access. 

I specifie that the old versions of the beta game worked fine.

I  then changed the PC configuration with a new installation of windows  (cpu moved from fx6200 to ryzen 1600x), nothing change, I still have  this damn problem.

 This is not really  a crash, the game just hang on.

I however, via steam, downgraded the installation in version 'earlyaccess' and there, miracle, the game works.

So I turn to you to have a  solution to help me move the game into a functionnal 'final' version . : O)

Diagnostics - 2017'05'25 @2024'10''.html



Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 28, 2017, 2:24:11 AM

I had frequent crash problems on my mac, but the problem stopped after turning off steam overlay, so that should hopefully help 

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7 years ago
May 29, 2017, 8:07:05 AM


I missed the release of the game so I only find out now that the game crash at the end of the loading splash screen for me too. I tried the fix without success (though I had to replace not from "Beautiful", but "Fantastic").

I guess one of the main reasons is probably because I do not have an AMD video card but a GTX 770 from nvidia.

The game used to work fine during the beta (except during the background video issue) with my rig. And with this crash I see the ffv small icon in the lower right windows bar remaining after the crashs, like it used to be with the videos issues. I don't know if it's related.

Diagnostics - 2017'05'29 @0928'08''.html

Can't find any dump file or even folder.

edit : ok the game starts with "-novideo", seems that this old bug returned for me. sorry if this bug report is misplaced so.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 1, 2017, 9:33:22 AM

Reviving an old thread here but since the recent updates the game now launches and runs really well, but only with the -dx10 launch option, without it the game doesn't get to the menu screen. Perhaps worth a shot for others. 

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7 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 12:24:24 PM


Reading back your previous post, I see you have an Intel HD 5500 on your system. I think the game should detect this and switch you automatically to dx10. 

I will check with the engineers, thanks for the update!


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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 4:53:40 PM
satoru wrote:

Can you remove the dx10 tag from the launch options. Or does it not launch otherwise?

Hi satoru,

Without the dx10 tag it won't get past the splash screen/white bar.

With the dx10 tag I get to the menu and faction selection/game setup screen, but it then crashes at "game launched". Nb, unlike others with the directory characters bug, it doesn't get as far as "game launched and ready".

Thanks for your help guys, hopefully I'll get to play it some day!

[further update] It looks like the screen output is freezing, but the game's actually firing up, so it may not be a 'crash' as such - I get the intro speech and can click and drag on the screen to get a hand cursor. Still not playable though!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 10:08:17 PM


We have reproduced the issue on an AMD card, that some of you have experienced. It seems to be linked to the shiny new ships in the main menu, affecting only certain graphic cards. Setting the QualityLevel to "Good" (capital G is important) in the registry.xml seems to stop the issue. In effect, this loads a default main menu scene without ships.

You must edit the Registry.xml file located in the Documents/EndlessSpace2/Users/<steamuserid>/registry.xml. Find the "QualityLevel" line, and replace the text <Beautiful> by <Good>. DO NOT EDIT the registry.xml file found at the root of the game installation (steamapps/common/EndlessSpace2) : only the one in your Documents folder matters.

It is possible that you do not find any registry.xml file in your Documents/EndlessSpace2/Users/<steamuserid> folder : this is because you never made to the main menu, as opposed to those who played the Early Access. You can try to find a save registry.xml file here, and copy it to your Documents/EndlessSpace2/Users/<steamuserid>  folder.


If you own EndlessLegend, check out the userid folder to determine it.

We are really sorry for this inconvenience. We had run compatibility testing during the late stages of the game, and these new ships were added recently. We did not notice this issue on any of our machines or QA machines, prior to the launch (neither did the press). Obviously we are working (right now) on a better fix for this problem.


  • Select Endless Space 2 in your steam Library, and right click to open the popup menu
  • Select Properties
  • Select the Beta tab
  • Enter the Onl14AmDf1xt3sT
  • Select the "fixamd" in the droplist
  • This will install a special build whi deactivates the ships in the main menu. 


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 11:16:14 PM

The first solution also worked for me, thank you AmpliMath!

Updated 7 years ago.
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