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The Harmony Q&A

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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 8:58:12 AM
Sovereign wrote:
Example turn one Tundra brings 2 Science per Population you start with 3 Pop.

That would be 6 Science from Planet.

But its only 5?

And there is no malus or whatsoever listed.
The Harmony slider starts at 40%, which means +20% smiley: food -20% smiley: science

If you place it at 50% (no changes to smiley: science :foodsmiley: smile their home system produces 7 in the first turn.
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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 10:00:45 AM
adder wrote:
The Harmony slider starts at 40%, which means +20% smiley: food -20% smiley: science

If you place it at 50% (no changes to smiley: science :foodsmiley: smile their home system produces 7 in the first turn.

7smiley: science from System - 2smiley: science for its a homeystem = only 5smiley: science from planet.

it should be 8 smiley: science from System in the very first turn with 50% Slider

EDIT: okay made some tests it it has something to do with the difficulty at the lowest difficulty you got 7.6 smiley: science first turn with a 50% Slider on Highest difficulty u get only 6.6 smiley: science

i guess there is goes something wrong with the Disharmony malus which is bound to the difficult level BUT with only 1 System and 1 Planet there shouldnt be any Disharmony malus at all also its not listed up


Most Underpowered race even worse due bug?-.-

at the very least its a huge display error.

EDIT2: Okay now i understand but still Harmony is the weakest faction of all atm.
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11 years ago
Dec 11, 2013, 1:03:43 AM
Interesting thread considering I was just coming to comment on how dust and whatever behind the scenes numbers are a bit perplexing for the harmony.

Race : Harmony (Custom)

Difficulty : Endless

Turn : 23 , 4 systems colonized

Planet : Huge Ocean (4/2/2/4 for FIDS)

Anomaly : Strange Fossils (+2 Dust Per Population, +2 Science Per Population)

Luxury / Stragic : None / Unknown

Exploitation : Alien Grafting (+4 Per Population (2 for Ocean, 2 for Planet))

Population : 5

Improvements : Heavy Isotope Refinery (+10 Production), Silic Soils (+1 Food per Pop), Public Private Partnership (+1 Science Per Pop).

Tax : 50% (No Bonuses)

3 Planets in System, This Huge Ocean is the Only Planet Colonized in System. No Galactic Events, No Faction Traits to Change these Numbers.

Food Production for System:

+9 From Planets

+5 From Star System

-1.4 From Disharmony

-10 From Food Consumption

Science Production For System :

+7 From Planets

-0.4 From Disharmony

-3.5 From Distance With Empire (It's adjacent to my capital? and 9 dots away from my home system (takes a colony ship 3 turns, if it was 1 dot less of distance it would be 2 turns)

Industry Production for System :

+10 From Improvement

+10 From Planets

+5 From Star System

-2.5 From Disharmony

Anyone got some numbers on this? By my calculations I should be producing 50 food total (9x5+5) and I'm confused how I go from 50 to 2. (Yes I do understand Dust is generating a negative) Just for giggles I decided to move my slider bar all the way to 100% Food Production for +12.5 more food for a total of 15 (rounded up I assume).
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11 years ago
Dec 12, 2013, 6:35:33 AM
I know building ships or having some ship types in orbit can affect your growth rate. If this manifests itself as a change to your food production I don't know.

Clearly, however, something needs to be fixed, even if its just more complete information from the mouseover info.

And as to a long term solution to make the Harmony more viable, I suggest removing the disharmony penalty completely. Then in the tech tree all the techs that used to reduce the penalty now instead give their percentage as a "harmony bonus" for cleaned systems.

A second (possibly additional) idea would be one to deal with the problem of getting rushed early, you have no way to compete ship for ship with an early rush, add to this the the fact that the rusher undoubtedly has a hero and you do not and its game over. I was thinking maybe put system defense on the slider instead of/ in addition to science. If you get rushed early you can close off your (already slow) pop production for nigh impregnability to an early rush, If the defense given is just a +def (as opposed to a +def per pop) it should scale down properly for endgame.
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11 years ago
Dec 28, 2013, 10:18:31 AM
Wow, these forums are dead in a big way.

Amplitude needs to get off their **ses and fix the Harmony. I can't believe they're still this bad even after having supposedly been 'rebalanced'. Sad to see the devs being in the black when it comes to faction balance, it's still completely off. Also looks like the faction is bugged on top - at least in my current game the bug also works positively, I've got 9 science from 4 pop on one system.

I'll just repeat Sovereign from above: Devs?

CheekyMonkey wrote:
And as to a long term solution to make the Harmony more viable, I suggest removing the disharmony penalty completely.

That's a pretty awful suggestion that fortunately won't happen - if they did remove the key faction feature like that they might as well delete the faction completely. What they instead should do is stuff like removing the growth malus when building ships completely; there's absolutely no reason they should have this. Harmony already gets the worst of many aspects of the game, no need to hamper their ship building on top of that. My guess is the brainboxes @ Amplitude were afraid this might result in unlimited ship spam but I am pleased to inform this will not be the case as the other factions can produce just as many ships and still have more than enough Dust to pay the upkeep.
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