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Release Notes

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11 years ago
Dec 11, 2013, 2:20:33 PM
RELEASE NOTES - [1.1.39] - The Vaulters

This new Add-On introduces the Vaulters, a new faction for the owners of Endless Space: Disharmony and the Founder Pack of Dungeon of the Endless



  • Fixed two retreat bugs [/#/endless-space/forum/35-tech-support/thread/14962-retreat-bug-is-not-fixed-goodfy-battles(onPCandMac)] and The AI attack even if it only has a single ship that has no chance at defeating the player's fleet
  • Fixed bug on the AMAS
  • Fixed bug on the display of Industry to Food for Sowers & Harmony
  • Increased Bushido Duration from 10 to 15

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11 years ago
Jan 15, 2014, 2:57:29 PM
RELEASE NOTES - [1.1.42]


  • Implemented the new Harmony Resonance bonus: + 2 FIS / ORBITING SHIP UP TO 2x CP MAX
  • Added a new property to manage the dynamic cap of Harmony new bonus. This property is shown in the affinity tooltip (2*Max command pop)
  • Added new localisation key for Harmony affinity to explain their new bonus
  • Increased the reduction on civilian modules for all colonization hulls


  • Expansion Disapproval multiplied by 3 for Vaulters
  • Systems with Portals aren’t count for Expansion Disapproval
  • The unique Vaulter improvement (the Portal particle screen) now takes 15 turns to be built
  • The unique Vaulter improvement provokes a loss of Science smiley: science (- 66%) during its construction
  • Only one unique Vaulter improvement is needed to generate Science smiley: science from all the Portals
  • Added new properties to manage the gain of Science smiley: science on Empire from Portals


  • Fixed an Alliance bug when in some cases making peace with another Alliance was impossible
  • Fixed an issue on the creation of an Alliance in the multiplayer between two human players, when one is already in an Alliance
  • Fixed a bug regarding creation of colony ship when using the "Wasted Space" trait
  • Fixed a bug on the prefab of the Hissho Colony ship
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to create a Custom Faction and selecting "Militarists" and "Make Science, Not War" at the same time


  • Fixed the Vaulters appearance title and tooltip description from the custom race menu
  • Fixed bug where the teleportation FX of the Vaulters was played even if the fleet didn’t move

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10 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 3:34:43 PM


  • Added 24 colonisation events: these events can now be triggered when colonizing a new planet
  • Added 8 exploration events
  • Added the Vaulters’ introduction cinematic
  • Added the Vaulters’ Victory and Defeat screen


  • Added a global governor that allows the player to modify all their star system governors at once
  • Added the ability to mod the loading screens
  • Added 20 portraits for heroes
  • Improved the construction queue:

    • Bottom of all queues: You can now add an improvement at the bottom of the construction queue of all your systems by pressing CTRL when you click on the chosen improvement
    • Top of all queues: You can now add an improvement at the top of the construction queue of all your systems by pressing CTRL + ALT when you click on the wanted improvement
    • Top of one queue: You can now add an improvement at the top of the construction queue of a system by pressing ALT when you click on the chosen improvement

  • Improved the military AI
  • Improved the AI threat evaluation
  • Improved the way the AI handles retreats
  • Improved the AI ship design choices and fleet construction to reduce ship spamming in end game
  • Added the ability for the AI to start the game with a custom faction
  • Updated German localisation (thanks to Timo)


  • Fixed an issue with end game save and manual battle crashes
  • Fixed several errors
  • Fixed an issue with pirate fleets
  • Fixed an issue with a changed diplomatic condition
  • Fixed an issue where turn based improvements statuses were not progressing when another improvement has previously been bought out
  • Fixed an issue where System Production Queue displayed an incorrect time to completion
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue with rally points
  • Fixed an issue where the game crashed when “Auto Explore” mode was activated if the fleet was guarded
  • Fixed an issue with the empire influence
  • Fixed an issue where the custom faction trait “Make Science, Not War” was not reducing weight costs on modules
  • Fixed an issue where the improvement “Xenotourism Agencies” was affecting the colonisable but not colonised planets of the system
  • Fixed an issue where the improvement “Advanced App Labs” was not reducing Science during construction
  • Fixed a typo in a XML file
  • Fixed an issue where the Mercurite bonus was not applied
  • Fixed an issue with the description of the Sower technology “Inorganic Cultivation”
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip was not reflecting the gameplay
  • Fixed an issue with the Pilgrim technology “Statis Center”
  • Fixed an issue where the Portal Particle Screens tooltip was referring to the system instead of the empire

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10 years ago
Nov 27, 2014, 4:57:42 PM
HOTFIX [1.1.49]

Bug Fix

  • Fixed the Steam achievements that were not unlocking
  • Fixed an issue with the turn timer in the construction queue
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10 years ago
Dec 15, 2014, 4:04:14 PM

Changes and Additions

  • Added a new hero: Eiyno Wraeil

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the AI would not build ships in the vanilla version
  • Fixed an issue where the building queue timer was not refreshed after buying out an improvement
  • Fixed an error that would appear in manual combats
  • Fixed an issue that would result in a crash in manual combats (Mac users)
  • Fixed the “It’s All Mined” achievement, which was not unlocking when playing with the Sheredyn faction
  • Fixed some text issues
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10 years ago
Jan 20, 2015, 5:07:10 PM

On this day, Endless technology lights up and strange things appear in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout the galaxy as the Archivist, Emlek Tarosh, fulfills its duty.


  • Unlocked the Vaulters faction to all Disharmony owners
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10 years ago
Mar 4, 2015, 2:26:26 PM


  • Fixed the Don't Even Think About It achievement: "create a custom faction with -195 points or less, and win a game with it on Endless difficulty" (the achievement would trigger with a custom faction with -100 points points or less)
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 3:39:00 PM



  • Fixed an issue where negative effects on the AI’s diplomatic attitude were inversed, counter-balancing other parts of that AI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tolerance trait was displaying a wrong value in the system view.
  • Fixed an issue where “Random faction” was displayed instead of the faction’s actual name on an invasion notification.
  • Fixed an issue where the galaxy would sometimes not be visible when starting a new game.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to zoom out at maximum height after playing a few game sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where the Horatio Affinity unlocked the Arid Epigenetics technology.
  • Fixed an issue where the host remained stuck on the end turn action if a client joined in progress and left the session at the same turn.
  • Fixed an issue where the title remained stuck on end turn actions after a manual combat.
  • Fixed an issue where the users were not synchronized after a system was invaded and conquered during a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed an issue where the round-ups on the tonnage modules were different than the ones on the total tonnage in the ship design view.
  • Fixed several text issues.
  • Fixed several localized text issues.

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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 8:21:52 AM
Alpha 2 - release note

SpaceTroll wrote:
Hello Everyone,

we are currently testing our Alpha 2 (with some of you guys...)

If it is stable we will update it on Steam probably tomorrow.

  • Moved the save directory from ‘Documents\Endless Space\Users[SteamAlias]\Save\’ to ‘Documents\Endless Space\Save\’.

  • Added a new Fleet action: guard. The fleets with guard status will block fleet movements of all opponents in cold war or war.
  • Added a drag and drop function for the items of the construction queue.
  • Fixed an issue where AI fleets can initiate a fight during the “End turn” phase.
  • Fixed an issue where the battle actions “Beam Surge” and “Illusion” are not properly unlocked by the corresponding Adventurer hero abilities.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the apparition of heroes in the academy after 5 games without restarting the client.
  • Fixed an error preventing the victory conditions to be deactivated in the settings of a new game.
  • Added a warning message if you don’t have a research in queue when you click on end turn.
  • Added a warning message if your bank account become negative at the next turn. After validating the end turn, if next turn's Dust should still become negative, elements will be scrapped automatically (before next turn's dust calculation). The order used to scrap elements is :

  • if player's tax rate is lower than 50%, force it to 50%.
  • the oldest player's system (if that rule is not possible : the one with the less dust)

    >>> scrap buildings 1 by 1 except those giving immediate dust (system improvement dust 1 to 6), starting each time with the building having the highest upkeep.
  • the oldest player's ship (if that rule is not possible : the one having the less MP)
  • Repeat (2) system by system and (3) ship by ship until there is no more ship and all targeted buildings have been scrapped from all systems
  • force player tax rate to 75%.
  • Expel heroes, starting with the one having less XP, until there is no hero left
  • Scrap all remaining buildings system by system (highest system improvement upkeep first)
  • force player tax rate to 100%.

  • [/LIST]

    • Added the ‘Lock End Turn’ option in the game options panel. When this option is selected, you will not be able to end your turn until all critical warnings have been dismissed or resolved.
    • Modified the population growth formula.
    • Modified the hero upkeep formula.
    • Increased the upkeep value of the system improvements.
    • Modified the negative anomalies effects in order to increase the interest of “Anomaly Reduction”.
    • Modified the values of weapon mods. All accuracies have been changed.
    • Modified the values of defense mods. Weapon X against Defense X has still a chance to deal damage.
    • Fixed the values for the following kinetic modules: Hissho, 7 and 9.
    • Decreased the effects of the trade route bonuses.
    • Modified the effects of the tax rate.
    • Added 2 battle cards at game start.
    • Exchanges can no longer be made in cold war or war.
    • Now diplomacy victory can be achieved with all galaxy sizes and all number of factions, though the more cravers there will be, the harder it will become (it can also become impossible with more than 40% cravers)
    • Improved the AI which no longer tries to build system improvements that will never be of use depending on star system contents.
    • Added a colored symbol to most of the icons of the tech tree. Color indications are the following: industry (orange), food (light green), exploration/colonization (dark green), dust (yellow), military/command (red), hero/academy/experience (light blue), science (dark blue), approval (pink), diplomacy/influence (light grey), strategic resources (purple), FIDS (rainbow). Shape determines an empire unlock (star), a system building (triangle) or a ship module (square).
    • Added a confirmation message after a modification of resolution.
    • Fixed an issue preventing to change the resolution if the new height or width is the same as the previous selection.
    • Fixed an issue where AI fleets can overcome the command points limitation.
    • Added the locust points value in the system view.
    • Extended the size of the filename for the save files to 80 characters.
    • Added a Vsync option in the Game Options Panel.
    • Modified the end game screen.
    • The “+1 max pop on explored moon” bonus effect of ‘Psychological Insulation’ should work properly now.
    • Fixed an error occurring when an empire is eliminated and causing a crash.
    • Fixed an issue where the player can’t pass a turn (without an error message).
    • Modified the galaxy generation, including the following points:

    • shape topology is now appropriately implemented, resulting in:

      • colored regions in shapes correctly followed
      • better connections between regions/constellations
      • more logical associations of regions/stars in constellations

    • spawning was greatly improved, and will explicitly look for well-connected places
    • connectivity was greatly improved
    • "Star Connectivity" and "Constellation Connectivity" parameters are much better accounted for
    • No anomaly should be found on starting planets, except from faction traits.

    • Improved the 3D viewport in the Military and Ship Design screens: you can rotate the 3D ship with holding the left click.
    • Fixed an error where the user can retrofit ships for which he does not have the required strategic resources.
    • Fixed an issue where the pirate ship explosion is too small.
    • Added scroll bars in the random event panel.
    • Improved the skyboxes in the Galaxy and System screens.
    • Lava planets are rotated around a vertical axis.
    • Added background elements in the Battle view (asteroids, wrecks).
    • Added a zoom level slider in the Galaxy View (available in the game option panel).
    • Fixed an issue where the slider values in the audio options display the wrong information.
    • Added a slider for the GUI SFX in the audio options.
    • Modified the trade panel to display more than 6 trade routes.
    • Improved the faction selection in the new game screen.
    • Fixed an error where hovering over the command point number displays the wrong tool tip.
    • Fixed an error where disband a fleet or scrap a ship can be performed in the military view while the fleet is on a cosmic string.
    • Fixed an issue where the slider for Ambience, Master and Music volume disappears if the user presses left-click on it.
    • Fixed a display issue where Xeno-Pharmaceuticals, Artifact Analysis and Animalia exploitation unlocks are exiting the designated area.
    • Fixed a display issue where all artifacts resources are exiting the designated area when the user is in planet view.
    • Fixed an error where some module texts do not fit the designated space box in the ship design view.
    • Fixed an error where the trade panel in the system view has no scroll bar.
    • Fixed an error occurring after expelling all heroes from the academy.
    • Fixed an error preventing the loading of some game saves.
    • Fixed a text issue where the title of the battle cards panel in the galaxy view is wrong.
    • Fixed some display errors in the diplomatic negotiations view.
    • Fixed an improper tooltip when trying to assign a hero to a fleet engaged into a fight.
    • Fixed a resolution issue on the moon/temple large icons.
    • Fixed a text issue in the battle card successful tooltip if the AI hasn’t used a battle card.
    • Fixed a text issue in the title tooltip of the advanced galaxy settings panel.
    • Fixed text issues in the description of some heroes.
    • Fixed text issue in the tooltip of a lava planet colonization without having the required technology.
    • Fixed an issue on the left arrow used to change deal values in the diplomatic negotiations view.
    • Fixed a text issue in the attack fleet action tooltip.
    • Fixed text issues in the tutorials.
    • Fixed an error where the 7th tip is missing in the military view tutorial.
    • Fixed text issue in the opponent played battle action tooltip.

    • Edit: Fixed an issue where tonnage related empire improvements are not functional
    • Edit: Fixed an issue where the food surplus is not converted into industry with 'Adaptive Industrial Systems'

    Known issues:

    • Pathfinding (when you want to pass through a wormhole with the warp drive technology).
    • Ghost fleets.
    • Invisible missiles.
    • Upon reaching level 11, ships lose all their XP.
    • Edit: Game difficulty (AI does not benefit from upkeep bonuses).

    If you have one of the following issues:

    • Mousewheel not working
    • Game Won't Start – Crash To Desktop
    • Steam Attempts to Install Every Time
    • Fleet Movement – Stuck
    • End Turn - Stuck

    Please refer to http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?740-Workarounds-to-Known-Issues for a list of workarounds (thanks to Strand for the compilation).
    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    May 18, 2012, 4:27:25 PM
    0.30.5 Patch note:

    • Modified the galaxy generation (wormholes are less frequent).

    • Modified the pathfinding algorithm. You can override the algorithm by holding the left shift key and right-clicking on the system(s) you want. If you have the warp drive technology, ctrl + right-click on a system will force a free movement to the selected system. Warp/wormhole movement displays blue dots. Free movement displays green dots.

    • Modified the tax rate formula.

    • Modified the hire cost of the heroes (depending on the number of heroes you already have hired)

    • Modified a AI ship design template.
    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    Jun 4, 2012, 1:52:29 PM


    • Added the multiplayer.
    • Added the French language.


    • Fixed several bugs concerning the galaxy generation.
    • When more than one other faction is stationed in a system (regardless of the fleets quantity), the player is now able to select which one he wants to attack.
    • Modified the star systems labels in the galaxy view. You can now see the current production, the hangar capacity and the link between resources and planets.
    • The user can now access a system hangar from the galaxy screen if there is no fleet in orbit.
    • Added a chat console. "Return" key is now used for chat in multiplayer. Numpad-Enter does still end turn though.
    • The player can open the Pause Menu by using ESC.
    • There is no anomaly for the planets of a home system (except for the anomalies generated by a faction trait).


    • When the user selects any action on a system in the empire management the system is highlighted.
    • Added some population feedback on planets in the system/planet view.


    • Diplomacy should be smoother due to a fix on the trends now being capped.
    • The attitude value has a greater impact on the terms negotiation.
    • The player is able to offer resources along with peace.
    • Modified the cease fire term.
    • Cooperation agreement now takes 30 turns to become a full bonus.

      - Turn 0: malus (-50% to trade routes)

      - After 15 turns: no malus/bonus

      - After 30 turns: bonus (+25% to trade routes)


    • Fixed several bugs concerning the pathfinding.
    • Fixed an issue where the moving fleet always tries to use up all the movement points.
    • The user can select a specific route for a fleet to take when moving:

      - You can now queue movement orders by pressing and holding down SHIFT

      - You can now force a fleet to move through empty space by holding down CTRL.

      - If you wish to queue movement and travel through empty space press and hold CTRL+SHIFT.


    • Modified the economic victory formula:

      Economic victory points needed = 500000 + 5000 * (number of systems) - 40000 * (number of players)


    • Added the Amoeba, Sower and Pilgrims factions.
    • Cloning trait has been boosted and now Horatios will have +1 food on all planets.
    • Deadly Weapons decreased for Hissho, increased for Cravers. Hissho still have the best bonus.
    • Fixed Cloning trait bonus that gave bonuses to all planets instead of planets up to Class II (Arid, Tundra).
    • Changed Amoeba diplomacy bonus so they can't have war bonuses.
    • Modified the Cravers diplomacy tech tree.
    • Removed Cravers' "Alien Security" and changed their "Xenolinguistics" (only ceasefire exchange choices)
    • Tuned down the science rate from the Sophons.


    • Changed all invasion mods' values (increased) and some effects.
    • Now Ground defense is displayed as: "+X Defense per [pop] on System".
    • Base Ground defense value is now defined by the system's position compared to player and opponent frontiers.

      - Inside player or ally frontiers: 20 Def

      - Neutral (isolated Outpost): 15 Def

      - Outpost inside enemy frontiers: 12 Def
    • Greatly improved Defense bonuses on improvements (5 to 20 => 12 to 100).
    • Updated Ground Defense bonuses from Melee attribute (+2 => +5, +5%).


    • The hero hiring cost now changes according to number of heroes already in service.
    • Changed the value of Minister of Propaganda 1 & 2. We don't want players to be able to nullify overpopulation maluses too soon; on a Hero it could become available after 30/40 turns.


    • AI personalities have been reinforced to better fit their faction.
    • The AI is aware of the neutral zones.
    • Less weapon and defense mod bonuses for the AI on Normal to Impossible difficulties.
    • Improved the military AI: colony ship protection behavior.
    • Changed negotiations method for the AI for treaties and exchanges.
    • The AI will now give a much greater attention to colonization techs if no system can be colonized by his colony ships.
    • The AI will more likely start by making planetary improvements first on a new system (and that building will be Food or Industry).


    • Removed the bonus on all planets on "Sustainable Farms" (StarSystemImprovementFood1).
    • Switched "Epigenetic Crop Seeding" (Food 2) with "Wasteless Supply Chain" (Food 5).
    • Lowered dust bonus on "Automated Investment Intelligence" (StarSystemImprovementMoney5).
    • Merged the Diplomacy Bonuses 3 and 4.
    • Corrected the MP values of the second-to-last weapon mod of each type; corrected MP values of defense mods.
    • Added 4 technological unlocks into the exploration & expansion tech tree.


    • Trade route brings in more Science and less Dust.
    • Corporate Trade routes bonuses (% and Wit multiplier) decreased.


    • Increased disapproval due to overcolonization.
    • Increased Dust malus for systems outside frontiers (depending on territory : player/ally/neutral/enemy).
    • Slight increase of overpopulation disapproval.
    • Added "overcolonization disapproval reduction" on Star System Approval buildings.
    • There were no maluses to Food and Science during blockade. Just added them: -25% food; no Science (x0).
    • Monopoly bonuses for the strategic resources have been temporarily removed.
    • Reverted to bonuses without overcolonization malus decrease; those effects have been moved to new tech unlocks.
    • No Overcolonization disapproval on Outposts. It will be added only when changing to colony.

    MISC. (GUI)

    • Removed the achievement score on the end game screen.
    • Added ship level feedback on ship icons.
    • Improved the scroll bar system.
    • Modified the tutorial system.
    • Removed some useless scrollbars.
    • Modified the fleet/system selection panel when assigning a hero.

    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    Jun 4, 2012, 1:52:50 PM


    • Fixed an issue where upon reaching level 11, ships lose all their XP
    • Fixed an issue where the "Emergency Shelter" battle action causes a crash.
    • Fixed an issue where an assert message appears when the user attempts to transfer ships from the hangar.
    • Fixed an issue where a fleet can be invisible.
    • Fixed an issue where a null reference exception appears after an invasion.
    • Fixed several issues where sending gifts to the AI has no effect.
    • Fixed an issue where the user receives an assert message if they Right Click during the loading screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the empire management AI has an infinite loop of terraforming.
    • Fixed an issue where changing the quality level will cause an assert.
    • Fixed an issue where the game will not continue after ending the turn.
    • Fixed an issue where starting a manual ship battle will cause an assert.
    • Fixed an issue where conquering an empire home system causes an assert.
    • Fixed an issue where the user can increase science and dust income indefinitely.


    • Fixed an issue with the scrollbar of the selected modules panel in the ship design screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the player cannot scroll through the reject reasons in the diplomatic negotiations screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the user can close the resolution timer using the right click.
    • Fixed an issue where left-clicking on the slider button causes it to disappear
    • Fixed an issue where the treaty options can be displayed twice
    • Fixed an issue where the planetary improvements are not scrapped when there is not enough dust
    • Fixed an issue where the fleet icon remains after the budget scrap is performed
    • Fixed an issue where not enough empire slots are created by the galaxy generator (too many players/galaxy size).
    • Fixed an issue where the number of ships stationed in a hangar is not properly displayed on the system info tooltip
    • Fixed an issue where the galaxy scale slider overlaps with the fleet selection panel
    • Fixed an issue where AI trends per turn have no limits making the AIs seem very volatile.
    • Fixed an issue where ships remain stuck if the player/AI moves them in the same time when another player/AI attacks them
    • Fixed an issue where a 4-digits value overlaps the FIDS icon in the system view screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the end game screen text is incorrect after the player's elimination.
    • Fixed several issues where a cooperation agreement doesn't work as intended.
    • Fixed an issue where Dust donations lead to incorrect gains of attitude.
    • Fixed an issue where the empire management filters will reset after the player exits the empire management view.
    • Fixed an issue where the user can have diplomatic deals with other empires without being at peace.
    • Fixed an issue where the invasion button is not available.
    • Fixed several inconsistencies between battle card texts and hero ability descriptions (beam surge, gravity well, armor weak point, dust barrier).
    • Fixed an issue where the heroes' Melee attribute has no effects.
    • Fixed an issue where the nano-repair systems battle card has twice its effect.
    • Fixed an issue where after an empire has been eliminated the user can still offer diplomatic terms to that empire.
    • Fixed an issue where "Invulnerable Empire" is prioritized for the empire management AI.
    • Fixed an issue where the planetary colonization is not canceled if the planet is colonized via the colonization ship.
    • Fixed an issue where the defenders ship are warping-in at the start of the battle.
    • Fixed an issue where a defeated empire retains some ships in its hangars.
    • Fixed an issue where the AI moves out of the systems guarded by player fleets when loading a saved game.
    • Fixed an issue where the modules do not grey out in the ship design view.
    • Fixed an issue where the user can retrofit ships with Seed ship modules to rush expansion or increase population.
    • Fixed an issue where the user can assign heroes to fleets engaged in battle from the academy view.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Psychological Insulation" star system improvement does not grant an additional 1 population.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes clicking on ships in the galaxy view does not produce any results.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes diplomatic offers are neither accepted nor rejected by the AI.
    • Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for Call and Inspect buttons on diplomatic status screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the first digit of the galaxy generation seed cannot be erased.
    • Fixed an issue where the confirmation message received after disabling tutorials in-game has no cancel button.
    • Fixed an issue where the in-game droplist from the options menu has the same color as the background.
    • Fixed an issue where the system view menu becomes unresponsive.
    • Fixed an issue where on the lowest resolution setting the user is unable to select pilgrims and amoeba on the last player slot in the lobby.
    • Fixed several text issues.

    Thanks to Lt_Miles for the release notes.
    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    Jun 5, 2012, 6:48:08 PM


    • Added some optimizations on low configurations.
    • Increased the range of the lobby.
    • Display of the online games depends of the ES version.



    • Fixed several issues of MP synchronization.
    • Fixed an issue where loading a saved game causes the heroes of the clients to be swapped with other heroes.


    • Fixed an issue where the "Friends'Games" filter is not working properly on the online games screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the private session is displayed on the online games screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the default session is displayed on the online games screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the user can click on the chat window in the lobby and type messages.
    • Fixed several text issues.

    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    Jun 6, 2012, 7:11:54 PM


    • As long as a player is invading a system, he will continue to invade whether there are enemy fleets in the system or not (the defender will have to destroy the invading fleet or make them flee to stop the invasion).
    • Reduced the malus "Distance with Empire".
    • Reduced the rate of pirate appearance and postponed slightly for pirate appearance.
    • Home systems are now with no less than 3 planets and can't have terran, jungle and ocean planets on top of the home planet.
    • The AI will make trade buildings only when they can improve the system's dust gain.
    • Modification of the VSync option, with 3 levels. 0 = no Vsync. 1 = synchronized to the monitor refresh rate. 2 = synchronized every 2 frames of refresh, so at half the refresh rate of your monitor.
    • Strategic resources will spawn at least one deposit for each type. The GalaxySettings.xml file contains the size of this first minimal deposit, which is under design consideration. Monopoly is not guaranteed, but presence in the galaxy is.
    • Luxury resources should now only spawn if the generator can allocate enough for a monopoly.



    • Fixed an issue where the game will freeze when declaring war on a player/breaking a deal.
    • Fixed an issue where a system remains in blockade without opponent fleet.


    • Fixed an issue where the terraformation of a planet causes an assert.
    • Fixed an issue where drag a population from an uncolonized planet is possible in the star system view.
    • Fixed an issue where the player will always have 1 dust.
    • Fixed an issue where Players can go into a negative value with resources.
    • Fixed an issue where the players cannot select their color in the lobby.
    • Fixed an issue when several players try to connect simultaneously to a lobby.
    • Fixed an issue where the values displayed in the dust production tooltip will not fit the designated area when a 5 digits number is displayed.
    • Fixed an issue where if the steam user has a long name it will exit most text boxes in the game.
    • Fixed an issue where wrong message is displayed when attempting to join a session.
    • Fixed an issue where wrong message is displayed when two players select the same slot.

    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    Jun 7, 2012, 9:14:17 AM



    • Fixed an issue where the drag & drop of population doesn't work.

    0Send private message
    13 years ago
    Jun 9, 2012, 2:16:23 PM


    • Galaxy Generation : Blue sun has hotter stars, protostar has cooler stars. Other weights were slightly changed to better reflect their star type.
    • Added new attitude modifiers (DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerRespect, DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerPity, DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerWeaknessStress, DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerTense)
    • Information buildings' maluses are mostly diplomatic rather than economic.
    • The Cravers' bonuses to FIDS lasts too long (it hasn't been changed since max number of turns in a game was changed from 500 to 300)
    • UE : Dust bonus. The % bonus was too long to start and to give a Dust advantage to the UE. As Dust is their main trait, we want them to earn more Dust than the others, even at the beginning (+30% => +1 per pop on each planet)
    • Pilgrim : Hero reduction cost. The hero XP bonus trait allows heroes to start at level 2 or level 3 (=> -4 upkeep on heroes)
    • Modified the Pirates difficulty.
    • Modified the missile display in battle mode.
    • When listing the sessions in the Join Game screen, take into account locked AIs for the current players



    • Fixed an issue where random events last all the game.
    • Fixed an issue where blockade stops the local use of ressources.
    • Fixed an issue where when joining a session as a client, the user does not receive any hero notification updates.
    • Fixed an issue where neither do tutorials or star tooltips explain the benefits of different stars.
    • Fixed an issue where loading a saved game causes the heroes of the clients to be swapped with other heroes.
    • Fixed an issue where players receive no warning message when changing a MP session to a SP one.
    • Fixed several text issues.

    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jun 13, 2012, 5:32:02 PM


    • Added the German language.
    • The private multiplayer is now functional.
    • Added a frame rate slider in the graphic game options.
    • Added GFX for several anomalies (WIP).
    • Some anomalies are better suited for certain planet types.
    • Buyout cost divided by 2.
    • Decreased the upkeep costs for fleets and buildings.
    • Added a custom diplomatic attitude modifier.
    • Improved the AI management of its tax rate.
    • Improved the AI process of colonization.



    • Fixed several issues of MP synchronization.


    • Fixed an issue where Pilgrims loose massive population when arriving in a new system.
    • Fixed an issue where Sophon home system can start with one single planet.
    • Fixed an issue where resources and other relevant information does not properly update after a hero assigned/unassigned to a positon.
    • Fixed an issue where the number of current deals is not updated correctly after the user brakes a deal.
    • Fixed an issue where the progress bar for an Auto space battle is not functional.
    • Fixed an issue where diplomatic deals will not be displayed properly when a client loads a MP saved game.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Stealth Construction" star system improvement is not functional.
    • Fixed several text issues.

    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jun 14, 2012, 7:13:21 PM



    • Fixed an issue with the camera/skybox in the battle view.

    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jun 15, 2012, 3:33:10 PM


    • Added a Steam option to launch the game in safe mode (should fix several CTD issues).
    • Added a "Perform planned move" button.
    • Added the "Retreat" battle card (WIP - available for a new game only).
    • Modified the "Death before Dishonor" Hissho faction trait (WIP).
    • Removed the lock icon for the blockade.
    • Added a shield icon for the fleet using the guard action.
    • During a cold war, there should have blockade only on outposts. Blockade on a colony requires to be at war.
    • Diplomatic Victory : increased diplomatic points gain and target. Players can achieve diplomatic victory earlier with more alliances; cold war will give less points.
    • Decreased the bonuses of "Happy" and "Ecstatic" approval statuses (+20% / +35% to FIS => +10% / +25% to FIS).
    • All game difficulties have been made 1 step easier, with "Newbie" giving no bonuses to AI, "Easy" giving only small bonuses. "Impossible" gives up to 80% bonuses instead of 100%.
    • Added GFX for several anomalies (Metallic Waters, Hadopelagic Life, Coral Reefs, Antonov Rings, Huygens Rings).
    • Added a moon survey feedback on the planet/system view:

      • no glow : moon is not explored,
      • red glow : presence of a temple,
      • blue glow : no temple.



    • Fixed several MP issues of synchronization.
    • Fixed an issue where trading systems does not work properly.


    • Fixed several text issues.

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