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How are you people liking the alpha so far?

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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:42:52 AM
I think my only issue right now is ship build queue being the same queue as everything else. I jist can't see the guus building my farm is the same guys building me a colony or defense ship. I think that the ship queue should be seperate from the queue to build exploits and factories and such. This os probably not as bad once you have more than one system developed but at 40 turns I only have 2 systems. Colonizong the 4th planet which is the 2nd in my second system. I still love it though
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:27:39 AM
OK first time poster but i have been waiting a LONG time to play this type of game - after being burnt on sword of the stars 2 i LOVE the hands off elements to combat - reminds me of birth of the federation - to me the combat aspect is the 'reward' part where i get to watch all my pretty ships fight - before i get back into the meat of the game which is the 4x aspect of it...

I am amazed so far on the polish of a so called 'alpha' game compared to some other games which have had quite a rocky state - someone should get angry joe to review THIS game smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 7:11:01 AM
I'm going to go ahead and sound like a broken record, but the polish for an alpha build is astounding. Simply loving it so far!
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 7:16:53 AM
Yep, the quality of the UI and the polish are really awesome. Great job! smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 11:24:25 AM
hi i just wanted to say i think the game is awesome even in this stage its really well done and fun to play, layout looks nice, it runs smooth with no problems that i've seen yet... ship customization is ok atm but could be i little better in my opinion :P but i should just wait and see smiley: biggrin

cheers guys for making the game. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 11:27:02 AM
SpaceTroll wrote:
Stilgar, we have fixed for the next version the reordering of the production queue.


SpaceTroll wrote:
it is true that we don't have a listing of all the colonisable systems. (when you see a white dot on the galaxy it means at least one planet can be colonized). if that feedback is recurrent we'll do our best to help.

Yes I know, but exploring the system one by one can take some time, especially after you unlock some colonization techs. In my first game, after ~50turns (I think?), I had explored more than half the (small) galaxy and unlocked most of the colonization tech but only had 3 colonized systems. I got a colonizer and asked me: where to send it? There was a lot of white dots and lot of systems didn't have enough food production capacity to make them an attractive colonization target. The ability to see a listing of planets and sort by max population and FIDS production would help. Moreover, to choose if/which/when researching a colonizer tech, sorting/filtering the table by planet type would show the benefits.

SpaceTroll wrote:
once you have colonized 2 sytems or more, you should see arrows on the side of the screen that let you scroll between your colonized systems, alternatively you can use the keyboard arows right / left.

Sorry, must have missed it...

Thank for your answer!

ps: I put a few more suggestions in a separate thread, and what seems to be a bug in the alpha support forum
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 12:49:14 PM
I couldn't really say. I loaded the game up but didn't have a clue what to do, I pressed a few buttons and nothing seem to happen. I pressed 'end turn' several times and nothing seem to happen.

Is this one of those game were you need to read the manual? smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 12:54:32 PM
Its ok for a Alpha. A bit slow to get the game going, can grow a bit bored with early on. (not much happening) Annoying: I move the mouse to the side of the screen to look around but nothing happens, I have to use the arrow keys to move/look around the galaxy screen ?
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 12:55:19 PM
Joote wrote:
I couldn't really say. I loaded the game up but didn't have a clue what to do, I pressed a few buttons and nothing seem to happen. I pressed 'end turn' several times and nothing seem to happen.

Is this one of those game were you need to read the manual? smiley: smile

There should have been a tutorial pop up, and then pop up for each individual screen you access from then on. If not maybe you turned it off in the options?
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:10:56 PM
I'm not rly too good on these games, so i'm mostly playing around, testing things so far, but i rly like what i see :3smiley: cool
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:18:49 PM
Been playing since the wee hours of the morning (great to see that even after dozens of 4X games a great one can still keep me up all night smiley: wink ) and the only complaints that I have so far are completely related to instability issues which are immediately forgivable based on the fact that we're playing an alpha build

My thanks goes out to the entire team at Amplitude for all of the fun I'm having so far as well as the things that are yet to come. I know that the praise from the community has been piling up in here by the ton but I really have to say how impressed I am. It feels like it's been forever since I played a game where reading flavor text was just as entertaining as everything else!
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:38:50 PM
Been enjoying the alpha alot. Really impressed with the game so far. Lots of research trees, interesting gameplay. Liking the combat, the cinematics are pretty cool. I was very impressed by an error actually being caught by the game and letting me continue playing (drag and drop system died on me a few times). Usually if something like that happens, the game just crashes.
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:55:00 PM
It is simply amazing. Keep up the good work guys and I'll be buying your games for years to come!
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 3:06:13 PM
Thanks for the good will! Our Creative Director had this great quote in an interview: "I started a studio in order to put on my bookshelf all the games I wanted play that didn't exist." So here's the first one smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 3:17:04 PM
Started playing last night, figuring I'd play for an hour or two before calling it a night...6 hours later I finally had to pass out in order to get SOME sleep. Probably the best 4X I've played so far, I LOVE the game, but HATE that I can't seem to put it away!
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 3:41:04 PM
Slowhands wrote:
Thanks for the good will! Our Creative Director had this great quote in an interview: "I started a studio in order to put on my bookshelf all the games I wanted play that didn't exist." So here's the first one smiley: smile

Can we get a list of his ghostly bookshelf titles, then? XD
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:27:38 PM
Slowhands wrote:
Thanks for the good will! Our Creative Director had this great quote in an interview: "I started a studio in order to put on my bookshelf all the games I wanted play that didn't exist." So here's the first one smiley: smile

Well you can tell him that he's doing the same thing for my bookshelf. This is one of the best 4x experiences I have ever had, and I've played a TON of 4x games. I'm also following StarDrive and thankfully you two are different enough that I'll be able to play both games. However, I have no idea how I'm going to find enough time to do so! I'm still flabbergasted that I am playing a game clearly worth $60 but only paid less than half of that. I hope you guys have a ton of success and get to make more games to line that bookshelf.

It's so cool to see the amount of people viewing this forum go from around 4 at a time to 15 around the time of the announcement a week ago to a staggering 250 at release.
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:26:55 PM
so, I played 100 turn and here is my feedback so far!

-game is fun and addicting, makes me think a bit of civilization: the systems being the city and the planets being the working tiles.

-combat seems a bit too passive and répétitive to me... I feal it's a simple matter of having the biggest fleet and picking the 3 best cards available, then i feel i dont have much control, i would love a bit more strategy in this area. I cant seems to feal enough impact of the choices i make.

-i did not try diplomacy yet,

-tech tree is super fun, but I feal it should keep expanding ( my race only has 4-5 race specific tech... there could be more, it would had to the difference between races)

- graphic are great

-UI: cool graphic but lack small things ( i'd love to have a line appear when I mouse over my fleets to let me know where they are heading... those kind of details...)

-I hope a lot of feature gets added has I progress the tech tree (espionnage? more strategic options? new way to terraform plannets? training heroes? more scouting options? etc.)

I like the game so far and truly hope it continues on getting better and bigger, I feal the dev have found a good game enginge and hope they keep developing it! good job so far!

ps.sorry for my english...

pps. i might make another post like this when im at 200 turns smiley: biggrin

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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:46:10 PM
I'm really enjoying the game but I'm having a hard time wanting to play at the moment because none of my games save. Having a job and things to do, I can never really get past turn 100 or so in one sitting, and then when I come back I've got to start over again.

Otherwise it's great and I cannot wait for it to get even more expansive and finished. As soon as I bought the Emperor edition, I got a gift version for a couple of my friends as well. We're all really excited for MP.
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