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I must be bad at this game:(

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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:28:05 PM
Inquisitioner wrote:
What kind of A.I difficulty have you played with and what sizes on the galaxies?

Well, my first game was all default, so medium size, normal difficulty etc.

2-4 were all on easy, still got dominated. For instance my score was ~1200 on my last game, and the other 3 races were all 2500+, Hissho was 4000smiley: frown.

I assumed increasing the galaxy size would give me more alone time, but i always seem to encounter another race within 15-30 turns.

My last few were all Huge size.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:32:57 PM
The A.I are very hard now at the moment. You aren't the only one getting your ass kicked, I was lucky cause I managed to get the A.I to fight each other. But my plan to use diplomacy failed due to their mood swings. Since as of now they're all just a bunch of barbarians with one thing on their mind: Kill everything.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:39:08 PM
The AI are indeed very difficult to battle at the moment, and are almost impossible to barter with. I try to play on medium, but find myself playing on Easy instead smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:40:40 PM
I must be playing overpowered races, because I'm steamrolling everything...

The Cravers seem to be way too strong, but so did Horatio. Hmm... Let me try United Empire.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:41:25 PM
I had a very similar problem at first....and then I discovered planet exploitation facilities. You can build facilities that are system wide, but when you zoom in on a planet, you can build a 'planetary exploitation' facilities. When I discovered those, my game became a bit better.

At least, that was my experience.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:41:40 PM
The a.i is very aggressive currently so really the best way to stay alive is to play aggressively yourself. The a.i is still being tuned though so should be getting better all the time until the full version of the game.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:42:46 PM
Add two difficulty levels on what the game says. Easy is Hard, Noob is Normal.

I once tried to make a deal with the AI, i was by FAR in their favor, i got rejected.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:22:48 PM
So I've played 3 or 4 games so far, though none to completion. Mostly to the point where it becomes frustrating(which for me means being blockaded on 3-4 different planets at oncesmiley: frown) because I'm so bad.

So I have a bit of experience playing Civ, Civ 4 mostly. However some things just seem odd to me:

Some planets(even when they have high food production, which I assumed was what spurred population growth?) just never seem to grow in population. Am I doing it wrong somehow?

Every AI i've encountered so far is able to grow, research, build etc at a much faster rate than I can possibly sustain. For instance in my last game the Hissho AI had 20x the ships I had, 7 more systems colonized, and about 14 more things researched than I had. I was focusing mostly on trying to build up my few colonized systems and researching(as Sophon). Throwing everything I had into research I was still behind by so much... whilst of course being utterly dominated in every other portion of gameplay.

How do influence spheres work exactly...? enemies always seem to have huge spheres around their colonies yet I only have tiny rings.

I just can't seem to not get owned!

any tips would be great, also I read that you can purchase ships though I haven't seen how to do this yet. Can you also purchase improvements?

thanks in advance for any tips=)
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:53:10 PM
My experience with the AI has gone something like this:

They always find me pathetic and I somehow inspire them to attack me. what the heck. lol. There is a lot of potential for the AI to be awesome, but with all the tech you need just to be able to use diplomacy on them..gah. talk about cramping my style. lol.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:54:45 PM
For the AI not to attack you, you want to go left on the tech tree. But then you may fall victim to pirates or the Cravers, so then you must also balance between weapon on top of the tree and ships on the bottom of the tree. :rolleyes:
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:57:45 PM
Oh AI..grumble grumble. haha. yea, I have yet to start a playthrough where I seriously invest in tech on the left side. mostly it's been on the bottom, right, and some on top.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:58:32 PM
Do you use heroes in your game? There is always at least 1 available from very beginning, that increases food/production (he has gear&corn icon). Hire him ASAP, and in few turns (all right, maybe not few but a dozen) he'll get 2 levels - for first take Director 1 (labor +3), then Civil Engineer (+25 production on system). 25 production bonus is VERY big for beginning, as your main planet can give only about 5-7 production per turn. Furhter this hero can also give you up to 50 food, so almost any your colony will increase population by 1 each turn. If you'll be lucky, you can hire up to 2 such heroes in first 10 turns, so you'll be developing much faster.

Also, when finished gathering money for heroes, reduce taxes to increase approval in your systems (up to 70%, or, if possible, - 85% in most of systems)- you'll be receiving less money, but you'll get bonuses for food and production.

If you won't forget to build fleets, then you'll easily survive on Easy level. If enemies easily defeat your fleets even with higher power than their, check their weapons and armor and create according spaceship design (if enemy prefers kinetic weapons - use defliective armor, if beam - then shields, if missiles - then flak, same rules with weapons). Never seen AI player changing their weapons preferences, so this action will help you greatly.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 9:00:43 PM
I consider heroes a must, but right now I am experiencing a bug (i think, must be) where I am not presented with heroes on the beginning of the game, or after the 50 turns. So, no heroes for me.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 9:05:35 PM
I am not entirely sure where you all are getting these problems! I started my first game today as the empire of man (or whatever it's called), and simply took off. By turn 40 I had a score of over 1.5k and of the 4 AI opponents none had yet to breach 1k! Moreover, when I got into my first war (with the Hissions, I think that's what they are called, I apologize if I fudged the name) I stomped them pretty rapidly with a death fleet.

Not sure what I am doing that is different from you guys. I am big on purchasing stuff whenever possible, perhaps giving me an edge over my opponents? Just voicing my own opinion/adding my 2 cents.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 9:14:40 PM
The issue I keep running into is that all the AIs want to attack me. Regardless of my tech, planets, or ships, everyone seems to find me so weak that they just have to attack me. I guess this might be avoided if I researched diplomacy options, but that would make me fall behind on military...then I'd actually be weaker than them.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 9:14:43 PM
nutranurse wrote:
I am big on purchasing stuff whenever possible, perhaps giving me an edge over my opponents? Just voicing my own opinion/adding my 2 cents.

I'm in a boat with the others currently, but that's a pretty good point. Where I'm at right now with Horatio I'm JUST ABOUT equal with the Hissho who just went to war with me but I'm pretty much sitting on thousands of Dust and never bought anything, except Heroes and ship retrofits.
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