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What is the highest difficulty level of AI you have beat?

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:49:32 PM
Antulamatsch wrote:
4 people beat Impossible? o.O

Chuck Norris can vote as much as he wants to.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:54:14 PM
Normal, although I haven't tried anything harder yet. Am beating normal consistently now though, so it might be time to try.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:00:46 PM
Huh, I've beat it on emperor, god and emperor-god-uber-cheater-makes-you-cry-for-your-mommy difficulty settings, using only my nose and tongue to click the mouse, while the monitor was switched off and the 'it's a small world after all' song playing in endless loops the entire time.

Yeah, that's pretty much how you guys sound like.

Anyway, normal for me (haven't even finished it, but got close enough). Playing anything harder isn't fun. If I want a challenge, I have my studies or my work for that. Or just go and make the wife angry.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:09:13 PM
then you need to play the game more instead of whining about people who can strategise
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