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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 7:00:51 AM
I always take a balanced approach. I research a bunch of critical techs so that I can establish a planetary build queue and while my worlds have infrastructure to build I focus exclusively on researching all military techs at a specific level.

By the time my worlds have finished building I then either pump out a new generation of warships or use my dust to retrofit my current fleets. My fleets then advance forwards either colonising or taking by force and then the cycle begins again smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 5:59:21 PM
Cuddles wrote:
I always try going all-out on the science end, and letting the more advanced tech make up for the lack of focus in other areas. But I usually get distracted halfway through and just end up shooting everyone.
Its fun though, isn't it? Going Viking on the AI's asses is fun, my personal favorite. Until diplomacy can be used properly.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:31:44 PM
This is a major selling point for me long term though. The great games that bring you back for endless replayability have more than just shooting (except maybe rise of nations which was such a tight product for quick multiplay)

i still feel the strategy is imbalanced and the other weapons are blunted (espionage, diplomacy, economic siege, system control points,etc etc... all on suggestion boards)

just trying to make a point
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 3:15:23 PM
I always try going all-out on the science end, and letting the more advanced tech make up for the lack of focus in other areas. But I usually get distracted halfway through and just end up shooting everyone.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 2:52:37 PM
Huge terran planetes. Damn, those are nice. If you get 2-3 of huge planets in a system, you just won the lottery.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 9:17:08 AM
Thus far my main strategy has been to hold the choke point, and then research my way to a hefty fleet, while i go for economy on my planets 8)

got to love being rich 8D
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 8:51:34 AM

I'm usually expanding to chokepoints and hope i find some system with 5/6 nice planets in it. When you get one of these, its win.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 12:41:44 PM
Science + Expansion, with Military being a minor part here, mostly aiming at planetary development and speed research. With the occasional weapon research to keep up with the AI.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 4:18:52 AM
Tikigod wrote:
Endless Space doesn't really strike me as the kind of game where you can just start off making large numbers of ships across several fleets and actually hope for it to always pay off... all it takes is to find the one empire that uses weapons and/or defences that counter your armada and you got yourself a large number of expensive bullet shields. smiley: stickouttongue


There's nothing like walzing though a game, happilly winning against the odds, against terrible foes, only for a little upstart in the corner to come on the scene and start decimating your fleets.

Looking forward to multiplayer smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 3:21:04 AM
I am all about the total militaristic take-over, only fun way to play the game for me. Cravers all the way!!
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:32:45 AM
Careful balance in an effort to maintain a standing military force, as Hissho.

What this generally means is sending colony ships with escort out to probable borders with other empires, and establishing those outposts early enough that I can use their influence to act as an effective, early border. Because I dont need to concern myself with outward expansion at that point, I pump production and food (with a tertiary push to research) in order to colonize my interior systems and build up enough of a military force to both wipe pirates and keep my border secure. At that point, its a matter of diversifying and solidifying my industrial and scientific industries (to make up for my inherent science penalty).

I dont really bother with diplomacy, beyond accepting peace treaties when they come about (at least early game, and no open borders). As long as I continuously produce, I can repel and possibly turn around any war enacted upon me before I have my sector completely developed.

In terms of late game, anyone who hasnt attempted to invade me previously (and quite possibly a very angry set of cordoned-off cravers), will be conquered or antagonized in succession. I normally go from highest to lowest threat, and often spare the Sophons for the simple fact that I often find myself opening borders with them (despite what I said previously) due to their openness to trade - more resources and the neutralization of the fastest researchers is better than trying to conquer them.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 12:28:07 AM
I'd say "Listen to the sounds of your own extinction." quote tells enough.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:40:26 PM
I normally prefer 'full' games where I build up solid economic empire with top science rather than just steam rolling my enemies or focusing on one type of victory.. but REXing seems completely overpowered in ES - I've just finished my first ES game ever on hard with UE against three other AI.. it was ridiculously easy.

By turn 60, I had more points than all AI combined and was unchallenged until turn 100 or so when I have decided I am bored of AI that won't do trades with me - my 20k fleets ended battling their 1-4k ones and it was pretty much a slaughter.

The game obviously needs serious tunning, but here are two things that I think broke this particular session the most:

Administration-class heroes and their overpowered buffs to production and growth paired up with Heavy Isotope Refineries from UE's starting tech. It allowed me to REX like nobody's business and I have controlled entire arm of the bi-galaxy by turn 40 or so. That '40-science building per system' building followed and I was blitzing through the tech tree. In general, it felt as if the production costs of system improvements were way too low.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:04:23 PM
I usually go for the military way heavily supported by advanced tecnology. First ships I build are the explorers and I'm never in a hurry to colonize in the early game, I rather explore some systems to make a better decision.

After identifying some good candidates for colonization, I launch my seed ships to carve a path to the objective. By this time I have hopefully found

an enemy and should be already denying him some territory. Specilly Titanium, to avoid having him building big ships and missiles.

Control is power.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:44:46 PM
I try to win the army way.. But I always amass 300000 dust before I can finish off my enemies. Well..
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:23:03 PM
Personnaly I prefer to focus on expansion. The maximum of start system I owned, the better I feel.

My first aim is to spread till wormhole.

I've just won 2 games by conquering 75% of planets (easy mod..I'm still learning..smiley: smile), one with Horatio (really quick to spread but slow to conquer due to lack of firepower at advanced/late games) and another with cravers (harder at beginning but with a marvellous firepower at advanced/late games).
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 1:21:17 AM
Duk wrote:
If that doesn't work, I throw my most powerful dakka at them until they shut up and go away.
And if that does not work?
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 3:46:09 PM
i don't like war, i'm a pacifist... i prefer having good tech and ships to keep peace for the first 200 turns... then i don't care if i get attacked...

i also like to keep my people happy... wich is difficult BUT NOT IF YOU HAVE COLONIAL RIGHTS TECH! WICH MY ENEMIES WONT HAVE FROM ME AT ALL!
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