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[challenge] not for you peace-niks

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:25:31 PM
For a couple of the posted saves, I see that you haven't explored outside the first couple of systems. I suppose this is because you explored first, then restarted, and for the second one you didn't bother exploring. That is an excellent way to meet the terms of the challenge, which usually seems to be max pop. I guess I need to think of another way to structure the challenge. If you don't know what is out there in a new map, how do you decide what to do? Once you know what is out there, a repeated play seems easier.

I have definitely found weaknesses in my play from this, so it has been useful. People seem to find them fun, so I'll keep making them after alpha 2 comes out tomorrow. I highly doubt it will be save game-compatible.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:34:42 PM
Nope, I didn't do it twice. It's my first try smiley: smile

Usually, at the beginning of the game I stop scouting when my scout is destroyed, which happened quite early here.

Prefering focusing on development, I don't build another one.

I'll scout with my cruiser, it's safer for the people inside smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:37:40 PM
On tiny / small maps, it's often a good idea not to explore too far, given that races will inevitably be hostile & war you. Added to this is that a scout will inevitably be insta-ganked by aliens as soon as it finishes a turn in a system [badcodingthere,sigh] and it's worth a lot more as a refitted colony. So ~ mostly I scout around 4-6 jumps away, return the scout to refit as a colony, then wait until phase 3 of expansion to explore the entire map.

I rarely play on anything less than huge though smiley: wink

Regarding the whole "do you reload the start?" issue: I tend to explore the immediate surroundings, then if I've not used the colony ship within 3 turns, reload. This is the only reload I do ~ everything else is a one shot deal. You noticed it on that save because the map is so small that there's only one way to expand. If anything, that's the major failing / benefit of your posted scenarios: there's often a single best way to conquer them ~ a viewer will learn more quickly from them, but there's less options for singular style. i.e. that last save, the only difference between my game & the other person's was 3 farms vrs 3 finances, a rushed colony swap [s/herushedthejungle,Irushedalateroneonthetinymushroomplanet,whichleadstolargergrowth30->60] and me forgetting to clone a hero.

That's it: apart from that, the games were basically identical, which does support a 'maximal tactics' theory. Larger map + slightly more time (30/60) = more variance / personal style.

I'm going to play around with these +25 flat bonuses and see how beneficial they are ~ if they're decent for fast starts, I might start using them (be afraid, very afraid smiley: wink ).
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