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[challenge] wormhole rush: cravers hard tiny

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:28:43 PM
It is working for me, downloading on a different computer than I uploaded. Were you able to download the attachments for my other challenges? What point are you getting stuck at?
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 6:11:01 PM
It might be the login screen of the forum. Empty the cache of your browser after log in. You should be able to download after.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 8:28:16 PM
won via expansion victory on turn 20.

total population=24, food=170, industry=330, science=265.

davea, how are you caculating population/fids as the numbers in your turn30 are way higher than what you posted here.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:17:21 PM
MC8192 wrote:
@davea - your pm box is full!

Huh. 50 seems like a tiny limit. Thanks for letting me know, I emptied it.

won via expansion victory on turn 20.

Interesting. Can you zip and attach your save? I wasn't trying for expansion, but that works. Care to try for a military victory instead?

davea, how are you caculating population/fids as the numbers in your turn30 are way higher than what you posted here

With a calculator, adding up the numbers in the empire management screen. Surely for pop, that is the only way to measure.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:26:54 PM
13/49 pop

45 food

55 industry

67 science

31 dust

I count turn 30 ending as part of to turn 30...so it ends with turn 31.

I'll add my complete 1-30 video in a bit.
CRAVERS - Turn 30a.zip
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:29:44 PM
MC8192 wrote:
won via expansion victory on turn 20.

total population=24, food=170, industry=330, science=265.

davea, how are you caculating population/fids as the numbers in your turn30 are way higher than what you posted here.

Something seems off here.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 1:20:21 AM
On forums for other games I have been involved in, sometimes players share a game in order to learn. I consider myself an "OK" player but I usually play on normal difficulty and win 50/50 of the time. So obviously I can learn more. I would like to compare results. If you got better than me, I'd like to understand your strategy. If I got better than you, I'll explain what I was trying to do.

The attached zip file has a save game at turn 0 of a tiny spiral map, 2 empires, Cravers, hard difficulty, no pirates. I have also attached my result after 30 turns. The goal of this game is to win in the minimum number of turns. I was exploring rush strategies in another thread, and I was thinking that a wormhole would slow down a rush.

(EDIT: clarification: I was actually hoping for *military* rush, ie a conquest victory. Sorry that was not clear.)

My results at the end of turn 30: total population=18, food=127, industry=172, science=74.

(EDIT: this appears to be a cut and paste error where I left in the values from a different challenge. I do not suck *that* bad. Correct values: pop=45, food=441, industry=415, science=263)

This is a learning experience, not a competition. Please avoid the various duplication exploits, and submit your first playthrough.

The attached zip has a save game "chall4-t0" which is at turn 0, and a save game "chall4-t30" which is at turn 30.

If you like the challenges, join the group: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/group.php?groupid=80 and tell me what you would like to see next.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:34:15 PM
mokaiba wrote:
I count turn 30 ending as part of to turn 30...so it ends with turn 31. I'll add my complete 1-30 video in a bit.

Expansion or military victory? YMMV, but I probably won't watch a video. Too long, and too many questions, compared to just looking in a save.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:37:51 PM
davea wrote:
Expansion or military victory? YMMV, but I probably won't watch a video. Too long, and too many questions, compared to just looking in a save.

No victory. I'm the type who takes his time then ends it with crushing force.

With the ability to modify the bins to make yourself 1337, I am choosing to provide video proof that I did not cheat. smiley: smile

Plus, I thought knowing how someone got to their result was more important than the result itself, otherwise, what is the point of these challenges?
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:07:35 PM
I tried and tried to not win by expansion until turn 26 when I forgot and took one more system. So I have a win save a turn 26.

I reload the turn before colonization (so no cheat, 1 turn it's nothing. moreover I didn't made mistake to correct)

And did not colonize until the save turn 30.

Here are my stats.

Score : 326

I have 10 planets in 5 systems with 46+1 populations (+1 for the ship to colonize I had but did not usesmiley: smile)

Food : 488

Ind : 448

Science : 532

Dust : 135+6

First time I play Cravers. I don't know what to explain so much. I tried this time to research the +40 science per system fast (non baryonic particles ?). Thanks to that, I don't have a too abd final score in research. I'm even better than the Sophon. I don't know really what else to say. Ask questions smiley: smile


I feel quite good after this challenge, but I'm sure a fluffybunny will come and ends with 60 pop or more XD.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:11:09 PM
@mokaiba - you're missing the first 2 techs on the right tree, production and science multipliers.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:13:42 PM
MC8192 wrote:
@mokaiba - you're missing the first 2 techs on the right tree, production and science multipliers.

I confirm, the four technos : the 2 firsts on the right tech tree for industry and science and the two firsts on left tech tree for dust and food are maybe the most important to devellop at the beginning. Maybe a arid or tundra expansion between them but still.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:14:03 PM
Photon_Ventdesdunes wrote:
I tried and tried to not win by expansion until turn 26 when I forgot and took one more system. So I have a win save a turn 26.

I reload the turn before colonization (so no cheat, 1 turn it's nothing. moreover I didn't made mistake to correct)

And did not colonize until the save turn 30.

Here are my stats.

Score : 326

I have 10 planets in 5 systems with 46+1 populations (+1 for the ship to colonize I had but did not usesmiley: smile)

Food : 488

Ind : 448

Science : 532

Dust : 135+6

First time I play Cravers. I don't know what to explain so much. I tried this time to research the +40 science per system fast (non baryonic particles ?). Thanks to that, I don't have a too abd final score in research. I'm even better than the Sophon. I don't know really what else to say. Ask questions smiley: smile


I feel quite good after this challenge, but I'm sure a fluffybunny will come and ends with 60 pop or more XD.

What order did you research?
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