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[Discussion] Multiplayer vs Single Player

Single Player is most important
Multiplayer is the most important
I don't care
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 4:59:03 AM
I'm leaning towards single player as being the main focus but only just slightly because I usually play single player, dosnt mean I won't try multiplayer.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 6:03:02 PM
Okim wrote:
Znork rules!

NO DAMN FORCED CONTENT REMOVAL FOR MULTIPLAYER LIKE IN CIV 5! Make it an option if there is a need to do so smiley: smile

Doesn't that depend on what it is thats removed?

Anyhow, aslong as its modifiable what you can have or not have in a game its all good.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 6:09:12 PM
That was a reference to CivV with its redundant multiplayer. It lacked not only animations (which presence is arguable on itself - i voted for option-wise presence of it rather than none at all), but ai diplomacy and some other ai related things. Those were forced options that player couldn`t switch off/on. The result is a very different, simplified and streamlined multiplayer compared to single.

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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 6:45:13 PM
single play should be the same as multiplay. Theres nothing like having few AI and human players fighting to dominate galaxy.
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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 7:24:35 PM
I'm going to lump myself in with the "there's no need to choose" crowd. Limiting the dev team to focusing on one or the other is just setting the game up to have a gimped aspect. If they focus on the singleplayer exclusively, the multiplayer gets neglected and turns up bad, and vice-versa. It makes no sense to focus on just one aspect when the game's scope calls for both.

To clarify, 4X games lend themselves pretty well to both multiplayer and singleplayer, and as such, they usually end up with both included in their intended design. Ultimately, we'd have to see the original GDD to see just how much they wanted to focus on each aspect. If the devs wanted a strong singleplayer experience, with multiplayer as something to do after you finish with that, then it would make sense for them to focus on singleplayer and build the multiplayer around that. Inversely, if they wanted the singleplayer to teach you how to play multiplayer, then they'd build it up that way. Of course, the whole reason we're here is to actively ingrain ourselves in the development of Endless Space, so if push comes to shove, we should try and make it clear that both aspects are important.

This is doubly true since Endless Space is Amplitude's first game. Being able to pull in a strong playerbase is key to keeping people excited about future projects, so it's at least partially up to us to help this game be as good as it can be.

That said, I'm probably going to be playing Singleplayer exclusively.
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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 7:33:23 PM
I simply don't enjoy 4x games with online-multiplayer. They can be enjoyable in a LAN setting, but with nearing 25 it's not like I can get a group of friends together on a break from school like I could 10 years ago. Single player for me is most important. Its what draws me towards 4x games. To sit back and enjoy playing one game for a week or longer.

And yes, you do need to focus on one or the other. That doesn't mean one is bad and the other is good. But ultimately what a multiplayer game needs and what a single player game needs are different. However development doesn't happen in a vacuum. Focusing on one isn't neglecting the other. Being conscious of how they impact each other and what realistically you can do to alter the core game to work with both.
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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 8:24:59 PM
This make it good to for both options is not realistic.You either design a game with more depth for the single player experience or you make it simplistic design like in Sins of the Solar empire or something like Starcraft that was designed for MP.This poll is following the typical market for these 4X games.Single player is what pays developers wages and should be the focus

Here is what Brian Wardell said when asked why multiplayer is not a focus in his game.

77% of the Demigod user base after its first year had never attempted to play a single multiplayer game. And that was a game designed as a multiplayer centric game. Chris Taylor and I double checked that number repeatedly because we were certain it had to be wrong. It wasn't.

Over 90% of the Sins of a Solar Empire user base at the time we were about to release Trinity had never attempted to play a single multiplayer game.

At GDC, friends of my from Firaxis told me that only around 4% of the Civilization IV user base had ever played a single MP game (not finished a game, simply tried it).

Fewer than 1% of the WOM user base attempted multiplayer. I don't mean played a game. I mean simply went to the MP lobby (it adds an active flag to your SD account if you simply went to the main MP screen).

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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 8:57:08 PM
I choose Multiplayer , more fun with other people . Singel player can get a little slow ...
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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 9:03:45 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:
This make it good to for both options is not realistic.You either design a game with more depth for the single player experience or you make it simplistic design like in Sins of the Solar empire or something like Starcraft that was designed for MP.

Design it great depth for single, make an AI being able ti handle that depth properly. Then in MP everyone can choose how they want to simplify it by delegating certain parts to that AI.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 12:49:17 AM
both can work, both can not work, as long as the story and gameplay are good i have no issues
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 1:10:51 AM
I would tend to regard Single Player as most important, I tend to spend most of my time in this sort of title playing against the AI. Though depending on the feature set that actually goes forward, multiplayer can also be a great experience. In turn-based, I tend to like things that are styled more like the Civ IV Pit Boss mode or even play-by-post, in real-time games an intelligent drop-in feature (as advertised on the front page) really helps out too.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 2:53:16 AM
I choose equal. I enjoy both a good single player and multiplayer experience. If you'r going to put on multiplayer, make it the best it can be. If not, leave it be. Do not sacrifice the single player aspect for multiplayer, or gamers will feel like they just bought a half finished game. I would prioritize though, and focus on the singleplayer aspect for now, and work on multiplayer later. And remember, don't rush. If i have to wait a few months for a good, strong multiplayer experience, so be it.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 4:03:23 AM
I would say that while both are important to have, single player should be given more attention. While multiplayer can give a game lasting power and a sense of community, a finely crafted single player experience can do wonders to bring someone into the game world. It also means that less able players, or players new to the genre have the option to practice their skills against a computer with (hopefully) adjustable difficulty and a softer learning curve than the online play. To me at least, games always feel more complete with a solid campaign that lets a good story shine through. Multiplayer is fun and competitive, but it leaves little room for exploration of the game world and backstory.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 1:12:43 PM
Znork rules!

Honestly i`m for balance between both. Or to be more precise - for both being the same quality, pace and with no differences between one another (much like Civ4, Space Empires 4, MOO2, SOTS).

NO DAMN FORCED CONTENT REMOVAL FOR MULTIPLAYER LIKE IN CIV 5! Make it an option if there is a need to do so smiley: smile

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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 10:41:37 AM
A small part to the single player.

And a very big and exciting part to the multiplayer...

I can't really say what's the better way for this game because I can't play with...
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 10:57:48 AM
I would say both is. The singleplayer has to be optimized on its own but if that works i cant see the multiplayer being bad. Look at shogun 2. It combines it perfectly.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 7:09:36 PM
Multiplayer is king in a 4X game, without it, you only have a bunch of shoddy AI to face off against.
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