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[Discussion] Multiplayer vs Single Player

Single Player is most important
Multiplayer is the most important
I don't care
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:25:31 PM
znork wrote:
But forching you to choose makes it easyer for the dev to prioreteis.

Not really... They should focus on balance and choices to disallow certain gameelements to keep the MP-crowd playing. That in turn doesnt go into contradiction for the devs when making the single player. And making all the cool features you are gonna show off are availble in SP only most of the time. Really not hard to do.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:28:55 PM
you are looking at wrong dear alder. This is to show what is most important
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:31:57 PM
znork wrote:
you are looking at wrong dear alder. This is to show what is most important

No, you have to divide it up in parts. Thats the only way to do it. To just say its either an MP or SP-game primarily makes the other crowd less prone to play it.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 11:13:39 AM
Simpel question what is most important, the best singel player or the best multiplayer?
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:35:36 PM
znork wrote:
well you are saying i want all becuse all is important, that did not go so well for greace.

The point to force people to choose is not so that dev team would go hey mp is not important lets not do it. Ill asume they are not stupid. But if they have thousends things to do and only have time 900 what should they do? make 1000 things badly or 900 things good.

To answer you with your own words.. just exchange trasman for znork

znork wrote:
the thing is trasman is that if people dont have it they will whine. If they have it tey turn it off. And people rewving games never play them so long as to turn stuff like that off they just whine that its not there and gives the game a lover grade.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:37:20 PM
difrant post where you dont have to choose. This thread you do
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:40:46 PM
znork wrote:
difrant post where you dont have to choose. This thread you do

No the thing is I dont have to choose on this matter. You are trying to make ppl choose. You interlock the entire matter in an either/or sentiment and thats far from the truth in this respect.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:42:24 PM
If people choose singel player in this tread i dont think they will realse the game withe singel player only
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:46:58 PM
znork wrote:
If people choose singel player in this tread i dont think they will realse the game withe singel player only

No but it will have reprecursions on the MP mode in that case if focus is placed upon single player.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 2:15:09 PM
Single player by a mile.In 4x games multiplayer is a minority event so the focus should be on good a.i and an immersive game setting.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 2:23:54 PM
Multiplayer to me is most important. Paradox Interactive in my opinion has consistently neglected its multiplayer component, this has resulted in a feed back loop of where no one players the multiplayer because of instability and balance issues resulting in them developing it less because "no one plays multiplayer".

While I perceive singleplayer to be important and present a challenge to even experienced 4X strategy gamers I don't think the singleplayer AI is ever likely to be as challenging as even a completely amateur human.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 3:06:46 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
I beg to differ.

Favoring one over the other doesnt make a game excellent. Its making it a great symbiot of the both that gives you that. DM had two different skillsets but the same gameengine and that worked. They had both good SP and good MP.

Yep, with Alderbranch on this one. There appears to be some sort of inherent need for multiplayer matches to be over in half an hour. I disagree, especially given the nature of both the 4X subgenre and 4X gamers themselves. Throw PBEM into the mix and, hell, even a number of AI empires in with some human opponents and you've got a fantastic long-running 4X campaign.

Does there really need to be such a gulf between the two modes? And we even mentioned in another thread, this is not to say the game types/variants/customisation is non-existent or so rigid as to suggest it can't be player designated.

I firmly believe there's room for both, and both single player and campaign can be of equal quality. This is even in an age where Starbase Orion, an iOS homage to Masters of Orion, can offer asynchronous PBEM multiplayer with no concessions towards length or depth.

While it is a question of implementation, I've great faith in the devs, despite this being early days.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 3:27:56 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:
Single player by a mile.In 4x games multiplayer is a minority event so the focus should be on good a.i and an immersive game setting.

An anachronistic absurdity in a day where Hearts of Iron III, Crusader King's and Victoria II are approaching mainstream gaming.

They have a game world that's much larger than Galactic Civilizations could ever hope to be, has multiplayer and is all played in real time with no turns.

Turn based single player focused gameplay is obsolete and should be discarded onto the ash heap of history.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 10:45:20 PM
I do not have a slave friend to force him to play with me at a 4X.
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