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[Poll] The Throne Room

This is just too cool not to include in the release
Can be fun. This should be integrated if this doesn't mean harming too many bothans.
Secondary. Should come at a later stage.
Tacky and dated feature. Endless space needs to NOT have this feature.
Vote now
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:11:15 PM
Raptor wrote:
I voted no cause however you design it at some point you're not going to stand it anymore, and hit Esc, close, or whatever button there is going to be to get away from the Throne room screen smiley: smile

Allow me to disagree:

Options --> Throne room übercool feature: ON / OFF Toggle.

I understand the design effort can be a little cumbersome at present, hence this gadjet-feature really being secondary. But still, how happy would I be if I could evolve my "Egg room" with the latest "phat Larvae" if play a dirty Alien. Even better if I can click on some Larvae on screen and get some little squeaks. (Kingdom Rush-style, even if it's far-fetched).
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 9:51:50 AM
I personally agree that a feature like this is something that ads much to the "flavour" of the game, but it would, i suppose, take too much time from the development of more essential parts of the game.

What would be needed to make this feature really awesome?

Because this feature would be only to improve the atmosphere design and art are the only things that matter here. So it would be necessary to invest a lot of time in this to create a fitting throne room (or whatever you can "build" at the end) for every race. It would have to look not only very unique, but also very very good in a aesthetic way. Which would, i presume, consume much time from the graphic-artist.

In the old times of civilisation I everyone was happy with this simple look palace front view where you could select from 4 templates and which, from a today perspective, looks not that good. Today such a feature would need much more love. Please invest this love in other parts of the game, for example do more ship-designs to choose from for every race so that not every cruiser looks the same in the end. I think this would improve athmosphere much more than a throne room which we look at every 50 turns in the game ...

Perhaps this is something that could be added in an addon, perhaps even tied with a gameplay mechanic.

But than i would vote for something like the abilty to exclusivly build special structures in your homeworld capital.

The capital could be displayed i a "heroes of might and magic 5" city view style and it would be possible, certain things archieved, to build special gigantic monuments, improve the seat of power in your capital or build special buildings like "the galactic archives" or "the great imperial university" just to name a few things. This buildings would than add also certain boni to your empire or your capital. This would indeed be something nice, because it would make your homeworld a a very special planet and present the player with even more of the culture of his race, thus bringing the sense of immersion, identification, flavour and achievement that a feature like this strives to create.
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 9:29:22 AM
I prefered the Monuments in Alpha Centauri to the Palace/Throne Rooms of Civ.
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 9:01:20 AM
Well, only 17 votes have been cast but I must say I expected more yea-sayers. 47% not wanting this feature at all is a disappointment as I feel that such "freebie" features contribute to what separates a great game from a cult game. It is obviously secondary but it give credit to wiseman Oldcat when he says:

but it adds to the game writing, the atmosphere.

Did you early civ players honestly disliked the Palace / throne room upgrade feature? How odd. And again, whether it's a room, a galaxy map display, a mating Chamber or a smaller detail in the UI, it would still add class where 4X bureaucracy can become dull, sometimes.

Gimme them clickable larvae, most appreciated, thank you.

This being said, I obviously respect the massive NO vote (Damn you 4X Bureaucrats smiley: wink)
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 6:16:20 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I voted for secondary, since it is a motivational motor for some people, but seen from a game design perspective utterly pointless...

Pontless, maybe but it adds to the game writing, the atmosphere. If it change over the course of time it's a graphical way to say "hey you were a wimp, now you're a real bad guy !".

But I must admit it's more fluff than anything else.
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 12:20:14 AM
Can't say I prefer any of the options. Perhaps a central command room with map displays, unit locations and economic graphic displays would be more appropriate. No silly throne!

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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 8:32:53 PM
I voted for secondary, since it is a motivational motor for some people, but seen from a game design perspective utterly pointless...
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 8:26:24 PM
Unless this ties to some other gameplay mechanic, yet to be introduced to the equation, I feel that the feature is totally unnecessary and any effort devoted to it can be better spent elsewhere.
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:58:33 PM
I voted no because I think more important gameplay factors should have added graphical work.
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:52:15 PM
JBritton wrote:
My empire conquered another system and all I got were these stupid tapestries.

Vut u vant, a Hat, yess?
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:46:04 PM
My empire conquered another system and all I got were these stupid tapestries.
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:33:10 PM
Ogrette wrote:
Cool! You guys can vote in the poll at the top of this thread.

(There currently is just my why not vote and SpaceTroll's lazy tacky vote, meh.)

Already done, madame Ogrette. Or should I say "Yes, mistress !" ?
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:17:19 PM
uh stop clicking on my phat larvae.


Not sure there's much room for humor when the CRAVERS ARE COMING!

"I'll be in my bunk..." -Jane, Firefly
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:16:21 PM
I voted no because I never liked them in any game which had them.

Sure, optional is fine, but my 2c is still don't even bother with them. Or, make it totally user/mod based, if that's possible.
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13 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 2:52:12 PM
Another hot Friday afternoon here in Paris. Perfect timing to ask you guys about... drum roll... the Throne room.

Nothing new really, but can often be a pleasure which is directly inspired by early CIV games and which can make up for self-satisfying leveling aspirations.

Everytime a specified rank has been achieved, a new addition is made to your throne room. It can be automatic or manually selected, depending on the architecture you've chosen or that is tied to your specie.

Sligthly nicer would be a secondary bonus coming with the leveling up (for your homeworld, your systems, or whatever)

I have 2 questions:

  • Do you Amplitude manly devs already already have this "Throne Room" feature somewhere in your priority list, be it very low ?
  • How nice is this feel-good feature is?

  • [/LIST]

    Feel free to answer the poll so that we know how important such an upgradable working environment could be.

    A few not necessarily ideal examples:

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    13 years ago
    Mar 30, 2012, 4:02:26 PM
    I voted no cause however you design it at some point you're not going to stand it anymore, and hit Esc, close, or whatever button there is going to be, to get away from the Throne room screen smiley: smile I prefer whenever I'm interacting with a race to see an image or a short video of the embassador of that race instead of my throne room.
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    13 years ago
    Mar 30, 2012, 4:02:17 PM
    Ogrette wrote:
    [...]I take it that you, Nosferatiel, would fancy some sort of a funky Catacombs or Graveyard. or something. (anything Vampire-related would do? smiley: smile)

    Not necessarily. I don't become dust if exposed to sunlight and catacombs are too moldy in my opinion. Why not some good modern building with some style? Marble, steel, reinforced glass, explosive mines in the lawn, trip wires on the roof, heat-seeking missiles in front of the door and of course some able guards for a change?

    maceman wrote:
    ... or bigger hats

    Just vote for a mad hatters workshop to improve your magnificent hats, until you can sufficiently clothe your homeworld with the biggest hat in the galaxy. That would, of course, solve all those planetary defense issues...
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    13 years ago
    Mar 30, 2012, 3:57:59 PM
    maceman wrote:
    ... or bigger hats

    Lol, you emperor-child wearing your obese father's outfit.
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    13 years ago
    Mar 30, 2012, 3:57:07 PM
    VieuxChat wrote:
    I just love that idea,...

    Cool! You guys can vote in the poll at the top of this thread.

    (There currently is just my why not vote and SpaceTroll's lazy tacky vote, meh.)
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