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[Poll] Do you want random space events?

Depends on what events
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:54:56 AM
From what people have been saying it would be nice to see multiple options for random events.

Off - self explainatory

rare - minor events rarely

normal - likely what the devs are planning

common - random events play a significant role.

Start praying - frequency of events is the same as normal mode, however, this mode introduces several new events which could significantly alter the game (including but not limited to your systems going super nova).
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:12:42 AM
Why not events? If someone is against em, they could be turned on or off before starting the game. They would sure make everything more interesting and fun.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:05:20 AM
Random events are good for the game experience and the replayability, and i agree with most that they should be optional when creating a game (that way the cons and pros are all satisfied with setting their own universe.)

I'd love to see real "scientific" space events occurs in the game as random events, with their known consequences, and to add some sort of "credibility" to the universe (of physics at least, haha).

For instance:

- a solar eruption that would jam electronic devices (maybe shutting down energy shields on space ships and planets for a number of turns, slowing productivity)

- effect of a "close" supernova beaming waves of gamma rays that would have its strike on life forms (population, food) and structures (factories, ship hulls)

- small meteorites shower in "young" solar systems

- a black hole crossing trade routes and making them temporarily unavailable (swallowing a whole system sounds a bit big gamewise... but well, i'm opened to the idea)

Also there could be events on planets themselves with temporary positive and/or negative effects depending on the event:

- tectonic: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions

- weather: blizzards (cold worlds), sand storms (arid worlds), tropical storms (worlds with jungle and water worlds), magnetic storms (all worlds)

Of course each of those events would have a corresponding technology to be able to control it or counter its negative effect.

For instance for solar eruptions, "control" would stop them from happening, "counter" would still jam electronic devices but for a shorter period and grant a temporary research bonus for the study of the event.

What i also imagine as random events would be "missions" (like the ones that were implemented in Civ IV for those who played it).

For instance, constructing a number of factories before turn number # (or before another faction) inside of your nation/empire/dominion/faction (pick your candy, haha) to give a temporary boost to production.

There could also be missions for heroes to grant them XP other than in combat for instance for a pilot. Escort, Rescue, Scouting...

Well maybe some stuffs i said are already inside the game or will be... i only had the time to gaze at the interface and play a couple of turns so far, so sorry if i don't bring that much of new informations smiley: stickouttongue
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13 years ago
Mar 19, 2012, 7:42:37 AM
This thread repeats in waves everything said in previous posts (randoms of local/global scale, randoms with options, disastrous randoms vs small impact randoms, options to turn on/off/adjust the randoms and etc.).

Perhaps Zork should post some quotes and links in his first post for ease of discussion?
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13 years ago
Mar 17, 2012, 11:20:34 AM
maceman wrote:
you guys are thinking too much science... not enough fiction. which sounds more fun... green gas is blocking the space lane or a black hole punches through from another galaxy forming the early stages of a future wormhole.

like I said, why let truth get in the way of a good story?

Well, the mark of any good fiction is, that it is, in itself, consistent. There are no plotholes, no illogical things just because the author needed a story twist. They are well planned.

If you want to make a black hole generator and a black hole disperser, finde with me, but then there should be a good reason to do so. To just have them appear and disappear without any explanation in random events is kind of lame...

On the other hand, if you let some ancient force out of our universe enter ours by creating black holes (and summarily destroying them, closing the door so to say, after they're done with whatever they came to do), that would be fine.

Just tell us the story first and the goddamned realist fraction will very likely not bother you. XD
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13 years ago
Mar 17, 2012, 11:14:43 AM
sigh... and thus my 'don't let the truth get in the way comment'

black holes can be 'generated' using technology beyond mere humanoid understanding...

... likewise they can be 'healed over' using a similar machine.

you guys are thinking too much science... not enough fiction. which sounds more fun... green gas is blocking the space lane or a black hole punches through from another galaxy forming the early stages of a future wormhole.

like I said, why let truth get in the way of a good story?
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 11:58:35 AM
Id rather say you have checkboxes for various types and a slider for severity (with the bottom meaing its turned off altogether)
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13 years ago
Mar 17, 2012, 10:21:27 AM
maceman wrote:
Well Black Holes are 'discovered' and stars do collapse creating new ones which would potentially block some travel strings?

Okay, good idea so far, concerning the collapsing stars. There isn't more gravity than before, but it is more concentrated. Anyways, I don't know anything about travel strings, so they might be affected by black holes, even if they aren't affected by suns.

But they'd be blocked forever, then. The black hole doesn't vanish afterwards.

Alternative: If a big sun blows up, we get a neutron star or a black hole afterwards and it is close to a travel-string, the string will be rerouted? If you're currently traveling on said string, your fleet ends up somewhere else.

The other things about traveling stops can already be achieved by flares and other radiation bombardment events. I don't think black holes are urgently needed to do that job, if other things do it just fine already. smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Mar 17, 2012, 9:57:04 AM
Well Black Holes are 'discovered' and stars do collapse creating new ones which would potentially block some travel strings?

no need for truth to get in the way of a good story or anything.
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13 years ago
Mar 17, 2012, 8:22:54 AM
maceman wrote:
This is a nice additional strategy element... kind of like the winter attrition in Total War. Just one more thing to think about when planning strategy. Solar Winds/Flares. Cosmic dust storms. Electromagnetic events. Black holes. all could periodically constrain travel which would be interesting.

I agree to solar winds, possibly even to dust storms and to duck and cover when there is a gamma ray burst or anything alike.

But why would black holes periodically constrain travel? If a turn length is in the order of a year or less, the holes basically won't move. At least in astronomical terms. They would be immovable obstacles.

Could you please elaborate, how you would let black holes be a random event?
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13 years ago
Mar 17, 2012, 3:39:42 AM
Endless_Conquest wrote:
How about a disturbance in space-time? Where for a certain ammount of turns, FTL travel is impossible. This will leave your fleets stranded and cause you to focus on economy management or preperation for a surprise attack before the storm passes?

This is a nice additional strategy element... kind of like the winter attrition in Total War. Just one more thing to think about when planning strategy. Solar Winds/Flares. Cosmic dust storms. Electromagnetic events. Black holes. all could periodically constrain travel which would be interesting.
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 9:35:56 PM
Endless_Conquest wrote:
How about a disturbance in space-time? Where for a certain ammount of turns, FTL travel is impossible. This will leave your fleets stranded and cause you to focus on economy management or preperation for a surprise attack before the storm passes?

Or maybe have a survival game mode where at a certain point in the game (randomly) the Endless (or their precursors) return on some mission to reclaim all dust or something. You would have to change tactics from attacking eachother's factions (or advance it to quickly wipe them out before you are both wiped out) to defending yourself from an unstoppable force. The person who can hold off the enemy from destroying their empire the longest will win. (based on their tech level, diplomacy, empire size, resources, army size, skills etc)

+1 to both ideas
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 6:07:19 PM
How about a disturbance in space-time? Where for a certain ammount of turns, FTL travel is impossible. This will leave your fleets stranded and cause you to focus on economy management or preperation for a surprise attack before the storm passes?

Or maybe have a survival game mode where at a certain point in the game (randomly) the Endless (or their precursors) return on some mission to reclaim all dust or something. You would have to change tactics from attacking eachother's factions (or advance it to quickly wipe them out before you are both wiped out) to defending yourself from an unstoppable force. The person who can hold off the enemy from destroying their empire the longest will win. (based on their tech level, diplomacy, empire size, resources, army size, skills etc)
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 11:50:05 PM
I think random events would be pretty cool, as long as we get some options on how we get to handle them. Stuff that happens that can completely screw us over, which we can do nothing about, is more of an annoyance than a feature.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 11:19:46 PM
Even if they are included with an on/off switch I'd really prefer if there was an option to turn off some of the more non-sensical ones. Galactic Civilizations jumps immediately to mind with the variety (and sometime silliness) of random events. In concept, they're great, but I'd love a portion of the options menu to have a set of toggles for random events in a "Serious", "Serious and Silly", or just "Silly".
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 5:18:05 PM
Sharidann wrote:
Nasty that one! OTOH, could be fun to watch whether players are really awake or not.

Yep that would be awesome.

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