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[Poll] Do you want random space events?

Depends on what events
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 1:08:40 PM
znork wrote:
You cant handel the truth

Ofcourse I can handle the truth. I wrote it! Unless its heated on hot charcoal.
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 1:05:25 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
That it might become canon. smiley: smile

You cant handel the truth
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 11:44:35 AM
Yes, yes and .... YES. Anything to increase replayability and add flavour to the games is more than welcome.

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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 10:48:06 AM
Pylon wrote:
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the random event. I think GalCiv2 did a good job with this one, but in the area of multiplayer, I agree with what the devs have stated in this thread. Limited and not particularly game-ending.

Exactly what I think about random events !
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 3:36:08 PM
I was just playing moo2 again and we hade all this random space events do we want this in this game?
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 8:39:07 AM
Sharidann wrote:
Alder.... what did you just snort? I WANT SOME!!! smiley: wink

... Call it divine inspiration under the influence of the Pretzel brain! smiley: smile

Slowhands wrote:
Please note that Galactic Officer Aldebranch's comment:

is NOT canon for Endless Space! :rolleyes:

Well, not for this game anyway...

YAY!!! Theres still hope that the truth will come out. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 8:27:21 AM
Please note that Galactic Officer Aldebranch's comment:

Alderbranch wrote:
...Bolivians will take control and everyone will become addicted to cocaine... with the current technology development nanotech will still be possible and with the japanese fetish for mechas there will be mecha-cocaine... more commonly known as dust... every time you breath you get some and hence a bill from the bolivians.... The iran/us-alliance then declares war and blow the planet up in order to get to heaven in order to save all the virgins in order to stop the evil depraved swedes from introducing them to wettshirt-contests and other depravity...

When the planet is blown up all the dust is spread all over the known universe and hence we got DUST all over the bloody place...

is NOT canon for Endless Space! :rolleyes:

Well, not for this game anyway...

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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 7:38:45 AM
znork wrote:
well it should be posibel to turn off especaly in multiplayer

To answer a quote with a quote

SpaceTroll wrote:
Our direction so far, is to have random events, that could be impacting either everyone in the same fashion or one single empire, but for something less drastic.

Regarding the random events affecting everyone, it is more about changing the game dynamics for a limited amount of time, rather than doing something that will drastically change the game in a way that no player's action can control.

Hopefully we can have events that will add a variety of challenge without destroying your enjoyment ("sorry it looks like your system disappeared in a super nova..." nooooooo... )

And most definitely we need to have an option to play with or without random events.

znork wrote:
dust are smal nonboats you dont sniff them.

Ofcourse not... The endless really just come from our current planet. Bolivians will take control and everyone will become addicted to cocaine... with the current technology development nanotech will still be possible and with the japanese fetish for mechas there will be mecha-cocaine... more commonly known as dust... every time you breath you get some and hence a bill from the bolivians.... The iran/us-alliance then declares war and blow the planet up in order to get to heaven in order to save all the virgins in order to stop the evil depraved swedes from introducing them to wettshirt-contests and other depravity...

When the planet is blown up all the dust is spread all over the known universe and hence we got DUST all over the bloody place.

True story!

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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 6:06:11 AM
well it should be posibel to turn off especaly in multiplayer

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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 1:20:24 AM
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the random event. I think GalCiv2 did a good job with this one, but in the area of multiplayer, I agree with what the devs have stated in this thread. Limited and not particularly game-ending.
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 9:25:13 PM
Random events would definitely be nice, but they need to be well thought out and integrated with the playing experience. I've done plenty of "Oh lawds, better go run this pointless fetch quest that has a timer on it" things, or "Well, I guess I'm doing this thing now, the game can wait". They should either be trivial enough to not interrupt game play, or have enough reward weight on them to make me want to do that random thing.

In my head, something akin to the feel of CIV4's random quests and random events are what I dig. Small stuff like a city(planet) getting some extra income from parrots or some crap, or loosing production due to clunker coal. Interesting and add flavor, but not ruining my day. Alternatively, quests that have some set long term goals and requirements, those have some serious benefits to being attended to.

Long story short, they add alot of depth and flavor to a play-though, and these days that's hard enough to come by. Either do it right, or leave it out.

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