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[Poll] Do you want random space events?

Depends on what events
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 7:01:14 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Or he sniffed all the dust depending on whom you ask...

Your fleet emerged from the warppoint into a meteor belt. The bad news is that your fleet has been destroyed. The good news is that so is the meteor belt...

rofl i coulden't say it better

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 6:46:05 PM
Or he sniffed all the dust depending on whom you ask...

Your fleet emerged from the warppoint into a meteor belt. The bad news is that your fleet has been destroyed. The good news is that so is the meteor belt...

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 6:40:27 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Almost a masochistic mode.

Yes and youre felat go lost to a random black holesmiley: biggrin Youre resersche just disaperedsmiley: biggrin

You ecomic minister ran away with all the dust

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 6:38:23 PM
Agreed, there has to some sort of really nasty and unforgiving mode in the game where everything seems to be against you. Almost a masochistic mode.
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 6:10:51 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:

Hopefully we can have events that will add a variety of challenge without destroying your enjoyment ("sorry it looks like your system disappeared in a super nova..." nooooooo... )

That sould be a posebilety. lifs crule rightsmiley: biggrin

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 5:48:15 PM
Our direction so far, is to have random events, that could be impacting either everyone in the same fashion or one single empire, but for something less drastic.

Regarding the random events affecting everyone, it is more about changing the game dynamics for a limited amount of time, rather than doing something that will drastically change the game in a way that no player's action can control.

Hopefully we can have events that will add a variety of challenge without destroying your enjoyment ("sorry it looks like your system disappeared in a super nova..." nooooooo... )

And most definitely we need to have an option to play with or without random events.
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 5:31:08 PM
Hell yes good and bad.I would also like to see possible mega events that could shift the whole game.Optional of course.

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 5:25:49 PM
I'd like to see random events too, but of course there should be an option to turn them on and off. Even betetr, a slider where you can select if you want a normal amount of events, no events, double events or anything in between.

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 8:22:08 PM
Sharidann wrote:
With your luck I foresee your home system being the battleground of both Shadows AND Vorlons. smiley: biggrin

I seem to recall something like that happening in a Sword of the Stars game, after that I turned the random events off :/

znork wrote:
dust are smal nonboats you dont sniff them.

I won't lie, until I read the background threads I figured dust was something your heroes ingested, like Dune's spice, to fuel their powers. ^_^

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 5:01:15 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
The Pretzel Brain ravaging your system...

Nasty that one! OTOH, could be fun to watch whether players are really awake or not.
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 5:00:27 PM
robziel wrote:
I'm for it but also being able to turn them off/on, as someone who routinely has horrible luck with RNG's I've had more than a few horrible events ruin a game shortly after starting it so being able to not get my empire wrecked in the first 30mins would be nice. Perhaps having two "tiers" of random events, one being more "standard" random events and the other being galactic potentially game changing events that require a great investment by the player(s) to overcome. The Shadows show up or suddenly Tyranids everywhere, the Antarans just figured out how to escape their prison, Galactis is hungry, that sort of thing

With your luck I foresee your home system being the battleground of both Shadows AND Vorlons. smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 4:54:38 PM
I'm for it but also being able to turn them off/on, as someone who routinely has horrible luck with RNG's I've had more than a few horrible events ruin a game shortly after starting it so being able to not get my empire wrecked in the first 30mins would be nice. Perhaps having two "tiers" of random events, one being more "standard" random events and the other being galactic potentially game changing events that require a great investment by the player(s) to overcome. The Shadows show up or suddenly Tyranids everywhere, the Antarans just figured out how to escape their prison, Galactis is hungry, that sort of thing

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 3:47:04 PM
Frankly, depends.

Some events in MOO 2 were quite nice and made sense.... but a system protected by a giant space ameboa bleh....

What would be nice would be - and it can be integrated in the storyline I think - pirate nests in independant systems... if you ignore them for too long, perhaps they spawn another player in your game....

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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 10:38:59 AM
Random Events some to be careful with, as they unbalance the game a lot. I think they should be put in 2 categories and each having to levels. A players should be able to choose which of those he wants in game while creating it.

1.) Galaxy Wide Events ( events affecting everyone in the game at the same time) This type of events would be less affecting the balance of the game but also less fun , making it more suitable for multi player games.

a)minor (sub space ripple , preventing any communication between players or slowing down speed of ships)

b)major (preventing the interstellar journey, collapsing of the 8th dimension - creating a change in physic laws - let say lessening gravity strength, in MOO2 it would for example change the High Gravity to Normal and so on)

2.) Local Events (events affecting planet/system or group of systems)

a)minor (finding a hidden cache of Dust, giving a one time bonus or small increase) (an increase in solar activity boost vegetation on all planets in the system giving a small bonus to food production in the system - might be time limited)

b)major (meteor crashes on the planet causing huge damage, space crystal attacks, an alien artifact is found giving access to new technologies, star beginning to collapse, planet core instability.) things that would have major positive or negative bonus to one player.

This would give everyone control over how random they games should be.
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 1:25:59 PM
znork wrote:
or a wommen

You dont heat things on women... they are usually upset by that kind of treatment

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