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[Discussion] Does Garden of Eden make sense on Asteroids?

Yes, certain anomalies don't make sense on every planet type.
No, just let it be randomized any way.
I don't care.
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 7:26:52 PM
Like I've said I prefer to keep it random - if we start to filter certain anomalies from certain planets it will add a layer of complexity I don't really think is needed.

As suggested in another thread, having to "explore" the planet to get an anomaly would be nice. Similar to how temples and moons work. You should partake in the discussion there smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 1:37:02 AM
although there is unlimited possibilities out there, there should be some minor limitation on our game though?
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 4:02:47 AM
GC13 wrote:
I do think that, to maintain the fiction of the world, something should be done to make sure nothing says asteroids have a perfect atmosphere.

Specifically though, I don't mind the ability of asteroids to have Garden of Eden. All it would need is a different description the game looks to if it's a different planet type. Maybe asteroids talk about some Endless technology that causes the asteroids to hold an atmosphere, while terrestrial planets that aren't tier one talk about pockets of terraforming already done on the world.

I aggree with this statement, i like the garden of eden, it just needs different flavor text. Also, one of the tech about terraforming tech upgrades talks about the 0 Kelvin temperature of space, 0 degrees Kelvin does not exist in nature. Look at this TVTropes page http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpaceIsCold
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 11:09:12 PM
The only combo I've come across that made me scratch my head were all on gas giants Molten Core, and Cracked Crust come to mind. Although if we are actually supported to be building on some kind of land in the gas giant I suppose those make some sense, and I wish I could change my vote. I just assumed the colonizing of a gas giant involved something like the cloud city thing from Star Wars skimming resources out of the atmosphere.
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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 8:24:04 AM
I could suppose there was once a planet with the said Garden of Eden and through some disaster that particular spot was lost to space in form of a asteroid. I doubt it would stay in a suitable condition for living, but you can use your imagination. Ice on volcanic planets doesn't make much sense though. Think they are molten even in the most polar regions so no ice would form. Soil on gas/asteroids makes no sense either, because those types of planets do not have any ground suitable for soil.

My opinion would be to do some filtering with the random anomalies, but you can keep Garden of Eden on asteroids atleast.
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 3:29:54 PM
I'm pretty ok with garden of eden asteroids. Ice-10 on a lava planet though, hmm.

"Ice X forms at about 70 gigapascals across all temperatures."

I'm sure it DOES have a melting point, but it was off the scale of the graph, and was unlisted, and given the curves of the melting point and boiling point as temperature and pressure rose, it's unlikely to have been very low.

Yeah, I'm ok with Ice 10 on a lava planet.
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13 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:00:08 AM
Out there in real space is a nebula with the constituent molecules that make up a regular toothpaste brand and thats just the tip of a huge galactic iceberg of discoveries we are encountering in our own universe!

So anything pretty much can go really, its Sci Fi after all, and sometimes the Fi in Sci has a hard time keeping up with SciNonFi these days! lolsmiley: sarcastic

Forgot to add I voted Yes because "Ye Cannae break the Laws of Physics Jim!...If it potentially breaks the Game!" smiley: stickouttongue Though not too sure how bad a totally randomised function for system diversity is with regards to game breaking, I bet there have been a ton of odd things showing up so far, maybe that just creates more spice to the game?
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13 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 1:42:26 PM
I get why some people will think the anomolies should be completely random, and I can to a certain extent agree. Foremost for the reason that there will be less anomalies for every planet if they are restricted.

But that said.. I want my games to make some kind of semi-sense so I think a minor restriction is a good idea.
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13 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 2:07:27 PM
I do think that, to maintain the fiction of the world, something should be done to make sure nothing says asteroids have a perfect atmosphere.

Specifically though, I don't mind the ability of asteroids to have Garden of Eden. All it would need is a different description the game looks to if it's a different planet type. Maybe asteroids talk about some Endless technology that causes the asteroids to hold an atmosphere, while terrestrial planets that aren't tier one talk about pockets of terraforming already done on the world.
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13 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:21:34 PM
You DARE question the power of God! smiley: sarcastic jk.

This specific anomaly does make sense on asteroids. In fact, it is a well established fact that this can happen. I believe there is an episode of ST:TOS that specifically states this fact.

Furthermore, I would put forth this conjecture: any anomaly, be it positive or negative, makes sense on all celestial bodies.

The fact that any one person cannot comprehend any given combination only means that that person is limits their perspective and creativity. As with all things sci-fi/fantasy, in fact all of everything, imagination is the limit of possibility, whereas reason is the foundation of the current reality.
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 12:37:39 AM
I think some types of anomalies shouldn't be on certain planet types (Poor soil on a gas giant?) the problem is a lot of them can be rationalized (Frozen lava planet is possible just look at the moon Io).
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 8:59:20 AM
Some people just love rocks man.

But yeah some of the anomalies end up on interesting planets. Could be a small feature to fix in the future
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 9:04:50 AM
If anomalies are going to be removed from certain planet types (Like "soil/ground" anoms on gas giants) I'd like to see some replacements specific to the those ones, so that the number of anomalies per planet isn't reduced smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 1:42:15 PM
I like this anomalies on unusual planet types. All was is needed is a litte bit of imagination.

Garden Eden on Astroids?

Ice-10 On Lava Planet?

Maybe some Diamond Pockets floating on the Lava with ICE-10 in it?

Poor/Good soil on a gas giant?

Some kind of drifting (flying) Island with soil on it?

Hostile fauna on an barren?

An planet coverd with slaver sunflowers? ( Larry Niven: "bred as defense for Thrint manors, they focus sunlight using silver leaves as parabolic reflectors". Or the gaint worms from Star Wars? (they're pretty hostile)

and so on - there is always an answer smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 9:53:24 AM
In my last ES game I had an Asteroid with anomaly "Garden of Eden" and asked myself, how this could possibly be. I then thought, if some anomalies maybe shouldn't appear on certain planet types. Ice-10 on Lava springs to my mind (although I haven't encountered this one). What do you say?
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 4:01:50 PM
Czeak wrote:
I like this anomalies on unusual planet types. All was is needed is a litte bit of imagination.

Hostile fauna on an barren?

An planet coverd with slaver sunflowers? ( Larry Niven: "bred as defense for Thrint manors, they focus sunlight using silver leaves as parabolic reflectors". Or the gaint worms from Star Wars? (they're pretty hostile)

I wish there were a high five emote here because AW YEAH NIVEN!

srsly though. While I agree that some anomalies actually contradict the planet they get attached to (like, most of them with gas giants...though since we're apparently landing guys on the core O_o...) I really don't want to lose the pure Trekky fun of a lava planet with Ice-10 or an asteroid belt with Friendly Locals, so I'm super hesitant to support this sort of suggestion.

EDIT: This even helps switch up the game a bit. When I colonize systems I usually look for whichever worlds have the highest happiness bonuses (and more than one pop slot so I can just colonize the rest of the system from there) and sometimes this means that the "best" world in a system is some lava hellworld because there are shiny antimatter gems and robot factories, so it also helps switch up my colonization priorities which is great.
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