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[Discussion] gameshoes's list of combat related ship specialization

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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 12:00:20 AM
gameshoes wrote:
My responses are in bold. I hope this lets you better visualize what I'm thinking of.

I suppose then!

Well the battles are played out, but still one type of craft! Unless you mean how use use them affecting their strengths and weaknesses?

Kinda, with their ability to close the distance and attack, range wouldn't be a problem.

That seems fair, as long as they don't just randomly explode when the carrier does, let them finish the phase then go inert.

What's wrong with kinetics! you give them no love!....But couldn't flak defenses cover this instead of your main guns?..as well as other strike-craft.

smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 11:52:07 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I do kinda like the idea of hangers decreasing in module size as you add more, it feel like it would penalize the light carrier over a single super carrier.

Exactly smiley: biggrin

A single type of strike craft would be a bit dull, i don't see why adding more complexity would hurt the game.

I know we all love micro-managing combat, but I don't think that's the focus of this game. Because the "Auto" button exists, the combat should be kept simple.

Missiles can cover the distance is about 3 rounds, why can't strike craft?

I should fix my first post after this. Using strikecraft is a trade-off. Very powerful fighters, but they have a delayed effect. Perhaps waiting until medium range is too long.

Strike craft commanders? that's very strange, and how would the game be able to tell the difference?

I mean the carrier that launches the fighters (it is the commanding ship of them afterall, right?)

A command module is a strange thing to add, why would the death of a single strike craft kill other strike craft?

Previous explanation should clear the confusion.

Instantly or when the phase is over?

Strikecraft are lost instantly if the commanding ship is lost and there is no other command module present. If a command module is present, all ships without a home are lost after the battle.

The range of a weapon wouldn't matter, only the accuracy.

I was more-or-less hoping that those extra functions would be added to Kinetic weaponry to counter strikecraft.

And how would a large anti-ship weapon that even struggles to hit other ships take down strike-craft without massive friendly fire?

Previously explanation.

My responses are in bold. I hope this lets you better visualize what I'm thinking of.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 11:41:19 PM
gameshoes wrote:


This is one that's been discussed before but I really think people are trying to make strikecraft management too complex.

To put strikecraft on your fleet, just put a fighter bay module on your ship. Also I believe that the first fighter bay should take up a lot of room and then the size decreases as you put more in down to a cap. For example we could use 25/22/19/16/16/... This will give some incentive to make specialized ships.

As for the combat, here's how I see it should be:

  • One type of strikecraft. There's no need to add an extra layer of complexity with fighters/bombers and with what and how they counter something.
  • The strikecraft are launched during the long ranged phase and reach the enemy fleet by medium range phase.
  • If the commanding ship of the strikecraft is destroyed, then the strikecraft are forfeit (you lose them instantly) unless if the following condition is met.
  • If you have a 'Command Module' on a ship, that will keep the fighters of other ships that have been destroyed in combat until the battle is over. This module will take up a lot of space on your ship.
  • If all ships containing fighter bays on all ships containing Command modules are destroyed, then all strikecraft are lost.
  • Strikecraft are most vulnerable to kinetic weaponry due to them being in melee range.
  • All kinetic weaponry will attack strikecraft, there's no need for an extra defense module.

I do kinda like the idea of hangers decreasing in module size as you add more, it feel like it would penalize the light carrier over a single super carrier.

A single type of strike craft would be a bit dull, i don't see why adding more complexity would hurt the game.

Missiles can cover the distance is about 3 rounds, why can't strike craft?

Strike craft commanders? that's very strange, and how would the game be able to tell the difference?

A command module is a strange thing to add, why would the death of a single strike craft kill other strike craft?

Instantly or when the phase is over?

The range of a weapon wouldn't matter, only the accuracy.

And how would a large anti-ship weapon that even struggles to hit other ships take down strike-craft without massive friendly fire?
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