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[Discussion] It doesn't make sense that you can hire heroes from other races

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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 12:40:53 AM
I, too, am totally ok with off-species heroes. it's good for variety and Heroes are unbound individuals, driven by their own cause and the government which will support them.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 1:17:30 AM
They're more mercenaries than heroes, but calling them heroes sounds better I guess.

Personally I wouldn't mind if there were more classifications of heroes, IE: "heroes" would only be hirable by their race while "mercenaries" can be bought by anyone and other subclasses and whatnot.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 1:29:51 AM
I kinda see the hero's as being like the Greek gods, good but flawed (Which is why they left whoever they used to work for)

Yes the Craver can hire that human pilot, but that's because he eats the hears of his enemy.....kinda like most cravers.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 8:43:17 AM
Thank you guys for keeping my suggestion alive! i like to play the game as the Empire and want to conquer the galaxy and claim it in the name of the humans and purge the xenos filth from the stars, but i feel stupid doing that when i have craver heros(UE has no admin heros??!??!)..but thats how i play...i say keep up this post untill the all-powerful and majestic devs make note that they will implement this suggestion
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 10:14:08 PM
I would also like only faction specific heroes, for some empires anyway. The Hissho in particular with their Death Before Dishonor trait. It's really a very small thing. It's still enough to suddenly snap me out of the immersion when I realize my Amoeba hero will quit in a huff if I tell him to run from a fight he can't win. Or when I go to pick a hero for my Carver empire and all that is available is meat. I'm sure my fleet will appreciate the emergency rations I'm providing by hiring that pretty Horatio hero, but I'm not sure they would follow him into combat.

Requiring a specific tech to hire non faction specific hero's would be acceptable, but it would have to just be tacked onto another preexisting research node. After all, the only difference between the heroes is cosmetic so it wouldn't be a very appealing use of research time. It would also increase the potential hero pool. Making you less likely to get that Pilot, Commander hero you want. So on top of just being tacked on, it could actually be a negative tech.

I think the best option that would require the least resources from Amplitude would be having your first 3 heroes all come from your faction, and all additional heroes be drawn randomly from the pool of heroes as they are now. That way a good portion of your heroes will be from your race, but Amplitude won't be required to churn out the 10 or more heroes each empire would need.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 11:53:11 PM
It makes sense. Every faction will have defectors. Every nation gets big enough that it wrongly steps on a person. Said person might be very happy to go to work for another nation
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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 1:06:43 AM
I would like it if the first 3 heroes would came from my faction.

Other faction heroes could be added after a contact was made.

But to me it feels wrong, when I can not get at least one hero of my faction in the first 3 turns.

Best wishes

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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 10:04:11 AM
You should only be able to recruit heros that makes sesne to be recruitable for your faction. Basicly each hero would have a lsit of factions it will work for.

A famous EU general would fight for EU.

A EU traitor would not.

Basicly a heroes history and race would determine who can recruit him and who can't.
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 6:22:48 PM
TrashMan wrote:
You should only be able to recruit heros that makes sesne to be recruitable for your faction. Basicly each hero would have a lsit of factions it will work for.

A famous EU general would fight for EU.

A EU traitor would not.

Basicly a heroes history and race would determine who can recruit him and who can't.

That´s a interesting idea you have there
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13 years ago
Jul 1, 2012, 10:27:50 PM
Zach wrote:
OK how about this.

1. To start with you can't recruit heroes of another race until you research some technology, (I am not sure which one, I think there is some sort of "Xeno Diplomacy" tech that mentions heroes)

2. You cannot recruit heroes of a race that you haven't met yet. And having better relations to an empire of a particular race will increase the odds of having a hero of that race come up for recruitment.

I like number 2 especially. Sometimes I'll be able to recruit Hisshio Heroes despite the fact that I didn't even put them in my game.
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13 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 12:33:57 AM
SO DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THE DEVS ARE TAKING THIS INTO ACCOUNT? i really wanna have human heroes when i play as UE so i can wipe the galaxy clear of xenos.... ave imperator!!!!
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13 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 7:34:33 PM
It's especially stupid when Cravers can hire other races, since the cravers are supposed to eat everything.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 6:09:10 PM
I agree. I think that the first 3 heroes should be from your race, you haven't expanded into the stars to meet anyone else yet. Even then I'm not sure you should get heroes from the other races. Why as the UE should I have a Horatio governing my homeworld, or a Hissho leading my most advanced fleet. It really makes no sense for the Cravers, Sowers and Horatio to have heroes from the other races at all.

It might not be a big deal to some as it doesn't really matter who the hero is as long as the stat boost is there, but it really bugs me. I find myself restarting a map dozens of times in the hopes that I can get 2 heroes from my race.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 8:54:25 PM
This aspect of the game is cosmetic and I feel other things need more attention than smoothing this cosmetic one out.

In the spirit of the question however - the heroes seem to be templates that have a fixed avatar with them. Perhaps it would be easier to keep the templates and then afix the appropriate racial avatar to them.

Then for those wanting diversity when you encounter another race then at next hero availability it could be an included race as mentioned in an earlier post.

For me this aspect, like the graphics are cosmetic to the game itself. Nice to have though.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 10:41:19 PM
hardcore_gamer wrote:
I was under the impression that each race would have its own heroes that it could recruit, and not that every faction could hire every hero. It just doesn't feel realistic or logical to me that every faction can recruit every hero.

I mean why should a hero join a faction that is at war with its own race for example? And why would a warlike race like the Cravers want humans in control of its armies and planets?

It feels immersion braking for me.

I suggest that each faction can only hire heroes from its own race.


I don't see any problems in hired heroes from other races. There may be reasons why someone left his race (actually mostly the same reasons for immigrating/fighting for another country), e.g. political escape, money, different point of view, even more money and so on smiley: wink

You may question the logic, why you are able to hire heroes from races you don't even know (at the beginning of a new game) - but there's a logical flaw due to game mechanics. Races know each others on background terms, but don't know each others on gameplay terms. You have to compromise sometimes...
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 10:46:19 PM
I would imagine a human hero walking up to a Craver and snapping its neck with one twist of his dust powered arm, showing the warlord that he is very valuable being alive and could potentially kill them all if he wanted, leaving the warlord to smile and declare that the human is Craver! (till he can figure out how to make dust powered super soldier)
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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 10:52:26 PM
i agree that having random heroes is rather immersion breaking, id like it if it was set up so that you got the first three heros as your race each encompassing the 5 different types and then after that a random assortment of other factions heros.
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 12:45:15 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
[...]the human is Craver!

Well, that's a ugly human then... explains why he left humanity (or had to) smiley: biggrin

But sure, why not? I'd guess Cravers are first choice for humans looking to go on rampage. First contact may be a bit harsh... but that's nothing a smile can solve, right? smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 1:51:43 AM
Heaven forbid a Japanese man worked for an American man during WWII. Oh wait, the US government agreed with you.

In all seriousness though, I'm not sure I understand why a hero from an opposing faction couldn't work for another one. For all we know there is already much racial mixing amongst the different alien species just as there were many Japanese living in America during WWII. Perhaps these heroes of other races actually feel a stronger connection to a different race than their own having lived away from their native race for most of their lives (amongst many other possible explanations). I don't see it as immersion breaking at all.

The only way this could break immersion is if you play the game with the mindset that all the teams in the game fledgling races who have just discovered space-travel and are branching out from their homeworlds. In that case I would support the 'initial 3 heroes must be from your race' idea. For me, however, I've always thought of the game as a colonization of a new galaxy. All of these races have their home-galaxies elsewhere. The reason for this assumption is due to the fact that I often play with many teams set on random. In this case I often get a few repeats of the same race... This clearly means that at some point prior to the start of the game these factions have traveled around the galaxy in some fashion and therefore it is not unlikely that these races have some knowledge of each other.
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 2:28:25 AM
Szei wrote:
The only way this could break immersion is if you play the game with the mindset that all the teams in the game fledgling races who have just discovered space-travel and are branching out from their homeworlds.

As i mentioned before relating to the game's background story the various races were already in contact, e.g. pilgrims and horatio are splinter groups of the united empire and the pilgrims also were in contact with sophons who supported them. Consequently having alien heroes at the beginning of a new game can't break immersion - the races do know each other, but only due to gameplay reasons they de facto don't have contact.
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